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Joined 1 years ago

came from reddit and haven't looked back

I filtered out ltt on yt a long time ago bc they were clickbait tech trash, like the journalistic equivalent of people magazine

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clickbait title. basically, if your machine is already compromised in a severe way, here is another way how to compromise it further (for whatever reason)

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I like the game. it's easy to spend hours in it if you just take it for what it is without thinking what you wanted it to be

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apparently you are unaware of how much monitoring goes on in corporate IT. you're lucky they haven't already found the mac address yet booted with a different os, or maybe they're already onto you.
I would stop doing what you're doing immediately and hope it's not too late

looks like their perpetual famine is worse again and kimmy is creating a distraction for his people that the west is about to invade. this time for real...

Trump reminded us that an authoritarian government ending democracy can be just one election away

(I) don't trust Google

not many (ie no one else) had yet attempted to corrupt democracy like trump, there is a reason he sticks out among the rest

clickbait title. basically, if your machine is already compromised in a severe way, here is another way how to compromise it further (for whatever reason)

I don't agree with this take. the warning seems totally reasonable to me

I'm totally unable to switch from chrome, the chrome icon is really the only one that works, all others are just too hard to see

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anything longer than a sentence is an absolute grind on the phone

tourism to a country waging war, what could go wrong

right, the real answer is that on Linux you can just use a different de if you don't like one

I had switched to Linux the moment they introduced Win10 and telemetry back when, with great success. Dual booted for a long time for gaming but even that is no longer needed now since a few years ago. built my first amd only rig in 2019 which was a game changer.

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I don't believe there are good intentions behind this, I think there is a play, maybe preempt violating EU law or decoupling WEI from the OS to draw less ire (for now). but I don't trust it.
not that I'd use their browser nor os anyway

rclone for cloud backup

get jumped on by Manjaro fans

nah, we appreciate the nuance instead of mAnJARo bAd. I agree the AUR can be a problem and in the past so has, but for me hasn't in a while and never severe

the good old I have nothing to hide

I guess we'll just have to take your word for it, even though op provided a source

great argument based on facts


konsole with tmux

yeah, everybody should use them. I usually write my own kernel mods tailored for my hardware and certain needs, I don't know why not everyone is doing that. admittedly is a bit janky maintaining a separate kernel fork, but you get used to it, everyone should do it

nice but poor try, wumao.

If an American citizen wants to use a Chinese platform, why don’t they have the right to?

If a Chinese citizen wants to use an American platform, why don’t they have the right to?

use your backup to recover them

this is awesome, I might end up with 20 stickers on my computer

an option is to use docker pytorch/rocm, which works pretty much out of the box with a1111


this looks crazy. I've seen IMMD swims get canceled for much less horrible conditions so it might be the local race directors making a really bad call


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been on Wayland with amdgpu for several years due to multi monitor and haven't looked back. endeavourOS with kde currently, 7900xtx, 4k/144 and 4k/60

either docker pull pytorch/rocm:latest, or yay -S rocm-hip-runtime, works reliably for me

I only touch windows when I absolutely have to, and luckily that is getting rarer over time

coming for sure

7900xtx all the way

Green hell and the long dark

now compare that to Chrome, which basically puts your house in the middle of a city full of leeches and scammers but no way to close the curtains

I love the atmosphe in green hell, used to be my favorite until it got too easy and I ended up with the long dark on interloper

doom shareware was a life changer, nothing had been the same since

I disagree with your interpretation, that it seems complicated

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