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@Live Your
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Joined 1 years ago

It's a leash that connects to the paddle board, but that was my first thought too.

Why is this news?

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I don't get it.

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Here's the explanation of the physics they gave:

Each nanowire was less than one-thousandth the diameter of a human hair, wide enough that an airborne water molecule could enter, but so narrow it would bump around inside the tube. Each bump, the team realised, lent the material a small charge, and as the frequency of bumps increased, one end of the tube became differently charged from the other.

"So it’s really like a battery,” says Yao. “You have a positive pull and a negative pull, and when you connect them the charge is going to flow.”

While I am sceptical of rootkit based anti-cheat as well, I am also not a fan of how quickly everyone has jumped to assuming this is EAC's problem and not a problem with Apex Legends, is there some solid evidence for that that I'm just unaware of?

That's not what they are saying at all. They're saying small vehicles aren't even safe in crashes with other small vehicles, let alone with bigger vehicles.

TBH, it makes me think of the word "labia" but I'm probably in the minority on that. It's a perfectly fine name otherwise.

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What is Ghost?

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Obviously, it would still be stacked against the employee, but the biggest thing would be that the person under investigation could sue the law firm and hurt the law firm and their client through social media or by encouraging unionization if there was any proof of misconduct during the investigation.

This seems to imply that the hacks were done through Apex itself and not through Easy Anti Cheat like everyone was speculating.

What's the reason?

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I find that the default Samsung Notes app is actually pretty good.

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Considering there were probably a large group of people who showed up just to see Trump, and that it is more awkward to boo than it is to clap, I think that was actually a pretty decent showing.

Learning how they lost is useful information in of itself. And even losers could probably tell you things like how quickly the other side could respond, what kind of equipment they used, basic lessons learned, etc.

You are technically correct but only if you are loose with how you define chemtrails.

As someone who is much more centrist/liberal, I had to block a whole bunch of leftist communities recently just so that I could keep enjoying the Fediverse. I would have greatly prefered not to, but so much of leftist content on here is far too cynical to any other position.

Yours would be better without any words or text bubble on the second panel.

"Only" 1 in a hundred Americans are PhDs? Thats far higher than I would have expected.

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That's neat but it also seems a bit bulky.

Mind explaining why?

A few things to remember to add:

  1. False positives
  2. Abandoned utilities
  3. Utility maps and GPS coords that were never made, were never updated, or are flat out wrong
  4. Contractors who will make every excuse and lie about what happened
  5. Random people asking if your digging for gold and worried if you're going to tear up their lawn

Oh, that's a chicken. This image makes more sense now.

Good cyborg

I liked the method some subreddits have where there's always a pinned comment that community members can upvote/downvote for how relevant it is.

It's probably easier for law enforcement if those kinds of people are all in one place.

I thought I had ADHD for a long while, partly due to communities like this, but when I went to get diagnosed, it turned out to be an anxiety disorder. So if/when you go, try to avoid letting your assumptions bias the results.

I assume it's a simple editing mistake, similar to when you're talking to someone and your brain decides to change the wording half-way through the words you were originally going to say and you end up saying a weird hybrid of the two. So they probably originally said "to assault" but while they were changing things around they meant to change it to "into a meat grinder" but didn't quite finish the job. I know I've made errors like that before.

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Actually, it isn't so much a matter of being rich vs being poor as it is the level of inequality that influences generosity. People who have more are about as likely as those who have less to be generous when inequality is low, and according to some studies they are actually even more likely to do so. But when inequality is high then the generosity of the wealthy decreases.

Is there any evidence that it was a hack of EAC and not of Apex Legends itself?

How does your brain being biggest at 13 prove adulthood? I think it would better prove the opposite: brains are biggest at that age because they need the space to restructure things.

I can see why you might not want to compare the suffering of individuals, but what's the problem with comparing the suffering of groups of people?

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Good cyborg

I guess it depends on the employer. I don't do office work myself, but according to what I've heard from my wife about her jobs in banking adjacent fields, she has a few different queues of things to do that everyone takes from.

Good cyborg

The way you phrased this could go either way: were you never taking on more work, no matter how obviously it needed to get done, just because you weren't explicitly told to do that job? Because that would be a fair criticism in my estimation.

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