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Joined 9 months ago

Of course without committing a crime before and without saying anything else.

You will probably commit a crime or misdemeanor unknowingly on the way to the station. There is a reason you do not talk to the police, even if you think you're completely innocent.


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Look at Mr. Fatcat over here eating out while we're on the verge of a recession.

It was a running joke at Uni that Engineering was pre-business.

Source: Failed Pre-Business major.

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I wouldn't have even given it a second thought, but the addendum...

This is how most supermarkets (Walmart/Kroger/Target, etc.) in the U.S. look brand new - they're effectively warehouses that sell product directly to customers. Smaller shops and boutiques have finished ceilings that hide the ductwork and such because they're meant to be more flexible commercial/office space, but large stores like this do not, except for specialized locations like electronics, jewelery, or pharmacy, that can be gated off from the rest of the inside of the building for reduced operation and security.

To say nothing of how dangerous it is for pedestrians, especially children. Some of these vehicles have less forward visibility than, not even kidding, a fucking Abrams tank:

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...Is the 'harsh wake-up call' that they need to look for a better employer? Asking for your employees to push themselves harder is what we in the business call "Whining."

WTF I picked up a finance textbook and now I'm in debt for like eighty billion dollars?! And I have to buy the online portal code separately!? What a rip-off!

We all know damn well the four day week inevitably comes with a pay cut. Big business won't cede anything without getting theirs back.

Still all for it. Four day workweeks are better for the environment and mental health.

Because having money blunts your empathy.

Yeah but employers want to be the only party who can have their cake and eat it by giving one person the work of three people and calling them 'cross-trained.'


For younger generations. Lovingly remade in HTML5 because flash is dead.

I can almost guarantee this was some stupid marketing exec's idea. Someone had to write the code that interprets that you're watching an episode that someone else has available for streaming. Any software dev worth their salt would have seen this request and said "This is the dumbest fucking idea I have ever seen in my life" and they probably had to make it anyway because it pays the bills.

Steam Deck. I travel a lot and it's become a constant comfort in cramped airplane seats and backwater hotel rooms all over the states.

That eagle's seen some shit.

Oops, said the quiet part out loud again.

I mean, okay, but how much of anything can get hit by lightning and not be a smoldering crater without proper grounding and such?

It is hard not to be to the left of Republican Media groups since 2016 and everything that followed.

Oh thank god, I was worried brows would continue to remain unfurrowed.

A whole shoebox? Luxury. My 27 brothers and I lived in a bit of rolled up newspaper on the street.

It's the thing that bothers me about the obligatory 1-on-1s we do every month with our supervisors, asking "On a scale from 1 to 10, what's your stress level? Are you dealing with any personal issues?" And the one time I pipe up and say, "Yeah, they raised my rent $300 and it's putting strain on my budget." The response was "Do you know anyone who could move in or that you could move in with to alleviate that?" I haven't gotten a raise in two years. Fuck this shit. Don't act like you care.

Nature's candy in my hand,

Or a can

or a pie.

It is so bad. Civvie does a video on it.


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"Please, Trump, stop winning."

Astounding that he actually managed to deliver on that promise.

"Next time, baby."

I will never not laugh my ass off thinking about that.

At the time?

"But if we don't vote Republican, the Democrats will eat babies!!!1!"

I'm so tired of this shit.

Reminds me of a friend who plays with two custom spells on quickslots the first chance he gets to make them. The first he calls "JUMP GOD" and the second is "I HATE FALL DAMAGE" with 2-300 points in jump for 1s and a couple seconds of feather fall, respectively.

Who needs fast travel?

I think most of the reviews panned it for having a very generic and cliche-ridden plot, but I agree with you, that game is fucking great, the hordes and horde tech are awesome, and I'm sad Bend can't make another one.

Used to work in a painting hangar and guys would regularly pilfer supplies. For most people it was just touch up brushes or minijet cups for minor stuff at home, but some people would be stealing whole rolls of masking tape, suits and hoods, sandpaper, bottles of rubbing alcohol and acetone, etc.

I know at least one guy who confided in me that he made a mint stealing supplies and painting cars on the side. He said the only thing he paid for was paint. I think the only reason nobody ever got called out on it was because our work was so good we were a preferred painter for UAE and Qatar planes, so everyone in the C-Suite was making millions of dollars and paying jack shit to the workers, and I'm guessing they figured the shrinkage was an acceptable cost of doing business.

Can't get that sweet sweet ad revenue if your content isn't 100% in line with advertising expectations. God forbid there are any deviants on a site that positioned itself as weird and quirky for the first decade of its existence.

Me over here with 40mbps taking days to download games.

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Why does money ruin absolutely fucking everything?

Because nobody who gets a sufficiently large amount of it to stop worrying about their finances is ever satisfied with that amount of money.

Lol I knew it was a scam because nobody fucking sends me mail.

In a capitalist hellscape, any amount of damage is damaged beyond all hope because everyone is completely interchangeable, and ultimately, disposable.

So, y'know, you're not wrong.

I was going to make a crack about them inventing a time machine to get Big Macs from like 20 years ago, but I actually kind of wish they'd bring back the angus 1/3rd pounder, those burgers were great.

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There's always time for one more bad decision, lol.

I'm torn between those two, the looming financial crisis as the housing market collapses like 2008 all over again, and WWIII getting underway as we speak. It's a real Apocalypse How in this bitch.

Lol you think anyone gives 100% effort to their job? Not even the CEO cares that much.