1 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is a great time to also be introduced to the patient gamer movement lol

Most games that have come out recently have had their fair share of issues. I like to skip all of those games and instead play older titles that have already been patched, have a definitive edition, and are much cheaper

I can't remember the last game that I bought on release and tbh it has saved me a lot of time and money. Usually when I start seeing video essays about a game is when I start thinking about getting it lol

It all comes down to personal preference though. I don't mind missing out on initial hype even if it can be exciting to experience the community discovering new things all at once. Sometimes bashing on the developers/publishers as a community can be just as fun lmao

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I don't have an exact answer, but there are a lot of games that you need the wiki up on your second monitor for. Their tutorials teach you the basic controls, but nothing about what you're supposed to do or anything like that.

I feel it's kinda lazy on the developer's side and leave it to the community to do their job. You see a 5-10 min video on youtube explaining everything, yet the developer couldn't do that?

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Same. Those comments are coming from a place of privilege.

A lot of people in a first world country can't afford splurges like that anymore. In third world countries it's even worse. Because of import fees, scarcity, and price gauging, a $60 SSD can easily become $100+. In some countries that's over half of the average monthly income

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I hope things get better for you!

My week is starting off alright tbh. Been having bad neck pains. Work feels stale, home feels stale, gym feels stale, personal life feels stale.

I recently stopped talking to one of my best friends and after that, our group disbanded. Luckily I have a girlfriend and she keeps me sane, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss going out and getting drunk as a group of like 6 of us lol

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It honestly seems like some sort of virus going around. It has affected people I know, strangers I see on the street, CEOs, celebrities, comedians, etc.

People have just lost their common sense and are more likely to believe the impossible than the improbably. More likely to act out of spite than the interests of society as a whole, or even their own self interest.

Not sure if it was COVID, the internet, media, or idk what else, but people like Elon are popping up left and right. It's crazy and I don't even have the words to describe it.

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Neon White: A parkour FPS puzzle game where you cards are your weapons

Rollerdrome: Best way I've heard is described is: Doom x Tony Hawk

Yes please!

Also warming up your body with a short 5-10 minute walk might help as well. I do this before working out to loosen up my muscles and it really does help.

Personally, stretching, small amount of cardio, and hydration on three long life habits I never want lose

I get what you're saying but there are ways to implement it in the gameplay with prompts, descriptions and dialogue.

I love a lot of the games I'm criticizing, but sometimes they go too far. I'll pick up the fart machine 3000 and the description will just say "Butt Fart Pfffft Toot Toot" and I'm just kinda left like wtf and i have to close the game and go into the wiki to see what the hell i just picked up and if its worth the inventory space

Been doing alright.

Feel burnt out and tired. Worst part is that when I have to sleep, I'm never tired so I end up sleeping about 5 hours. I sometimes take edibles to fall asleep, but it became a bad habit and a couple weeks ago I ran out and I was feeling some sort of dread so I stopped taking them. It has definitely affected the amount of time I sleep, but at least I don't feel groggy in the morning anymore.

I'm planning a trip with my girlfriend for our one year anniversary. We are probably going to a small cabin at a nearby lake. I'm really looking forward to spending time with her. Whiskey, good food, and my girlfriend sounds really nice, but for now we work.

I've never used Sync before, but something worth noting is that it isn't open source, and there are ads and in app purchases according to the google store page

I don't think Nintendo has really cared much about graphics since the gamecube era. They realized that people buy their consoles for the games not the graphics

I doubt they would make the console significantly more expensive by adding a GPU that most people wouldn't really care much about

I'm so sorry you all had to go through that. I hope you and your wife are doing well.

I had to stop talking to him because he SA'd two (maybe three) of my female friends and he attempted to do the same to my girlfriend. It was on my birthday and I invited all of my friends to drink, play board games, and just chill out.

I feel bad that such a bad thing happened to my friends at my party, and I regret not noticing he was like that earlier. Looking back, he had some red flags but I didn't know he was capable of something like that. Maybe I was just being naive.

Ultimately, I think it was for the best, but it still blows when your supposed support system fails you.

I really agree with that. Thank you for your response

I really wish it was ported to PC. It looks like a lot of fun

Noob question

Whenever I search for 1337x or any other site someone recommends, how do I know which one is reliable? Because if I search in Google, DuckDuckGo, or any other search engine, I get results with domains ending in .is .to. .tw .skin .net etc.

Are they all just different proxies to the same thing or is there a list of reliable links?

To me, having an SD card with DRM free games is even better than physical copies for switch and such. I've bought switch games before that aren't actually on the cartridge and you have to download a bunch of stuff to get it running.

Not only that, but files can easily be transferred and copied wherever you'd like.

Idk if that's an issue on ps5 and xbox

Good luck to your girlfriend on finding a new job! Toxic workplaces are so damaging to the mental health.

My girlfriend is currently going through a similar thing

I think that in an already niche market, it is hard for the average consumer to even further differentiate them into their own niches.

Plus, they're in the same market. I can't see someone owning both because they have completely different use cases. If you buy one of them you basically already can do most of what the other one can.

It's kinda like comparing a Honda Civic to a Ferrari. Yeah they are different, but they are still cars and have a lot in common.

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I wasn't aware of this! Thanks for putting this on my radar

Seriously one of my favorite games of all time. It really reminded me of my childhood and how big a small place felt. The map is relatively small, but it didn't feel that way while playing it

This isn't necessarily a meal, but I always cheat with chips. It's just something about the crunch that is so addicting to me. There are also chips that have way more flavor than any other snack. Doritos Flamas and Tostitos Flaming Hot are my favorites

I'm kinda a mix between the two. I take pretty good care of myself. I have a good diet, work out 3-4 times a week, use lotions, sunscreen, take care of my hair, etc. I want to live to be 100+ because I want to see how society will progress, but I also want to feel good while doing it.

I'm not necessarily "preserving" myself for vanity, but more for my well being. Plus, I'm a guy and don't get compliments often, so when someone tells me that my skin looks nice or that I have nice hair, gives me a little boost for the day lol. Maybe there is a little vanity involved and I'm ok with that.

However, I don't mind aging. I still feel like a 16-18 year old inside so seeing myself age makes me feel like a "real adult" in a way

that sounds hilarious lmaoo

I mean Nintendo has been pretty good with backwards compatibility so I'm hopeful they will do that again. That will be the only thing that could push me towards buying a new nintendo console atm. I would sell my switch lite to add to my new switch fund lol

If not, I will just stick to my Steam Deck and PC

Been feeling the same way now. School and work are so exhausting yet there is so much more that I want to do...

Makes me feel lazy that I can't even get some basic work done without dreading it.

Not a bad idea considering that both can be docked for a more traditional console experience.

I use my steam deck the most for gaming nowadays. Plus, the steam deck is basically a console as long as you stay on steam. I have added heroic launcher for games from GOG and even that is really simple

I've been mostly playing Risk of Rain 2, but over the weekend I finally beat it after about 30 hours lol. I honestly didn't even try to beat it, I was just having fun killing a bunch of things. I think it's one of the only games where I don't feel bad losing a 1hr+ run

After finishing this game, I think I might have the confidence to go back and try to finish Enter the Gungeon. This time I might just look up a guide on how to finish it since I've been strictly trying to beat games without outside influence in recent years and I have no idea about anything outside of what I have discovered in the 15+ hours of gameplay I have so far

Thank you!

Any gaming feeds that you all recommend?

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Not sure why it became trendy, but ox tail pho is some of the best food i've ever tried

How did you get into growing? I've always been interested but I don't know where to start

couch co-op. i don't think it has online co-op

are you going to buy starfield at launch?

I really like the hunter call of the wild. it's not perfect visually, but there have been moments when i just stop to look around and not even care about hunting

Reading or playing anything interesting?

I'll try this out today. Thank you for sharing

If you have an iPad, you can use the app Duet. I used it for college back when I only had a laptop and and iPad and it worked surprisingly well.

There's some lag and you'll need to install some software on the PC as well, but it's pretty lightweight if I remember correctly

Added. Thank you!

Good luck on the trip!

If you don't mind me asking, what places are you going to?

In CSGO I constantly switching guns andbinspecting my weapons. The animations and sounds are really satisfying to me

In Minecraft flying around in the Elytra feels really nice. I wish there was some sort of time trials minigame for the Elytras

Lol i like that they come with games bc its easier, but i feel like once the big companies catch on, that will be the downfall of the industry