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Joined 1 years ago

I swear to god I can’t tell anymore if she’s actually insane or if this is an elaborate act.

It reeks of both.

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And stop using chromium browsers too!

No point in ditching chrome just to use chrome with a different coat of paint.

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Autosave should always be seen as a back up option that covers unexpected closes or whatever. It shouldn’t really be a thing to rely on as the main option.

You never have to worry about a document saving if you make sure it’s actually saved by manually saving before closing.

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You almost have to go out of your way to make a game incompatible with linux. Considering wine/proton and their various forks cover the vast majority of things at this point.

Even with ACs, the two most used ones completely support Linux. One is completely out of the box, maybe even as far as linux support being opt out. The other requires you to contact its developers to enable compatibility their end iirc.

Going to give a heads up that sometimes ublock origin can fall behind because google supposedly updates their anti-adblock BS twice a day. But all you need to do is be patient, give it some time and eventually UBO gets updated. Then you can clear cache and update your filters to block YT's BS.

Because I want answers, God!

Was and still is

Mirror Mirror- Blind Guardian

Probably the way they used to do things, provide the server hosting tools to the community.

Think like TF2 and CS:S.

There’s plenty (But not all) MP games that can do that.

Making excuses as to why the game isn’t reviewing as highly as they think it should be. Not understanding that sone people just don’t like the game as much as they do.

He did.

obnoxiously long animation, and that animation being set in stone once you trigger it. There is no aborting a sword-swing midway through to dodge or block.

The whole point of the animations being set in stone is to force the player to be mindful of their actions. Don’t commit to an attack unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so. Otherwise you’re going to get caught out.

The slow animations are a deliberate drawback to the more powerful weapons. Being able to swing an UGS around like it’s nothing would make for a fairly unbalanced weapon. If you want a weapon with quicker animations you probably want something more DEX focused. Just look at the Falcion’s animations compared to the Zweihander’s animations in Dark Souls for example. Zweihander puts out bigger damage numbers and thus attacks slower. Pretty basic balancing concept to have thing that does big damage be slower.

The lack of being able to abort moves is simply a way for the game to punish poor decisions. If you get caught out by a slow animation then you probably need to work on picking when to attack. A big part of the game is that it teaches the player through punishing mistakes. That’s why it forces you to commit to actions.

These only come across as clunky if you’re not learning from your mistakes and working around these deliberate limitations. Pick different weapons or pick better moments to attack/use an item so you don’t commit to something at the wrong moment.

The input queue is another thing that lines up with this. I believe the whole point is to, again, push the user into being careful. Dark Souls isn’t a hack and slash like DMC. You don’t want to go into fights button mashing. The game wants you to take your time. The button queue kind of reinforces that by punishing button mashing and being too hasty. I do also find it useful in queuing certain actions like attacking straight out of a roll or following item usage.

All the things you describe as clunky each have a purpose. The game expects you to work with those limitations and when you do you get a better experience. Going against them is when you run into issues. Since youre attempting to doing things the game is trying to discourage. Like button mashing (input queue) and getting too greedy with attacks (Being locked to actions/Longer animations).

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I strongly prefer to just turn my computer on, play games or work

Yeah, same.

Thats why I use linux.

The MTX were removed for DD:DA.

Only the original release of the game on Ps3 and 360 had the mtx. So in a way they improved things only to shit it up again.

It is not an objective truth, what makes you think that they’re good for games and gamers?

Remember when games would have you stuff for free by just playing the game normally, rather than having to empty your wallet or play the game like it was a second job? Because I do.

I’m pretty sure Americans have a panic attack when what they’re eating isn’t at least 50% high fructose corn syrup.

There are already PS4 emulators. Though they’re extremely early and work a lot closer to how Wine/Proton do rather than traditional emulation IIRC.

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Surely it should be possible to expose friends lists to games while also allowing friends lists to remain private on profiles.

On GP - Death Grips

There’s a “Real Name” section on your profile as well. Though there isn’t a hard requirement to have your real name there.

Igg has a shit reputation for adding malware to their torrents. I think it’s hit and miss, but better to avoid them than risk it.

Is it not possible to look after your child while teaching them about gun safety or something?

What’s a few decimal places among friends, right?

I just find certain things to be quicker in the terminal than doing it through a GUI.

Like installing software. I think it’s quicker and more direct to do something like sudo pacman -S Firefox than to go through a gui. Especially if Im using a drop down terminal that I have hot keyed.

As for remembering everything, I’d say it’s just a matter of experience. Like, you had to learn how to use a GUI app at one point or another.

Difference is that on a PC m you’re free to remove all of that bloat. On android you can’t, not without fucking around with external tools like ADB.

I use Garuda, FYI

Headphones are a pretty cool way to listen to music without disturbing others.

Imagine zucking on Marks schlong.

Also the fact that they have at least one other game in development. NEON PRIME.

They just want to shout about them while ignoring paid support for extended life Linux.

Ironically, you're just shouting about linux while ignoring the context behind the paid support for "extended life linux"

The paid support is for enterprise linux distros like Red Hat. This support is aimed at businesses. Not regular end users.

Regular users can get Long Term Support (LTS) versions of regular distros entirely free. Such as Ubuntu's LTS versions. With the cool addition of being able to freely move to the next LTS version whenever that comes out to replace the current LTS version.

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At least you don’t have to pay for the next LTS version of ubuntu. Nor do you have to meet daft hardware requirements to upgrade to the next LTS. You can just seamlessly upgrade to the next LTS version.

Unlike Windows.

Gee I wonder why the bloke with a very vested interest in seeing AI take off would make claims that AI will be super duper good you guys in the near future.


No need to wait either way under linux.

Fact is there’s a lot of overlap in lemmy users and linux users. So youre going to see a lot of Linux talk.

So you’re welcome to go somewhere else if you just can’t handle Linux talk.

Except thats not how discussions work.

People dont JUST strictly talk about the thing at hand and ONLY that. They bring up related things as well. Like Linux and how its an alternative to Windows 10 once it’s support period is up.

Kind of like how someone might bring up the SNES in a discussion about the PS5 to make some kind of relevant point. Like how far consoles have come from the SNES to the PS5 or a game library comparison. Or something.

Another thing with corporations (afaik) is that they’re obligated to make more money quarter over quarter because of shareholders. Big number must go up at all costs.

People seem to forget that a good track record is never a guarantee that future games will be good. A company name also isn’t a guarantee either. Since studios are essentially a revolving door of talent.

Companies are ran by people and people can make mistakes or whatever that leads to a botched game. Not to mention the fact that the talent in game studios come and go so the people that made game A so great might not necessarily be the same team that works on game B which makes things more uncertain.

Bioware is another solid example. They had a really good track record for years until they dropped ME:A. Largely (afaik) because a lot of the talent behind their best games had moved on, leaving a new set of talent to work on ME:A and future games.

More like “Forced-AI”

How many times do they have to keep trying to force AI to become a thing before they realise that there’s not much of a consumer market for it?

Phone locked :(