0 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Don’t let this idiot become relevant again. Don’t post his crap

Wish there was footage. Seeing the secret service surround the driver sounds cool

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Oh right… because of future regulations… not because they wanted to.

No, you misunderstand. I want to see the guy who managed to fuck up bad enough surrounded by secret service, not myself.

That last paragraph is art

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Hate to say it but if you go frequently you can save a lot of money with the app deals. Speaking as a former fat ass.

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I wonder if there’s a way around this that we can create, instead of doing nothing or hoping google adapts.

Like a dummy instance that catalogues everything on all instances (but also links to the original posts) for the purpose of showing up on google search.

Since this instance isn’t for posting but for search engine indexing, there may be some otherwise undesirable micro-optimizations that can help improve its chances of showing up.

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This comment traveled through time

Lemmy is on fire today

Do you guys like Burger King? I stopped eating there a long time ago and feel no need to go back after the foot lettuce incident…

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This game was such a letdown

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Hello current fat ass. It’s also worth remembering you add in the cost of the app selling your data. And a trick: if you want to use multiple coupons or redeem points and also use a coupon (can’t do both), make multiple orders for each.

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Am I the only one in here who treats Christmas like a cultural tradition? Obviously none of that reindeer and Santa crap is real but it’s a fun tradition that breathes life into my year nonetheless

Here’s my take:

If you take a board and split it into any amount of pieces, they’re all the same board, just in pieces.

If you take a board and put it somewhere else on the ship it’s the same board.

If you have two boards which were manufactured as they are now, (ie they were cut into their desired shape and considered complete boards), even if they’re the same size and from the same tree, they are different boards.

A board becomes its own distinct entity once cut from its source wood with intention to make a board and is considered complete (ready to use).

I owe more in college debt…

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Look at that subtle off-green gradient. The tasteful thickness of it… Oh my god, it even has ornaments...

I think she’s shitting out marios nut

I learned from this consequence at a young age and started rationing my favorite (and most good) music, keeping it good forever

They sound so nice compared to how evil the ads make them

Well since it’s slower that just means it’s being more careful and not prone to making mistakes

I understood that reference!!!!!!!

Are you being sarcastic or just how much are you paying for rent??

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3D SNAKES!!!!!!!!!!

I can’t tell if I prefer the first or the second… the third being the best overall.

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Nobody wants to read allat so we’re scrolling down to get to the comments, where we find more people who did not read all that.

This is cute ngl

You make lemmy users happy

That is the best description of Reddit users I’ve ever seen. And I guarantee you they’d downvote you for saying it even though you’re right lol

And, this comment attracted exactly the type of annoying users we’re talking about.

So, the replies in this thread have brought about my first use of the block button(x3). Thanks to whoever suggested liberal use of it. Definitely recommend.

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What really made me want to leave lemmy more than anything so far was seeing a completely negative reaction to anyone calling out the Kissinger death posts being spammed like junk mail all over the fediverse.

“What? You don’t like seeing the same post 50 times in one day? Fuck you, downvoted. I wanted this guy dead so any post gets an upvote from me”

That’s the kind of attitude that will drive users away and turn this venture into a political liquid shit puddle. We need variety. Not an echo chamber. Lemmy was quite literally unusable during that period so I stopped opening it.

Also how some people don’t want Lemmy to grow because they like the smaller community feel, while simultaneously putting off a groupthink attitude that will only shrink it more. Essentially a kind of sentiment that lemmy should be what they want, and not what’s best for the platform and majority of users overall.

"I am driving a lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK"

"My lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK has BLINDING WHITE LED headlights positioned EXACTLY at EYE LEVEL. "

"I am currently TAILGATING you in the RIGHT LANE even though you’re going TWENTY MILES AN HOUR over the speed limit and the LEFT LANE is OPEN."

"There are MONSTER ENERGY and FOX RACING stickers on the rear windshield of my lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK."

"There are PERFECTLY CLEAN mud tires and MASSIVE CHROME RIMS on my lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK."

"I make THIRTY-ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS a year and thought that that was a WISE FINANCIAL DECISION."

"I bring cases of BUD LIGHT to girls at high school parties while my wife and children are at home."

"My lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK has a GUN RACK which holds the AR-15 that I bought at WAL-MART."

It doesn’t look bad but it’s not a cat girl, it’s something else

He’s had enough bro let him go god damn

100% people here are much more argumentative and angry and less likely to tolerate differing opinions

Absolutely not

I would use Linux but I heard that it doesn’t work seamlessly with NVIDIA gaming hardware

I guess that’s a good point. I can’t guarantee the same people are switching opinions as I thought

Even so, most of my college tuition was paid as I went through

I don’t have any ‘best kind of humor’, that would make things pretty boring. Humor is context specific so there’s no one size fits all for me. I just hold that Reddit comedians aren’t funny and it’s always a variation of the same set of jokes I’ve heard. Nobody needs to get offended over this.

You’re looking out for OP. What a nice guy

Shit like this is why lemmy isn’t growing. Not everyone is a programmer Linux fanatic leftist who supports communism and wants to see spam posts about Kissinger. So if you’re one of the people who downvoted this post or got upset, take a moment to consider why people are annoyed and if this is the kind of behavior and variety that’s going to help us grow.