
3 Post – 637 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Okay I didn't that because its likely off topic.

This article is about a statistic, which says (very narrowly) that Biden (is currently) polling better than other hypothetical nominees. I'm saying that this is because Biden is more well known, due to his incumbency.

This statistic does not and can not sat anything about if a different Democratic candidate would poll better or worse than Biden if they were nominated or were the presumptive nominee.

Because Biden is the president, he is in the news more, and is more recognizable, and thus more people "like" him than whoever else was listed on this study.

There is a reason incumbents are almost always the nominee. Voters are generally not well educated and the vast majority of them just know Biden.

Compared to other democratic candidates, biden has a leg up because incumbency. This link is about the nominee, not who wins.

And trump absolutely benefited from incumbency. The whole GOP practically rebuilt itself around him.

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They would?? They are**

Musicians can play at different volumes, and there's usually a mic and soundboard.



And incumbency absolutely does propelled a candidate across the finish line. The vast amount of presidents in recent history are two-term presidents. Trump is an exception.

If you buy a phone from Verizon its perma locked for no reason

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Yeah... I hate it too. I really wish for even just the popular vote but ideally most-approved or ranked-choice voting.

But as always, not voting just shifts candidates away from you so they can get more votes they need to win.

Ahhh. Good old WPA1

Blu-Rays would be good if a write drive didn't cost $130+ (for the 100GB models)

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Says the closed source everything else company?

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I'm torn. One part of me says that search engines should ignore this if enough pages link to it (maybe only indexing title). But... Ugh.

But I can use a non Verizon phone on Verizon? Are they just trying to dissuade it because the people doing hotspot bypass are likely gonna do the research.

Edit: oh yeah ads. Of course it's ads.

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Of course.

And yeah carrier locking is already illegal [if the phone is fully paid for].

Check your DNS

The FCC can do anything within the law as a condition of using radio wavelengths.

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Oh. Its a 5.25" drive bay thing. I don't have one of those :(


Amazon search results.

Yeah yeah I know, its just too easy to shit on Facebook/Zucc.

He probably just doesn't want a competitor to the lizard people overlords /s.

Oh right that fucking thing.

What's the malware do?

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Ah frick

So its a service infected with malware that spread? Oof.

Loginwall actually. Just put in a random email.

Of course it does.

I highly doubt that unless they invented magic.

Edit: oh... They ommitted the "up to" in the headline.

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The look of it. I still have trouble beliving the Catholic church has this? It looks like art.

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That's so punk

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One of them dies and/or kills someone else

Best case scenario they have gay sex

I meant tech radar. Thanks

Yeah. 99% the reason this dude isnt attractive is because his hair screams "I barely put effort to even shampoo this" and his clothing looks like he just gets whatever comfortable thing he sees first. And maybe the glasses.

That's accurate.

Its done through multiple algorithms, but the general idea is to schedule calculations as soon as possible, accounting for data hazards to make sure everything is still equivalent to non out of order execution. Individual circuits can execute different things at the same time. Special hardware is needed to make the algorithms work.

There's also branch prediction which is the same thing kind of except the CPU needs a way to ensure if the prediction was actually correct.

Hey consumers! Would you like a customizable function button that's actually not customizable? Can we get VC money in the chat?!1/?!?

Because its convenient for them. For people who only have a phone Netflix for $2 or so a month is great.

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Oh noooooooo not a single QOL feature

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For federal employees... God I hate misleading headlines I thought they might disable the phone or have google play refuse to work with it or something.

It still looks cool