1 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

please dont let it be your last time.

  1. you could talk about lemmy and maybe bring people here
  2. You could bring your old posts here
  3. you could exchange your messages with nonsense: /protip_if_you_replace_the_content_of_your/

": if you replace the content of your posts/comments with nonsense, you'll make Reddit Inc. (including its CEO) lose money."

"There's a good chance that those API price changes were motivated by large businesses using Reddit to train their large language models (LLMs) with. Stuff like GPT-3, Google's BERT, Facebook's Galactica, stuff like this. In other words, your content will be used to train bots. (It is, already.)

Those models can be "poisoned" with random, machine generated nonsense. Poisoned data is worse than useless: it makes the model worse. So for each person replacing their Reddit content with nonsense, those businesses will be willing to pay Reddit Inc. less and less for API access."

"Here is a mini-tutorial on how to do this. It's for desktop users but you'll likely be able to do the same from a phone browser.

  • [Choose 1/3] Open Zompist's gen. Take off the line saying "ki|či", and click "Generate". You'll get some random babble like "Bepe topioi kabi brete i kropra", copy it somewhere.
  • [Choose 2/3] Open to get an entire bullshit article
  • [Choose 3/3] Open to get a bullshit sentence, i suggest getting a few ones.
  • Open your Reddit profile and drag the button of Power Delete Suite to it.
  • [Optional] Check the box saying "prepare local backup of items", if you want to save your content elsewhere.
  • Uncheck "remove comments". You want to replace them with babble, not remove them.
  • [Optional] uncheck "remove posts". It depends if you post mostly self posts or if you post links/pics. Use your reasoning.
  • Check "Edit comments / self posts". It should open an input box for text; place the babble from Zompist's gen there. Then click "process".
  • Just wait!
  • [Optional] Click to download the backup of the items.

If you don't like Zompist's gen and/or Power Delete Suite, you can use any generator and/or Reddit mass edition tool of your choice."

and yes, i am somewhat still on reddit but i think i do more against them when my app does not work anymore (to spread lemmy or information) i will follow this process

10 more...


and they got/get forced to use USB-C in europe and managed ho make a new version of the standart that isincompatible with the rest. Fuck apple

1 more...

what an unpleasant human

14 more...

But didydrogen monoxide is also known as hydroxyl acid, and the major component of acid rain.

2 more...

You stopped using floppy?

4 more...

put a can of beans behind the bowl

I do that too. That is the most annoying point for using public restrooms

how did you get from the left down corner to the middle?

2 more...

can i get the source?

I still want to scream "look windturbines" in the train but i sever manage to drive with those i would be comfortable doing it with my adulthood


i use dvorak or quertz so i guess your choice is very legit in your area

yes but i tried to use more peasent words because i can is good too, i suggest checking booth out

lightning McQueen is a video game character because the game was released 2 days earlier

26.may.2006 (Lowes motor speedway)
09.june.2006 (United states)

PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, Microsoft Windows, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable,

NA: June 6, 2006
AU: June 8, 2006
EU: July 14, 2006

Xbox 360

NA: October 23, 2006
EU: November 17, 2006
AU: November 23, 2006


NA: November 19, 2006
EU: December 8, 2006
AU: December 14, 2006

if you dont make 10 requests per second and maybe even fetch the data from another instance like this i dont think it matters too much on the bandwidth side. I dont really know about the other more technical sides :/

what about 20 epeleptic asexuals?

  • just turn the computer on and wait for the updates to finish
    I use windows btw
1 more...

there is i think a personal key that stays on a one user basis within the free limit. From my knowledge reddit claims it as illegal but it still works

wanted to join
couldnt because i was already in it

i found:

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i likely do that too but i will never install the official app so i only access it when i need informations about something like programming. So i going to treat it more like an extension of search engines

you could give this advice to others. even if you cant do more damage anymore you could bring others to do damage

not necessarily manufacturers but the open source community can support 10 year old phones with new security updates like the LG G2 and Samsung Galaxy Note 3 LTE.

On IPhones there is not really such a community because apple aggressively screws people for profit and will stay to do so in the future because that works.
Other companies copied Apples design choices like unmovable batteries because that works. And some fans argue "but not replace batteries are more water proof" and such but the phones only got more fragile.

And its not like they are the best in customer service, i mean they only offered repairs for design flaws when a lot of people sued them: (25 minute video by Louis Rossmann about apples repeated design failures)

And for the M1, i looked into it, nice that they don't lock the boot-loader without jailbreak. But they don't help with the OS, that again is the open source community.

And you are right: Apple is not the worst, Nestlé is the worst but a completely different topic.

I know that the products of apple are very user friendly and everything can like work together. The software is brilliantly comfortable so that a users don't want to use everything else, because how comfortable it is. For me it is a trap by a greedy mega cooperation.

you sound like you never have been in england

yesthe UI/UX is bad, but i am pationt enough to wait the few weeks until alternativev pop up that really should be nice. Like Sync. I know there is an 3 party website already but i did not try to really use it and forgot the url

in your profile/settings you can turn off to see bot posts.

I think every bot that fills a place with cheap stolen content is more there to have some content for new people that they dont feel lost.
So i think they are good until there is enough content and then i think it would be okay to repost the top of the week every week.

as a little kid when i have been asked to clean up some stuff i often started a browser game what was about cleaning up

I suggest liftoff, here th# github link:

Found by searching: "liftoff lemmy site:github"


not cat but dog:
My friends mother got a dog and booth the friend and the mother picket her up to let the dog sit on their lap.

I am not a dog person so i even highten my knees a bit but the dog still jumped.
It would have likely never come back if i pushed her off me but it was very funny for me to hear the other two complain that the dog never jumps on their laps.

then i comment!!!1!111!!!

thank you

it is better to change the comments to nonsense than to delete it:

": if you replace the content of your posts/comments with nonsense, you'll make Reddit Inc. (including its CEO) lose money."

"There's a good chance that those API price changes were motivated by large businesses using Reddit to train their large language models (LLMs) with. Stuff like GPT-3, Google's BERT, Facebook's Galactica, stuff like this. In other words, your content will be used to train bots. (It is, already.)

Those models can be "poisoned" with random, machine generated nonsense. Poisoned data is worse than useless: it makes the model worse. So for each person replacing their Reddit content with nonsense, those businesses will be willing to pay Reddit Inc. less and less for API access."

"Here is a mini-tutorial on how to do this. It's for desktop users but you'll likely be able to do the same from a phone browser.

  • Open Zompist's gen. Take off the line saying "ki|či", and click "Generate". You'll get some random babble like "Bepe topioi kabi brete i kropra", copy it somewhere.
  • Open your Reddit profile and drag the button of Power Delete Suite to it.
  • [Optional] Check the box saying "prepare local backup of items", if you want to save your content elsewhere.
  • Uncheck "remove comments". You want to replace them with babble, not remove them.
  • [Optional] uncheck "remove posts". It depends if you post mostly self posts or if you post links/pics. Use your reasoning.
  • Check "Edit comments / self posts". It should open an input box for text; place the babble from Zompist's gen there. Then click "process".
  • Just wait!
  • [Optional] Click to download the backup of the items.

If you don't like Zompist's gen and/or Power Delete Suite, you can use any generator and/or Reddit mass edition tool of your choice."

and yes, i am somewhat still on reddit but i think i do more against them when my app does not work anymore (to spread lemmy or information) i will follow this process

yea, that was my guess with instances like beehaw defederating much. If i did not plan to move i would have informed myself to how to make an instance and only allowed accounts, no communities or posts.

you can turn off that you see pot posts in your profile/settings

I dont think that those bots will be as dominant as now in the future when more community content comes in. When that time comes i think even the mods know that they getting more and more obsolete

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Sorry that i made you sad

I still support the bots but i see the danger that when they get used too much that it kills a community at the start when they over do it so it should be handled with A LOT OF CARE.

I suggest to reach out to the moderators or make posts adressing the issue in the communities and trying to find solutions for the problem or to ask if the bots are even welcomed.
The problem that caused that they even use the bots should be the small amount of content.
But if the bot content scares people off that is a another problem that should be talked about in the communities.

I think the new mods have a lot of times no real idea what to do so they make desitions because it seemed good at some point.

I personally switched off that i can see the bots so maybe that is why "i dont see the problem"

i only realised now that what i wrote may be morally very bad

Edit: i forgot to tell that i think the bots should be very temporary

Buny to go, for patting purposes