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Thinking everything is gray is also an uneducated response to this kind of thinking. Too many people refuse to stand up for a point because they think that 'all sides are bad' or 'well the good side isn't perfect'.

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My friend is no longer using reddit because his front page is mostly porn now (and the default app sucks at hiding it). So I got him to switch to lemmy :)

But if anything, this is an even better protest. Much more effective and hard to deal with

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This is capitalism at its finest. I do not have time to care about the people who made this. I do not want to care about them. I am too overworked to have time to find another hobby. I just want to escape by any means necessary with others before I must return to the grind. I understand this feeling completely and don't fault you.

Luckily for us Americans, the Europeans have their head on straight and can force companies to fix this by the end of the decade. So that'll be nice at least

Okay let's not kid ourselves. I know reddit is quiet right now but the entire website is angry at them. Their inbox is likely full of death threats. People are searching for their employee information.

I get that it's fun to hate on spez and all but people have hunted employees down for less before. So yeah, while this is a justified protest and I dislike spez, we should all want to keep reddit employees safe right now. Most of them aren't the problem.

Well most of the comments here don't have an insight into this. The reason they don't re-release video games or old movies is because they don't want you enjoying old things. It's capitalism, but it's not arbitrary like the scarcity. Because it's not just video games, no company wants to re-release anything. Not a tractor, not a movie, not a dishwasher, nothing.

Why? Because then you don't buy the new thing with higher margins. Then you don't watch the new movie and they can't sell the new ads with the new character designs promoting it. Or you don't get locked in to their new cartridge system. Or subscription plan. Whatever. The song is different, the story is the same, new stuff make line go up faster. With tons of waste involved as well.

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I feel that. This platform doesn't feel like it will necessarily be one to make it big. Or be mainstream. Or get all of reddit to move over.

I think what the platform does feel like is something I'll remember fondly. When I think of my time on reddit, I mostly just think of arguments, power hungry mods, and spam. This feels like a community and I wouldn't be happy to lose it to growth.

I think that this can easily be mitigated by the addition of transferable user profiles. Because the easier it is to hop off of a server and move to another, the better. You lose those communities in the event of a split, but then you desire new ones on your new instance and go join them. It would heal the UX much faster.

Like other users, I expect this will largely become a rarer and rarer occurrence as moderation levels out. We're very early in the game still.

One thing I haven't seen talked about is the benefit of this defederation. When beehaw defederated, what happened immediately? A lot of noise was made. The mods got in contact and opened dialog. Communities desired federation. While that's interpreted as entitlement, I think it's possible beneficial to keep the number of defederation events low and only done when necessary.

I think it's good to note that while some of this is a failure to develop critical thinking, failure to entertain hypotheticals is OFTEN a trait for people with differing cognition. So don't assume they're poorly educated just from this, take it as a sign that the person thinks differently.

I've met and am friends with people who struggle with hypotheticals and education isn't the problem, just how their brain works.

I think a good portion will do both frankly. Half will go elsewhere or reduce usage. Half will stay like nothing happened.

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Oh yeah I tried it. And it even worked better than jerboa in some ways until jerboa had some updates. It still has some features that jerboa doesn't have, like opening links to other instances within your own instance (that's a huge problem right now for me). So yeah the webpage version is still competitive with this app but probably not for too long.

Or lowest age to work without parental consent. Otherwise 16 year olds can't vote for who gets to tax them.

Hiya, older GenZ here. The pop culture references mostly go over my head but the show is packed full of witty humor that is still enjoyable. I don't think anyone should be worried for futurama being adopted by younger people, especially in STEM fields.

No no, don't feel bad about hitting that 0% button. I feel like this is a PSA but in the USA if you tip a minimum wage (untipped) employee, THEY WILL NOT GET YOUR TIP. Severs get paid on tips and a minimum wage (tipped) of about $2.50. Tipping a normal employee (on screens, not cash) will just mean that the employer has to pay them less wages. Seriously? Yes seriously. You can tip at subway, the only person getting that money is subway.

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I disagree. Feature creepy has to do with trying to do too much with limited resources. Nothing that reddit tried was super ambitious. It's stuff that other platforms not only do, but do a lot more of. I think it's just general mismanagement.

Note to everyone: this isn't a recent thing. This has to do specifically with a whole propaganda campaign they ran about Biden not letting 'hard working people' do their job by limiting heat exposure at 80 degrees and above.

Which is true, he's pushing for heat regulations because, and this is true, there were no federal regulations prior to this. Biden did something great so of course Abbott had to go and be an idiot

It's interesting because I don't mind some of those things. My commutes haven't been bad, they're 30 minutes out of my day and I enjoy the drive time. The small talk is minimal. And with noise I just put in earbuds.

My problem is more the uncomfy chair and desk setup, the lighting, the AC temp, just the general environment is not a productive one for me. Those things inhibit my work. Even just using the bathroom and having to tuck my shirt back in so I can walk back to my desk annoys me.

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You'd likely need a really good filter to filter those out, so I hope yours works. And even then, those chemicals are in everyone and everything so they're very hard to avoid.

And I hate to say it but it made the perfect opener for the thing that Zuckerberg is talking about. I mean the Zucc himself is literally talking about federated communities right after the other giant social media companies started running theirs terribly.

At the very least, people will hear about the tech elsewhere now and maybe that will drive traffic to actual federated communities.

I'm kind of tired of people farming human interactions and profiting off of making our communities miserable. I'd donate a lot to lemmy if I had money just to not have to be the product anymore.

I like your example but it isn't exactly what I was pointing to. It'd be like someone calling arresting drunk drivers a "gray area" and choosing not to vote at all on a bill in favor of that. Which of course there are nuances there, but they are nuances that often are irrelevant to the overall conversation and should not inhibit decision making.

As much as I love E3, I trust that summer games fest and the game awards will fill the spot for me

Link 🤤🤤🤤🤤

It's because they only associate queer stuff with sex, not with love

Well then the person is going to screw up your order and have to relay it back to you anyways. Ordering through apps is the way to go imo.

It largely has to do with their inability to sort. Also, as pointed out to me a couple times, the direct messages on there can be read by the server owner. So I don't want to use it for personal communication. And therefore it's kind of dead to me. If they fix that though, I'd be happy.

It's also a personal choice of Bethesda not to rename their engine. Many other studios do this same thing and reuse engines, but they often rename them after significant rewrites. Bethesda just doesn't do that.

Also they aren't worried about how the game will be released. Their games have legs. So a 60fps version will eventually come out. Then they'll release it 5 more times.

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Is it crashing and burning if it aligns with their explicitly stated goals? Seems like they're sticking to their guns and having a well moderated community by doing this. Some people will want that, some won't. But if we want this federation thing to work, we can't start whining about instances making choices about what their users interact with. If anything I'm glad this is happening early so that people can see how the federation stuff will play out and get used to the idea.

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I don't see why this is cynical. They fell pretty flat on their face with windows 8 (no explanation necessary) and then made a Frankenstein job out of windows 10. I have zero idea what the plan is here.

I feel the same. My back is always to the open room and it gives me anxiety about taking short breaks

I'm pretty sure there's like 3 companies that own around 80% of the US grocery market. There's a reason why avian flu drove the price of eggs up everywhere and its because one company owns the majority of egg production.

Yeah I got in by saying it was a funny name and I hated reddit. But I got here early. I understand why things have tightened.

I think that you're somewhat asking the government to be apolitical when you do that. Every flag is speech, even the American flag is speech. The government constantly speaks to us.

I'd argue that the government should be allowed it's speech. Every time the government stops speaking to you is when bad things happen.

I appreciate the added details. As far as I'm aware, they aren't keeping the tips. But it is legal to pay a tipped employee down to about $2/hr in every state. So most places like Sonic will reduce your pay when you get tips and you claim the tips (which you're required to do wink wink). So rather than Sonic just paying their employees $10/hr at minimum wage, they'll pay them $5/hr assuming $5 in tips. Saves the company money and the servers don't make much more than normal minimum wage while the customer fronts their wages.

Isn't that lovely?

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I'll be real with you, both of those things are huge for a company as large as reddit. They will obsess over user features that increase attention by just one or two percent. So losing that much traffic is a red alert.

They also will have tracking for number of posts and comments deleted, number of subscriptions lost, users banned, etc. All of those numbers will look awful.

In fact, karma is a really good indicator of what they lose. If you take karma, divide by time since account creation, then you have an excellent measure of engagement with communities. They can see how much karma is being lost. That's why they're afraid.

I'm not saying it can't be, but work usually isn't "fun" or entertaining or whatever. I'm not saying it should or needs to be painful, just at least neutral or somewhat fulfilling in my life. I want to not hate it basically.

I feel like users should be able to block and unblock instances at will. So let's say that instance A defederates from instance B. So instance B users cannot comment on instance A. But instance A users should be allowed to comment and interact with instance B if they choose to unblock instance B for their own personal reasons.

Is there a problem with this that I'm missing? I just feel like I should be able to choose to interact with a community if I choose, but my instance should be able to keep the other instances away if they want to.

Can't believe they laid their own landlord off.

I think that stating it as 48 hours was smart. Because if subreddits start saying it's indefinite, then they have time to start replacing mods and shutting the protest down. Whereas here, 48 hours will pass. They lose a lot of money in just 2 days. And if nothing changes, you'll likely see decreased quality and/or continued protest.

I think it left room at the table for reddit to cooperate. It's a common bargaining thing.

You're not wrong about all of this. I wasn't trying to tribalize or start a fight (said so in my post even) because I know that people do that. However, my view has changed from when I last owned an iphone.

When I last owned an iphone, the fights made sense. I could see why people fought over platforms because they were very different and comparing and contrasting them at the time was pretty difficult to do directly. Like was it better to have back and forward button bars? Or were curved phone edges a good idea?

But nowadays my opinion is diffent. Phones do a lot of the same things. They're all very mature platforms for the most part. So when I ask my question I'm asking why, for most general use cases, anyone would want an android. And the response I'm getting back for the most part is: you don't.

This is coming from someone who desperately wants the competition. I ditched iphone about a decade ago when the S7 edge was a thing. I left behind all of the features iphones have for connecting with people for a platform that I believed had better tech, was more affordable, and had similar software support.

Nowadays I'm looking at the platforms and most of my reasons no longer make sense. Android phones are expensive. They aren't at apples level, but some of them are and none of them hold value. So why not wait two years and get a brand new android? Because the software updates aren't going to keep up. So for a higher initial investment, I can get a phone that will have decent resale value when I'm ready to upgrade and still get software updates.

All of this is to say that my ability to connect with friends over FaceTime and imessage aren't worth sticking it out on android to me. I don't see a lot of hope for the platform in the directions I want. I haven't seen the improvements I was hoping for. And so I'm jumping ship. Maybe I'll be back, maybe I'll hate iphone, we shall see!

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I feel like my job can be done half remotely so that’s preferred. But my setup isn’t necessarily the problem. It’s not just the keyboard or chairs. It’s like nearly everything that is standard in offices, including the culture. Just a little concerned because I don’t know how anyone gets used to this or does this. It’s like everyone has accepted being in very depressing office spaces for most of their daylight hours and is fine with it. Again I’m not expected to have a joyous time at work but the spaces I’ve been in are just outright depressing and it feels like the norm.