1 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

DoorDash is backed by investment giant Softbank, which this week posted a record-breaking loss of nearly $13bn.

Defending the loss, chief executive Masayoshi Son reportedly compared himself to Jesus.

Holy fuck, imagine the ego.

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Water is best when you're thirsty. Water is best for hangovers. Water is best for sports hydrations. Cold water is best when you want a cold drink. Water is best for lunch. Drink more water.

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I checked original video, and sadly it's fake.
A loss, really.

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Poland's most used emoji being Ukrainian flag is kinda hilarious.

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Windows is not in sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

ReTruthed, lol

Okay, gotta say, if Obsidian would be the ones to do it, as article suggests, then I'm interested.

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Oh, it was annoying me recently, so I turned off JavaScript, and it's great again.
I'm very glad, that people finally call those sites on their bullshit, and hopefully reclaim the internet.

EDIT: removed stray 'with'

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How do you lay off people to focus on something?
Did they went "daaaamn, we want to focus on AI, but we already have people for that job, let's fire them"?

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Countries with gun control laws are safer.
Schools have no business whatsoever in their students' hair.

Minecraft, Stellaris, and Valheim were already mentioned so I'm gonna add Neverwinter Nights.

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“Let us remain vigilant against rigid ideological positions that often, under the guise of good intentions, separate us from reality and prevent us from moving forward"

Never expected pope to diss christianity.

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Only new reddit weirdly enough. If you have redirect script to old.reddit it works fine.

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No. I like it. In fact, I will order pineapple pizza tomorrow.
And I might break spaghetti in half before cooking the day after that!

I am definitely calling it ex-twitter.
I hope this catches on, I'm sure Musk will hate it.

Land of the free :D

I am quite surprised, that Ubisoft can still disappoint anyone.

Mean is the new cringe.

Wow, that trailer didn't tell me anything. I can only assume it's supposed to be a game, because it's posted in games community, and that doesn't even come from the trailer itself.

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Still better than rise of skywalker.

We just need to get used to not owning ubisoft games ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
But for real tho, I wouldn't buy it even if it was best game of all time, not after what ubisoft is doing. Buuuuuut, it's a ubisoft game, so it probably won't even be good enough to bother pirating.

That's not how this works. Our estimates are based on our observations, that are also 642 years late. So if it's going to blow up in say 30 years, in reality it already gone supernova 612 years ago, and we're only gonna see it in 30 years.

Poland: I drink tap water everyday, it's safe to drink, it's tasty and it's cheap :)

Looks like Steve is a big boy, and doesn't need any help with ruining his IPO.

That, and people often give out candy on election campaigns. This is the first time I heard about giving out cleaning agents. Candy, flyers, pens or some other usables, but laundry pods? Maybe it's a culture thing, and in Taiwan it's more common, but I'm not surprised someone would be confused in that context, at least in Europe.

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Obligatory "KURWA!"

It is amazing to see it grow right before my eyes. Every day there is more communities, and every day I see bigger upvote counts on posts.
It is clear that even if majority of Reddit users stay there, Lemmy is not going anywhere. I'm honestly hoping that we're going to hit a critical mass that will allow us to steadily grow even after things settle with Reddit. Maybe we already did :)

Safe to say, I'm not going back.

Access denied.

Matter is not destroyed, during radioactive decay some of the "matter" is released as energy in form of radiation.
I'd like to also point out that nuclear decay doesn't "evaporate" matter. It's reduced to stable state, which might be different isotope of the same element, or element with lower amount of electrons.
Another point that I'd like to point out is that I'm not a physicist, and this is oversimplification, and probably wrong at some points, but that's my rough understanding. I am absolutely sure though, that you'll not get half mass of whatever you had before after one half life cycle.

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No, it's already settled that Královec je Český

Firefox on mobile allows for addons, so you can install ublock origin and disable it from there, but I'm sure there are other addons that would allow that.

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Brent Weeks' "The Way of Shadows".
Currently reading second part "Shadow's Edge"

It would be funny if sony decided to release their games for pc only for linux, just to spite microsoft.
Slim chance of it happening, but one can dream.

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I don't know what to think. I love this series, but this doesn't look very encouraging. I'm excited but very wary.

Honestly, not much, but that's a good thing.
I'm maybe a bit closer with my mom, but we where always close. My dad is as he always was: he cares, but is rather distant. Our relationship is a bit better than it used to, but it's more because of time, and because I don't live with my parents, so we don't see each other that often anymore.

Game game

Not necessarily, as you said, murder is murder.
I will cheer for their deaths, tho.

This looks like Dark Messiah with Witcher vibes.

Yeah, that blur doesn't leave much to imagination, lol.
I don't want to turn those posts off entirely, but that blur makes it look like I watch... emm... explicit pictures on the bus anyway.

I used to run manjaro, but after some problems I decided to cut the middle man, and jumped to arch.
So now I use arch btw.