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Joined 11 months ago

It's risk mitigation for the banks. You don't have to put 20% down, but generally you'll have to pay an additional insurance (PMI) if you don't.

What did you switch to? I need a decent podcast app... I currently use Google podcasts. I used to use castbox, but the ads became unbearable.

12 more...

Man, I can say sometimes you're right. But I have an open position on my team, I've received over 100 applications and something like 85% of them have no relevant experience. Do you actually expect me to try and talk to all of them? I do what I can and interview who I think fits best. It's not perfect science but I have to work with what I have.

5 more...

Do childless, non-managerial people have no complaints in life? Most things aren't perfect. It doesn't mean they're not also fulfilling.

On the other hand, some people just like to complain. The comment you're making just lacks some nuance.

1 more...

They're working on securing licenses to move money. They're making a financial services play (similar to what apple has done). It's a great idea for X, but I'd never trust them with my money.

Internally people probably talked about how there were huge issues. Others probably said those issues are over stated and it's no big deal. They decided to release it and the press says there are issues. Then, the company decides there are issues. That simple.

1 more...

I remember overclocking mine so that it was smooth lol. Was great.

Me too. Loved that thing. I remember when I was able to truly multitask and switch applications seamlessly. It was great. I still feel like iOS and android don't switch between apps as smoothly as I was able to do on my pre.

The programming field is going through what math has been going through for ages. Many people don't want to learn how things work because they can use a calculator or software to do basic maths. But then when it comes to actually understanding what's going on, there becomes a big loss.

A Tolkien based active community would be great. Reddit had/has a few that were fairly active. There are communities here but really not active at all.

Also wish the NBA community was more active - quite frankly surprised it's not.

Well I think that is the macro environment we're in more than anything. But who knows.

Omg! I feel like that is happening with my Alexa device recently... I thought it was me, but this comment is making me wonder.

This feels like me. But I read somewhere that even if I am on windows 11 ,my current laptop won't have this feature. So I think I'm okay for now. Maybe my next one will be Linux.

I've used Linux before and I kind of hated it. It was fine for me when I had time to fuck around with every setting and go into rabbit holes. But I don't know if it'll work on a family device. I have 1 laptop in the house and myself, my wife, and kid all use it. Other than that, all devices are just tablets or phones.

We use the laptop for browsing, casting, document editing, and that's about it I think. So since it's that simple, I would hope Linux would "just work". But we'll see on my next device.

1 more...

Thanks looks like pocket casts has a lot of support. I'll give it a go.

Took me a minute to figure out exactly what this even was. This is pretty cool. Had no idea such tech existed.

Good to know and thanks for the tip. This was back when I did more on a personal computer, but I remember spending hours just trying to get software to work. Again, this isn't something I need to worry about today, but getting Octave (free version of Matlab) to work on Linux was a nightmare.

I have as well. I won't pretend I'm always right - I've thought some ideas that worked out incredibly were horrible. Also had the situation you describe happen. It's okay when you're working with reasonable people. Show them the slide deck, the email, the analysis, whatever... "Look you didn't approve this". "Here is an alternative ". That can work.

Just telling folks "I told you so" isn't usually a great form of communication.

I'm fucking laughing out loud reading this comment.

I work in analytics. I usually enjoy the work. It's fun showing people insightful things, but it can be a drag when folks don't listen.

I think the better answer is iTunes. Could be wrong but I don't think so.

Coffee beans are seeds from a fruit.

I agree with you. If I interview someone, I make it a point to get back with news(good or bad) asap. I don't sit on it. I give the information to my recruiter and ask the recruiter to get on top of a response.

I don't know if we respond to candidates that don't get interviews. I can recommend it. I'm sure our recruiting software can do it.