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They went on endlessly about Benghazi. No amount of investigations will shut them up until they get bored and latch on to a new topic to beat to death. Same thing with the long form birth certificate from Obama. Finally producing it only brought claims of forgery and more conspiracy theories. The thoroughness of the investigation is irrelevant when the doubters aren't seeking the truth to begin with.

I am surprised roughly a quarter of the protesting communities have stayed dark. That's way more than I expected out of a two day protest. It's no mass resignation, but it is more effective than most of the follow up protests.

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I hope we get the ability to block instances on the user level, too, like we can on Mastodon. I tried looking for a way when blew up because I had a feeling it was going to attract a lot of impolite trolls just for the fact that they would have profanity in their domain name. It comes across as a bit antisocial to me.

I'm sure some people picked it because they thought it was silly word play rather than offensive, but it's not like there's an easy way to parse out the easily amused people from the ones who are out to push boundaries.

Breaks are good, I hope you find peace and refreshment off site. I enjoy reading your posts so I hope at some point you are able to return, but I also can understand if it turns out to be too overwhelming in the end. Thanks for all the work you have done.

I've usually just walked into a local pharmacy and asked if they have the booster. My local pharmacy just has a standard paper form for all vaccination (flu, shingles, covid, etc) walk ins, there is no website or arbitration clause or even specific covid form. You might want to try a different pharmacy if that has been your experience.

I just hope they don't cost an exorbitant price now that the national health emergency has ended here. It was really nice being able to get them for free because I am poor.

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I have a new internet connection that is vastly better than my old one. I live in a rural area that was still on dial up until 2012, then got DSL. It was archaic, to say the least. Mostly it was more reliable to use my phone's LTE hotspot than to use the house internet. Starlink had a waiting list when I looked into them (not that I really wanted to give Elon any money), a local internet provider required us to install an 80 foot tower to get line of sight to them, and so far up until now all the cell phone companies that offer home internet plans have always had "not available in your area" when I put in my address.

On a whim, I checked one of our cell phone providers' websites last week because they recently installed a new tower nearby and 5G home internet was finally available! The speed varies wildly, sometimes it is 20 Mbps and others it's 100 Mbps, but the DSL varied from less than 1 Mbps up to 4 Mbps download speed. We can download games in minutes instead of hours now, it's so exciting. It also costs $50 per month instead of $160, the old internet was a total rip off!

Wouldn't cumulative user-seconds of screen time per day be plummeting if you can only see 500 tweets per day or whatever that limit was that he rolled out? I'd be doubting any company's claims of record high viewership at a time when most of their users were reportedly being locked out of the site due to a new policy, even if their metric didn't have such an oddly specific name.

I live in a rural area and gave up Amazon shortly before the pandemic. I switched to ordering items directly from the manufacturers' websites. Giving up Amazon doesn't mean giving up the rest of the internet, though admittedly some manufacturers link you right back to Amazon instead of running their own separate storefront, so I have to look for another.

It will certainly be interesting to see how they handle Trump. I read that Georgia doesn't have governor pardons equivalent to the presidential pardon at the federal level, it has a pardon review board and you have to complete your sentence and then be crime-free for the following five years to even apply.

On its surface, this case seems like it is the hardest for Trump to get out of.

Perhaps lousy might be a suitable replacement?

Microsoft lost an antitrust lawsuit a long time ago regarding making internet explorer a required part of Windows, so they had to allow other browsers in Windows for competition's sake, but they didn't get broken up. That might be what you are thinking of. I can't think of anything Intel related though.

I can't stand ads, but ad blocking is easy enough. I decided to leave because Reddit is only leaving me with terrible interfaces to use. The official app is painfully slow and bloated. I browse reddit to pass time on my phone, I'm not about to lug out my whole laptop or move over to a desktop to keep using the site with old Reddit + RES. All the terrible CEO comments since the announcement just make it easier because the tiny, niche non-Nazi alternatives are suddenly large and bustling platforms.

I'm from Texas and "yeehaw" is a southern slang celebratory exclamation, so it's something people from outside the area kind of expect they might hear out here. It's maybe a bit rural and unsophisticated so you don't really hear it in casual conversation except rarely to be silly, but you see it enough in old movies depicting cowboys that most Americans are likely familiar with the word even though it's not regularly used.

When I heard about this server called beehaw, I thought it was just nonsense syllables. Then I saw the bee in the logo without really noticing the details and thought someone added a nonsense suffix to the word "bee". It wasn't until someone suggested members should be called the yeehive (which looks like hive with a nonsense prefix) and another commenter said they finally understand the server name that I took a closer look and noticed the cowboy hat and realized the name was from combining bee with yeehaw. Bees aren't really associated with cowboys, so it's not very obvious if you aren't looking for it. It's a pretty absurd amalgamation but the drawing of the bee in cowboy gear is adorable.

I am cis, but my given name was very aged for my generation and grandmotherly which made me self-conscious as a kid.

When I decided to ditch my name, first I tried using my middle name, but that starts with a different letter and it turns out my brain tunes that out entirely if someone that I wasn't already listening to calls it out. I had to already be engaged in conversation with someone to respond to it, which doesn't work great if someone across the room calls out your name to try to show you something cool. My parents never did the full name scolding so I literally almost never have heard my middle name spoken aloud. My dad even thought I had my deceased sister's middle name the last time I can remember middle names coming up in discussion.

I gave up on the name change for a couple of years, but in high school I decided to give something else a shot. I started using my first initial, but spelled phonetically, for example: K spelled as Kay or L as Elle. That was the solution I needed. If someone shouts it from across the room, my brain alerts just like with my full first name. It's simple, but it works. I've stuck with it for 23 years now.

I highly recommend picking something that has a starting sound similar to your current name so your subconscious brain will still pick up on it, otherwise your friends and family will be shouting your new name over and over to get your attention while you are completely oblivious. My kid is trans and I am going through this now from the opposite end of calling the new name out repeatedly with no response because he also picked a name with no similarity to his given name.

It makes things better for users who want a well moderated space. These sites are public, so it's not like you can't log out to view what's going on in a community if you still want to follow it. It'll probably end up being similar to how redditors interact with tweets, if someone sees something interesting they probably will screenshot/copy it and pop it into a community they do have an account with to continue the discussion there.

I don't see a thumbnail at all on my Lemmy server.

Reddit will open them back up with new moderators if they were pretty active, there is already precedent from when the kotakuinaction creator intentionally closed that subreddit several years ago. It may take a little more time if a lot of subreddits decide to stay closed, but it'll happen sooner or later.

Russia has a reputation for suspicious deaths by defenestration.


Wow, the half off student price ten years ago was $50/year in the US. You get it incredibly cheap!

I do love that you have a go-to artist you support here who has been doing great work on our site icons, but this one is a bit disappointing for me.

This logo looks a lot more aggressive, like it's staring me down in anger and about to draw its pistols for a duel. There is no distinct head section, so the eyes look like predator-deterring fake eyes on its back. The eyes also look pointy and menacing in the tiny size it appears at the top of the page in my mobile browser. My brain interprets a sharp point reaching up from the apex of each eye to the hat due to the small gap between hat and eye. I see they are actually rounded off in the large version, but they don't look round in tiny form which I am chalking up to an optical illusion at the working size. I also don't like the lack of segmentation in the body.

The top of a cowboy hat is often a little bit narrower than where the crown meets the brim, the taper and dip make it easier to grasp the stiff top of it to take it off and put it on with one hand instead of having to grab it awkwardly by the wide brim. The really wide split at the top means that bee needs some giant hands to grab its hat. I also don't understand the purpose of the extra bulk on the rim.

The thin connection point of the wings and lack of any filler color makes it look like an atom symbol floating behind the bee instead of a part of its body.

The old logo did look more like a wasp and the face was a weirdly fleshy color, but mainly it just needed a rounder bottom to soften it up. The wings were clearly wings, the head was clearly a head, and the hat didn't sort of look like a crown.

I hope there will be more iteration on this logo and look forward to seeing what comes up next. Someone shared a version with a very mustache looking stripe on it and I loved that little detail.

I had just been to Sonic that week and their best drinks are their limeades. I hate coming up with names for anything, so I went with something simple.

Now you are supposed to sacrifice your sleep for Amazon? No thanks!

I liked your interpretation. It's a better name for the free speech absolutists

One of my earliest memories is spontaneously picking up the phone to call a friend, hearing a bunch of modem screeching, then hearing my boomer dad cursing up a storm in the other room because I had probably just killed his Doom session. Some of the boomers were Dooming just fine! The younger boomers were only in their early 30s when it came out, it's not like they were too old to adopt new tech at the time.

I used RiF. Tried a few other apps over the years, but nothing beat the clean, uncluttered UI.

Do they even have a consumer version? I've seen them linked before but their whole site looks like they only want Enterprise users. The lowest pricing plan is "Business - $5/month/user". I'm not an organization and while that's not extremely expensive as an individual, it adds up if I'm paying separately for everyone in my family to join. My "senior executive discussions" consist of polling the family about what we want for dinner next week and what other groceries we need, not how we can achieve nationwide scalability for our household.

If they have offerings for individuals outside of business, they really need to point people to it and have a better landing page for them.

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I like Levar Burton Reads. His voice is so soothing. You can pick a story with a topic you are less interested in for nighttime listening since there are plenty to choose from.

Well, on the plus side, one of the admins of (not the one at the center of this art drama) has been very public about his belief that there need to be lobby servers that do federate with Threads to help provide a path for Threads users to escape the Facebook ecosystem and transition over to the fediverse. He thinks some Threads users will find other servers more appealing in the end. He picked up a second domain,, to eventually set up as a separate fedipact option, but that hasn't even been upgraded from Calckey to Firefish yet so I don't know how seriously they take it.

You won't have access to from, but you can access the threads-welcoming side of the fediverse.

Honestly, I was hoping to find a fedipact firefish server that doesn't have meta in the name (why would I want to advertise for them in my server name?), but the information on which servers are in the fedipact is so poorly organized that I gave up on that entirely for now.

My first inbox message on Reddit came after I made a supportive comment in response to a post on an abuse survivors subreddit and that message was so vile that I spent the whole 12 years not opening my inbox/replies page except maybe 3 or 4 times. I read posts in communities I liked and essentially shouted my comments out into the void, then ducked out to read the next comment/post.

Reddit had some great communities, but it also had lots of horrible communities that attracted all kinds of awful people to the site who goaded each other on. Subreddits were only ever as good as their individual moderation and policies since the site as a whole preferred promoting free speech over civility. I appreciate that my Lemmy server has a serious anti hate stance and a policy to defederate from servers that allow hate to flourish. I've been cautiously keeping up with my notifications here and actually reading my replies. I know trolls can still find ways to slip through the cracks sometimes, but it's nice to know they aren't actively courted and supported over here.

I love cool colors, too, but I don't like greens as much, they have to be blueish green or bright lime green, not the more brownish muted greens. I like fuchsia. I used to avoid that one because it's so over-the-top vibrant, but I have been embracing it lately. I like it paired with teal.

It really was. I miss inbox.

Blizzard also has Overwatch, StarCraft, Heroes of the Storm, and Hearthstone.

I don't really know the Activision side. I was a big Blizzard fan before learning about the Cosby room and their treatment of women in the workplace.

When I first got here, was interacting with Lemmy just fine. They turned on cloudflare DDoS protection and it broke their federation is my understanding. is a different kbin server that should be federating like normal. Try checking out !

Both sound revolting to me, but I also have a strong aversion to mixing sweet and savory flavors in general. Cheddar is my favorite cheese and I like apple pie, but I do not want them together.

Maybe I remembered the wrong kind of cheese, but his family did like American cheese a lot.

I listen to things in my car a lot where the only forward button on that interface is a skip to the next episode button. I'd have to pull out my phone and open the app on my phone to find the skip forward 15s button.

My boyfriend's dad liked putting American cheese on top of apple pie for some reason and this sounds like someone heard of that and decided they wanted the apple on top of their cheese instead.

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You don't really need special tools to get through a window, just a solid rock.

That's really cool that you've got a due date subreddit. I was on a pregnancy/parenting forum ages ago and it was really nice to have a group of women to chat with who were going through the same thing. So much of pregnancy just isn't taught in schools and I was the first in my offline friend group to get pregnant, so I had nobody else to turn to with "is this normal" questions. My kid just graduated high school, so this was before Reddit was around.

For a community like that, I'd probably be willing to suffer through Reddit's bad changes for a bit longer.

This style of embroidery/reinforcement is called sashiko.

I live in the Piney Woods region of East Texas. It's wetter than what most people imagine when they think of Texas and has beautiful, towering pine trees and the rivers have knobby kneed bald cypress trees. Unfortunately, all that moisture out here comes with a lot of mosquitos, too. We still have Texas heat and humid heat is pretty miserable, sometimes I wish I lived in a desert instead but I would miss all the greenery.

I used to live in Hesse when I was very young, I started kindergarten there. Unfortunately, I barely know any German. I might have to look up those comedians for more listening practice!

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