0 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Now Holup, I came here to say ^this^. Have my updoot kind internet stranger.

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Because it was found for the first time. I didn't even need to read the article to answer your question.

And here come all the angry tankies

What about the human rights of half of humanity that you're calling to be wiped out? Lmao

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Ah there's the whataboutisms. 🥇Here take your prize for being the most empathic person ever because you thought of something worse, congratulations!

None of what you just said makes lemmy not social media.

Because lots of other turds clearly agree with the sack of shit.

Either a troll or a moron lol. They aren't even laying out any sort of argument, just repeating the same shit (on what I can only assume is an electronic device that "slaves" made for them to purchase)

How would it even be possible to slow time for one player and not the other?

Yep its basically like Netflix before it shit the bed.

Why can't it be both? Especially when guns are so interwoven into the culture.

So it's not a mass shooting if the person is black and the crime is personal? What led you to come with that criteria? I tend to think "A mass shooting is a violent crime in which an attacker kills or injures multiple individuals simultaneously using a firearm." is a pretty fair definition. You know "mass" as in several individuals involved and "shooting" as in a firearm was involved. Keep it up with the mental gymnastics though.

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A pair of siccors could make your dreams come true!

I'm on

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That's odd, because other comments don't appear to be censored. I'm on

Really depends on what you're into, I quite enjoy H3vr and Blade & Sorcery although neither of these titles are story driven, more sandbox style games. Into The Radius is supposed to be good although I haven't played it. I'd reccomend looking up Habbie on YouTube. Very wholesome creator that covers a lot of VR gems.

I'm on the Connect app

Web apps and removed? This isn't the first comment I've seen with "removed" randomly in the middle of a sentence. Are mods censoring comments or something?

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Not just the teeth but also the same thing as the other one that I have a dragon crossbow and blow pipe what is my next upgrade osrs I have to work on it.

I've had better luck with the Connect app

How do you know Reddit won't be around in 5 years?

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Uh yeah but also I think I get a chance to get out and buy one yet or not to bad people I know you are going to be a little more than I do you know.

Oh yeah you're really sticking it to them by continuing to use their platform!

Y'all are so dramatic lmao. Acting like this is a big life event. You went from looking at shitposts on one app to looking at shit posts on another.