1 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Nah, fuck bitchtendo.

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Just checking haha


Which one?

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The Princess Bride, obviously.

Get Star Wars out of EAs gross grubby little hands. They don't deserve it.

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Disney also does not deserve it. Damn you George Lucas for choosing dragon levels of wealth over keeping control of star wars! Damn you!

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Provide her with some literature on introverts to read while you read your preferred material.

So, EA-lite. Not an improvement imo.

For these people the point is clearly not about making anything "better" for anybody other than one orange traitor.


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This is a ridiculous reply based on the comment you're replying to. Yes, just simply go to war with them! What, you can't personally launch your country into war without any disposable income? What a loser!

Get out of here.

I thought this was about restaurants for far too long.

I swear the dude has been in "Complete meltdown" for ages. When does he stop melting down and start being puddle of melted person?

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Probably to continue pointing out what a pedophile rapist tRump is. If I had to guess.

Edit: Oh, oh! And by extension how gross and weird everybody is who defends him!

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What a bunch of fascists.


What do you expect from a country that can't even govern itself though?

Should have requested the Cartels do something about it.

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How many bananas?

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Now break up Coca-Cola, those tax dodging fucks.

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Do they export all of their flies to Mexico or something?

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We see that you're using an ad blocker - Closes website

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Here's hoping he strokes out and has a heart attack at the same time.

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I'd like it if the reverse of this headline were the reality.

"Medical industry on the brink of killing entire scientology cult"

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Whoops! Such an easy mistake to make.

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BattleBit Remastered can help scratch the BF itch. It's not the same, but it's not EA.

Shocked that there isn't a smoking crater where each of their houses used to be.

Wow whoever is making these deals sucks at dealmaking. They could have kept her with 3 felonies and still taken away SIX felonies. What the hell.

Does their PvE anti-cheat still need kernel access? All other points are moot if so.

I hope he just gets booed everywhere he goes.

Done. Thanks!

Sounds like they have a lot of rape problems in India. Wasn't that long ago that I saw an article about a rape victim being raped by hospital staff after seeking treatment.

How long until China simply attacks Russia and absorbs 50%+ of their land mass?

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Microsoft can not stop fucking up. I have to wonder what the turnaround is like on their UI teams that every god damn version needs a complete rework.

I think you misspelled bomb.

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I think the time to get reparations is when the people who wronged you are still alive. Otherwise it's called stealing or begging.

Too bad the game itself doesn't sound very interesting.

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Most people in the US agree with you. The problem is that those companies are all owned by old rich xenophobic, homophobic, every other type of phobic, douchebags.

I've tried going back and replaying GTA3 and the control scheme is so bad that I struggle immensely with it.

Hmm, good to know. Thanks!

What? You think they should run the platform out of the kindness of their hearts?