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Joined 1 years ago

Spencer went out to say that they lost the most important generation to lose (XBOX One gen, not the current one. Corrected thanks to @Boldizzle ), and that they were going back to the drawing board to turn things around. They just hiked up the prices of Game Pass and the XBOX Series X. They also basically confirmed that there won't be any mid-gen "pro" model and that they expect the next gen to come in 2028. And now their plan to buy the industry is also failing.

So what's next? I doubt they have a queue of heavy hitting first party exclusives in the oven to maintain them until 2028. I'm almost certain that they expected to buy themselves some time by acquiring studios and turning their IPs into system-seller XBOX exclusives.

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Thanks for this. It was a great way to test Kblin's block functions.

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Cali is the actual name of the Colombian city. "Cali” is, as @jcb2016_, said, just a ghetto way of saying "California".

In any case, the lack of awareness comes from whoever defaults everything to the USA.

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"See, to me that speaks to a lack of awareness." and now "To me this says you’re intentionally looking for something to get offended about.”

Nice way of going around life just making wild assumptions about everything so your imagination carving for drama gets pleased, but no one is getting remotely offended. Plus you’re wrong, ask any Spanish speaking person where Cali is and they’ll say Colombia.

Illuminate me with your logic then… If I say I’m from Mexico, am I from New Mexico USA since it’s much more recognizable in the broader “English and Spanish speaking culture”? Or am I from Mexico City since it has more residents?

But all righty then, let’s just inherit the Reddit way and dismiss this entire thread (buncho’ offended foreigners looking to get offended, pshh...), and just default every conversation, place, name, and topic to the USA. 👍

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This comment is exactly like when people say that X-genre of music is nothing but violence, or Y-race of humans are all rapists.

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You're totally right! I just looked at the interview again, and he was referring to the XBOX One / PS4 gen.

Nice! I also do the THPS 1-4 yearly playthrough. The nostalgia and pleasure from playing them hit hard!

Every year I do a playthrough of F.E.A.R., the first 4 THPS games, and Silent Hill 1 and 4!

It’s incredibly childish to asume a bunch of John Oliver memes are going to make Reddit "lose". They’ll "win" no matter what.

Once people start getting tired of the John Oliver meme, they’ll either just stop and leave Reddit, or continue to use it normally. Mark my words: in 2 months, go and click the profiles of everyone memeing around with the Oliver stuff, and most of them will have normal activity on Reddit as if nothing had happened. And subs that continue with the memes are just going to be abandoned while replacement subs will surface and get bigger than the originals.

The only way Reddit is going to feel a hit is if hundreds of thousands people edit their entire comment and post history, delete their accounts, and never visit the site again. But then again, Facebook had a much, MUCH worse situation and they’re still fine.

Without a doubt Nintendo DS.

SEGA/PlayStation kid. Never liked Nintendo first parties but man, the library on DS is amazing even if you exclude all the Marios and Zeldas and whatnot.

I also had a PSP 1000 and later I did chores to save for a PSP GO and then a VITA, but even after CFWing all of them, 8/10 times I’d pick up my DSi over the other handhelds. To this date I still sleep with my DSi and New 3DS XL next to my bed.

Yeah… one thing is to say that you don’t like something, and the other is to make an affirmation, throwing EVERYTHING into the same box because of your ignorance and laziness to actually have hands-on experience with the topic. Woof! 🐶

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And who has been cruelly repressed for hundreds of years?

I think people need to cut the bullshit and tell it how it is:

  • This whole fediverse thing ISN’T user friendly nor it is as practical as the main community platforms out there. This isn’t a substitute for Reddit.
  • Content and interaction is lacking, but it’s up to us to change that.
  • The communities are VERY fragmented. Between instances, some instances using exclusively microblogs, others using microblogs and threads… some magazines having their individual rules on which content should be microblogged and what should be threaded, duplicated communities across instances… it’s all a mess right now.

And after all, there’s something here worth building and following. Right now it’s underwhelming but who knows… maybe in a decade Jenny will use Kbin to write a quick rant about boba tea, and have other thousands of non-techies engaging with her.