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Nikki Haley: Cool with treason.

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"We are a religious state and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma because we are a Christian state – we are a moral state,"

Ding, ding, ding...

There's your problem, right there. Christians continue to tell us who they plan on attacking next and we, as a society, allow them to continue to be the shittiest human beings on planet Earth, unabated. These people are heavily mentally ill. And they keep... What's the word they like to use..? "Grooming" kids to make sure the priests and the pastors have a brand new group of idiots for the next generation.

This has to be stopped. Believing utter bullshit should not be a protected class.

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I quit Lowe's a few months ago and they mistakenly gave me an exit interview. Not only did I put my grievances in writing, but I was adamant that the "HR" person typed what I was saying verbatim.

There's no point in those interviews unless you say what needs to be said.

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While I applaud her for her bravery, I also worry because of what his lunatic supporters have been known to do to their perceived "enemy."

Remember, they think he's literally the second coming of Christ.

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A zygote isn't "alive" either. No sustainable or complex nervous system is in place until approximately six months of gestation.

This is religious bullshit. Pure and simple.

Good luck getting the Latino voters in Florida vote blue. There's been a generational effort to convince the Cuban and Puerto Rican voters that anyone left of Mussolini is Fidel Castro incarnate.

I love my Latino brothers and sisters, but Florida is not the place to hope for a blue wave.

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Because of course this happened in Oklahoma...

It's the only place I've ever been to that had two story single wide trailers... In tornado alley. That's the level of sophistication we're talking about here.

How can you expect ignorant hayseeds to comprehend the nuances of something like identity? The Native Americans they slaughtered while holding a Bible had two-spirit people, but that fact, no matter how well you prove it, will not stop them from hating and killing anyone that doesn't wave their Bible, twist it into a cudgel, and use it to beat people down.

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It already is. The rest of us just get to fight for scraps now.

This decision is just the Supreme Court saying "let them eat cake."

It's a shame we didn't even make it to 250 years, but the Christians had to force a theocracy again. They don't feel right unless they get to murder people for being different.

Don't forget that, last year, when actual Nazis were goose stepping outside of Disney, Traitor Ron didn't make any effort whatsoever to stop them.

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I'm what people would call "far left" but only because I don't think people should starve.

But I digress; I'm also gay and where I live, coming out would not be a good idea. I don't know of anywhere within 5 States where I would feel safe to just exist.

That's where we've allowed our country to go by allowing evangelicals to run roughshod unabated.

"Legal experts/law professors say" is such bullshit.

I was fired from a job and sued them for discrimination. "Legal experts" said I should get between $30k-$60k. I barely got $5k.

This guy should be in handcuffs right now. Lying to the feds is still a crime. How about obstruction of justice?

I'm sick to death of treating traitors with soft, cushiony jargon.

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When they tell you who they are, believe them the first time.

There are at least 2 Trump themed stores in the Pigeon Forge area of Tennessee. Ironically, one of them is next to a Mexican restaurant. I've never felt any inclination to enter the Trump store, but I'm sure it's absolutely full of cheap shit that they got from a bulk online shop from overseas, despite their gung-ho bullshit.

You know what you don't see? Biden stores in California or NYC. Because the left isn't a fucking cult full of slack- jawed yokels whose parents were related.

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My boss is a huge Trump supporter and was just saying to a customer that someone "delivered shit" to Nancy Pelosi's house and smeared it on her front door.

These fucking people don't want to be Americans anymore. It's time we oblige them. Do you know how fast the South would be a third world country (half of it already is, see: Tennessee) without money coming in from the federal government and the "Marxist" States they love to hate on?

Southern states keep begging for it though. And I, for one, say let them have it. Then flatly refuse to let them rejoin.

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Because rent is $2000/month and most places require proof that you make 3 times that amount.

I've never met any motherfucker that makes $6k a month, Joe. Most of us are living paycheck to paycheck.

It's getting increasingly more difficult to give a shit about the social contract when people like Elon Musk have all the fucking money and the rest of us would starve if we got sick.


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Republicans will tell you that Trump "Says what he means" until he says something that might interfere with the money they're fleecing from millions of Americans

After that it's always "That's not what he meant..."

Same as the Christian apologists that will make something up out of whole cloth when what the Bible actually says undermines what they're saying about the group they hate this week.

Cowards and liars, the lot of them.

My boss is a massive Covid denier. The local radio station today (in the deep South) read a report that Covid cases were higher in the South and the Midwest.

He had some smartass comment about masks and I reminded him that the places where mask mandates were lifted had higher rates of Covid. He dismissed the report out of hand and called the report, from his own source, to be "propaganda."

I legitimately believe that if people want to not wear a mask they forfeit medical treatment. Let Darwin solve this for all.

One need only look at the state to realize it's a shit show. Nothing in the Bible belt is worth saving.

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I like the Christian mental gymnastics where someone in drag is a massive social issue, but they give 10% of their paychecks to men that wear a dress on stage that have actually been molesting kids for 2000 years.

$3 Billion, specifically. And I don't remember the time frame in relation, but a bunch of American spies wound up dead as well.

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Using religion as a basis to change laws is what they do. It's why they were threatened, under the penalty of death, by most of the countries in Europe, to leave. Everybody was sick of their shit. Imagine a massive group of Marjorie Taylor Greens. That is what sailed to America. Imagine being a Native American, living your best life, and that is what shows up on your shores.

This narrative that Christians left to "avoid religious persecution" was started by, you guessed it, the Christians, who are always the "victims" even when they themselves initiated the problem. The truth is, they came here so they could continue to persecute others. How many infected blankets did they hand out to the natives, knowing it would kill them? They have always been terrible people. Always.

The founding fathers were not even Christians, they were deists. At that time, just like today, you can't make a law without including the Christians or they'll destroy society. They have to be getting talked about favorably or they kill everyone around them; the inquisition, the Nazis, etc... All done by Christians. And yet we made them a federally protected class. For what? What warrants that? They aren't threatened. They're not a minority class, that is to say, not a small number of the population... They have churches seemingly on every corner in every city and town in the country. Everyone else has to be protected from them.

And one of the lesser, yet still egregious tactics that they use is to have prayer meetings at public schools and at jobs. I've lived in the South my entire life and almost every place I've ever worked, there's been a morning meeting where somebody prays at the end.

We, as a society, need to reevaluate the need to list religion as a protected class, because let's face it, the Christians think their religion is the only one that meets that criteria. They are nothing but a federally defended terrorist group.

I've purposely forgotten about the Alamo just out of spite.

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"I'm gonna continue to commit crimes, and America is gonna pay for it!"

  • Donald J. Trump

Who had Mormon mercs declaring war on the United States on their bingo card?

Damn it, the polygamy people are gonna start moving back East aren't they..?

It's absolutely hilarious to me how many of the "tough guys" who think they're the most macho men on the planet have to carry a fucking weapon on them at all times.

Are you a "tough guy" for real, or do you just cosplay as one with the other incels, Matty?

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I was in Lawton for boot camp in 2001 and that brief amount of time was entirely too long.

I lived in Florida for a good portion of my life and if you can believe it, they're worse. Just terrible people that think they can be assholes without consequence. Seems like the South is just full of people who will look you in the eye to tell you what great "Christians" they are while simultaneously being the worst people they can be. And they're loud as fuck about it.

I'm gay and I can't even be "out" because I would lose my job and likely my apartment and maybe worse. I don't know of a State within traveling distance that isn't full of homophobes that are just itching to kill the LGBTQ, especially my trans brothers and sisters.

All I can do is point out the hypocrisy and that isn't even worth mentioning in the grand scheme of things.

Maybe one day "live and let live" will mean something again, but it won't come from the American South.

Looks like 248 years is the cutoff for a democratic United States. We'll soon see if the Christians can contain their collective erection for destroying societies for 2 years so we can at least say 250.

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These are Christians doing the book burning (again). Their love language is making people other than themselves "feel icky."

Nearly every atrocity throughout history has had a Christian standing with a smirk watching what they caused with glee.

You should see the filth that home builders generate. That, and paint just gets poured out into ditches in a lot of cases. I've been in an adjacent industry for almost 20 years and I've seen it all.

Unless Trump and his followers start an actual armed rebellion

Those people are out there. It's one of the main reasons I left Florida. A truck load of guys showed up outside my polling place in 2020 with AR's and they were asking everyone in line who they planned on voting for/if they were voting for Trump. The cops were called and they told the people who called that "as long as they weren't brandishing their weapons or threatening anyone" that nothing could be done. This was in the parking lot of a public library during voting; the cops chose to not do anything.

"Stand back and stand by" is all these people think about. They aren't making a move until Trump tells them to, but there's a non-zero chance that they start getting violent, similar to "the troubles" in Ireland in the 90's.

And our legal system fails us every single day Trump is a free man getting to flap his gums. We all know what we watched happen. We heard what he said, we saw what the aftermath was... If it was you or I, we'd be in solitary confinement yesterday.

There's a long damn time until November and I'm fearful, but there's not much I can do to change anything.

I used a program to delete all of my posts and comments at once. It took some time since it went post by post, but I didn't want any of my intellectual property making money for a company that continues to shit all over users.

Spez can go fuck himself with a hot metal fork.

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I hate to be a pedant, but he "pled" guilty.

Saying "pleaded" is like saying that you "shitted" your pants.

The Supreme Court is going to allow Trump's Beer Hall Putsch: Zweiter Teil.

They know they'll be dead from old age before it affects them. Plus, the dirty money checks keep clearing, so they have no incentive.

I was talking to a friend recently and mentioned that Lil Debbie Fudge Rounds used to be the same diameter as the "Double Decker" ones.

Now they're smaller than the diameter of an air hockey puck. And don't even get me started on how regular Oreo Cookies used to look like the double stuff Oreos. The gall to cut the product in half, add the other half back to it, then charge more and have the balls to call it "double..."

A bunch of fascist Christians support Israel, which is an odd flex considering history. But we all know, they think they'll get into "heaven" if they support Israel. It's not about protecting humanity, it's all about them. Never was anything else.

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Good. I stand by my belief that Christians are absolute pieces of shit that should have their churches taxed into fucking bankruptcy and their assets seized for being fucking liars who, for 2000 years have been taking advantage of the poor.

The difference is, he's allowed to call for the death of Innocent people and hide behind his gold plated cross like a fucking coward.

Meanwhile, nobody is allowed to say a goddamn thing about his church diddling kids and getting away with it, because they're federally protected. And for what? What has a single goddamn Christian done for society? The crusades, the inquisition, the Holocaust.... And now all they do is go on "mission trips" to poor countries to get a picture of themselves holding a shovel. The lot of them are as useful as taste buds on an asshole.

It's all a goddamn show. Not one of them actually believe a fucking word of the Bible. They all know they're collectively full of shit and just going with the motions hoping no one calls them out on it.

I was homeless for a year, through no fault of my own. I had a full-time job and lived in my car, occasionally renting an Airbnb to shower. I went to every single Christian Church in my home town trying to get help and every last one of them turned me away. I couldn't even get them to give be canned food.

I went to a Jewish synagogue and they fed me and one of the rabbis let me wash my clothes at his house.

That's what good Christians are. They'll keep up appearances for that tax break, but anything past that and they're full of shit. Always have been.

Cue the womp womp wooooooomp.

"Honestly, your honor, I got duped into commiting murder. Sure, the pay was great and I was completely on board, but then I got caught and I knew I had to say something."

Of course, he had right wing backing, so the "Oops, my bad" defense is gonna work.

I'll tell you how to fix this; make a law where if there is a shutdown, an immediate freeze goes into effect on the assets of every member of Congress. No access to their bank accounts, no flights, no income until the shutdown ends.

Simply fabricating lies based on heresay, unvetted 'sources' and rumors just doesn't cut it anymore.

You mean the basis of their entire religion?