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Joined 1 years ago

Choc milk aside that looks like dog food. If you're going to eat meat at least learn to cook it properly. No self respecting boy (or girl for that matter) should be inflicting this abomination upon themselves. Why do boys apparently have to hate themselves like this?

While there is an obvious issue with Musk clearly being in a position to know that this was going on and not shutting it down, it saddens me that there was (is) a team (multiple teams?!) of highly qualified medical scientists that were (are) psychopathic enough to actually do this horrific shit over an extended period of time. Everyone involved should be stripped of everything dear to them and placed in a small dark hole for the rest of their miserable lives.

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"QUICK LOOK OVER THERE AT THOSE PROBABY SEX CRAZED PEDO TRANS PEOPLE, and certainly don't look over here at these actually sex crazed GOP friendly pedos .."

Pretty sure it's the same in Australia. Our judges are also appointed by their legal peers who are also held to a pretty strict code of ethics. Breaches of these codes can result in being stripped of your right to practice law. These features combined limit this nonsense of partisan judges tthat the US seems to be afflicted with.

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It would be really nice if everyone just ignored the rebrand and kept calling it twitter.

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Love that I can just see this image and the music starts up in my head

Until quite recently Shell HQ was at the Hague

Ergh english AC plugs are garbage, built in 13A fuse? Fix your damn power network, Australian plugs are easily better.

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I assume it was only implemented under the provision that it doesn't apply to MPs, Lords or any of their special pals.

I mean puritanical bs has been sweeping North America since 1620, why would it stop now? From the outside the US looks like a seething mass of religious nutjobs. Apologies to regular people in the US, I know you exist, you just aren't easily resolved out of the noise of your compatriots.

Does profile transfer even matter?

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Are you sure they haven't already adjusted the 1978 figure for inflation?

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From cannon? No? Maybe some criminal charges then at least? No?

Any KBin app would have to pretty special, the mobile page is pretty great as it stands. It's got a few small bugs but none of them are showstoppers.

I don't think it's that suitable alternatives that could make a lot of headway into limiting the problem dont exist, it's more that a lot of people are making a lot of money from the status quo and have a vested interest in ensuring the status quo remains. You can bet your bottom dollar that if those people had found a way to continue the gravy train with the alternatives then they would. Eventually they are going to have to consider that if society collapses due to their actions that the currency they are accumulating will be worthless without the societies that dictate its value. I don't think that will happen until we start seeing some of the climate change chickens come home to roost. It's going to be unpleasant for a lot of people and might be too late.

Interesting that despite it still being summer and roasty toasty in the southern hemisphere in January, the world average temp is still lower than the northern hemisphere summer.

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I don't see any of the notification problems, I assume you've tried logging out and logging back in again? Closing any kbin tabs and restarting your browser? Checked if disabling your adblocker for the site makes a difference?

I switched to OneNote a few years ago and was going crazy trying to find a bunch of notes I took .. turns out they were all in Keep happily noting away.

Keep was great but I find the OneNote structure and flexibility a bit more useful.

I for one welcome our new crab overlords!

Occidental Heroes and Pew-Pew aren't bad

Antihistamines will stop the headache, can I also suggest a breakfast carbonara? (Do NOT use cream like some sort of maniac, fry bacon (or pancetta) and onion (and maybe mushrooms) in oil, grate some parmesan (or pecorino), boil the pasta for 10 minutes, lightly whisk a couple of eggs when the pasta is almost done, drain the pasta, mix the whisked egg, fried delights and cheese through the pasta, season, devour.)

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Also before you fry the bacon, onion and maybe mushroom you should chop them up ..

In Australia the cashier typically bags your groceries. It was a shock for me when I first moved to the UK and the first cashier I was served by was like "Are you ready?!" And then started hurling a barrage of groceries to at me to bag.

Anything is on PC if you're committed enough =)

Arguably Chaz might make a better judge ..

Yeah that was my thought, turns out the land water ratio in the northern hemisphere is 2:3 while it's 1:4 in the southern hemisphere

The average tells us quite a lot. It shows that overall, year on year temperatures across the entire planet are increasing, whether it's winter or summer. Like you say the impacts of that are higher spikes in more places every year and those spikes are lost from the data, but the average is valuable aswell. Because of the scale, and the fact that it's including winter for half the planet, 1 degree change in the average is pretty crazy.

@Cloudless kbooms? It's okay. I'll see myself out

My wife has a Garmin (vivoactive 4s I think) and on paper it looked fantastic, in action she has had nothing but trouble. Terrible battery, ugly UI, ridiculous management app, nothing but sync trouble. Hopefully Garmin has picked up their game with newer watches.

That looks about as infuriating as the imperial system ..

If the number of electrocutions per capita are the same then it's clear the fuse is doing nothing. The only reason to keep it is if you don't trust your domestic network, specifically the protection systems provided. If they are to code then why waste your manufactures time, and the time and space of your users continuing to require them.

My argument isn't born from patriotism, it's frustratration at years of having to use an inferior product only to have someone claim it's not only great but the best. Well, it's not the best, far from it, but at the end of the day I don't think I'll ever live in the UK again so shrug have fun with your garbage connectors =)

@PM_ME_FLUFFY_SHIBES Sorry, to confirm, are you happy pensions are at 24.4% of your salary or mad?


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Is there a way to stop videos and audio from autoplaying? Browsing kbin on Firefox mobile and it keeps randomly playing some unknown audio.

70% isopropyl alcohol is better for cleaning than 95%, water is a key factor in the reaction.

I've been rolling a Fitbit Charge 5 for the last year and a half and it's been pretty great, had an issue at six months and Fitbit replaced it, no issues since. Good screen, reliable tracking, 1 charge lasts 5 days to a week, no issues with sync.

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What the hel!? I'm Australian and I've never heard of these, TO THE FRUIT AND VEG SHOP!

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Prison systems around the world, and particularly those in America, routinely strip people of everything they earn and put them in dark holes for significantly less. The people doing these things know what they are doing and continue to do it without working to correct the issues. Torturing animals in a regulated test setting is well beyond carrying some weed or the mistake of being black and in the wrong place.

I'm all for rehabilitation, but how do you rehabilitate people who have decided torturing animals for extended periods of time is okay?

@Rdan33l DAB Tuner!

Interesting, are those pensions going to old people regardless of accumulated wealth or is it just keeping poor old people out of poverty? If it's the latter then I'm not sure it's a thing to be mad about, if it's the former then I'm interested in your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.