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Joined 1 years ago

Etsy hasn’t been good for years. But I haven’t found an alternative yet. Anybody know what we should use instead?

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I only have anecdotal info for based on some reading I did last year. As far as I recall, the program and software are new. So they’re slowly building up features for more complicated tax scenarios an in turn, slowly making it accessible to more of the population.

It’s just a matter of time before this is widely available. I read the post title as “we succeeded in this first year’s test and plan to continue the program”.

The CEO now seeks help from Phutar Afrayughum, a psychic and extrasensory perception specialist who allegedly helped Google increase their marketshare in the messaging app market, and was also involved in developing the Material Design framework.

Seems like a legit article :shrug:

While I love the spirit of this idea, it gets complicated fast. Worlds adrift is a great example. The game’s server was created using some closed source libraries with a paid license. So when the owning company (Bossa Studios?) went under, they were unable to open source it.

A law like this would effectively kill all licensed software that isn’t a full product. I do agree though; we need a solution

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This is regulated. And there are penalties for violating those regulations. But it’s just not enough. Even a class action lawsuit won’t help the victims. Most of that money goes to lawyers.

Honestly, I don’t expect any of it to change until the penalties are so severe that major companies go under. Aka a corporate death penalty (which the US used to have). But even then, good software security is extremely hard. Almost everyone screws up something.

I spent several weeks thinking about this exact idea.

Federation is cool. You could set up each instance to only federate with instances for nearby towns and cities. Maybe a “2 district” radius. Users would only see content for their local communities. Local news stays local. Local government could officially participate if they wish. People you talk to are actually neighbors you might see in person. Larger regions like counties, states, provinces, or even countries, could also have dedicated instances and federate similarly. I think this is the big appeal and it sounds awesome!

There are a few problems 🙂

First is a little bit of confusion with posting. Let’s say that I see a post about a cool new restaurant in my town. I share it with a friend who lives a few towns away and that’s outside the “federation radius”. I can’t share the post with that friend very easily. Maybe the tools could be enhanced to make this viable?

Second is a matter of privacy. How do you know that new accounts belong to people associated with the geographic location of each instance? If you don’t validate, the system will certainly be abused. If you do validate, then users need to supply some real info! Home address, ID, etc. that’s a big deal for users and instance admins.

Third. What happens if you move? Do you have to abandon your old account and start over? Again, the system itself can be developed further to solve this. But that’ll take time and money.

Next is the operating costs. You would need to build thousands of instances to build this system up. And each one would have to be tied to a geographic region. You need new features to handle signups this way. You have the simple cost of running these servers. You probably need a lot of staff to manage it all. This is an expensive platform for one party to run. Alternatively…

It doesn’t have to be one party running this entire system. That’s the point of the Fediverse, right? The operational costs go way down if anyone can run their own instance. But how do you enforce the rules of federating with instances for geographically nearby locations? I don’t see a reasonable way to solve this one.

I could probably keep listing issues. But these are the big ones IMO. If you solve these, the system is viable and could be amazing.

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Yes, unity costs money to develop and a fee is reasonable. But I think the are a few risks with this model.

How do they track installations? Metrics from steam and other platforms? Connecting to a license server at install time? Or maybe at runtime? I don't know the answers but they all seem to have implications for users regarding privacy and/or offline gaming.

It's also a variable fee to game developers. A single user can install a game on multiple devices despite buying the game once. Similarly, a game can be installed repeatedly over time. This is a financial risk to game development companies. I could see them mitigating this risk in several ways. First, they can pass the fee to the end user. So every install costs the user $0.20. Secondly, they can limit the number of installs per user. You want to install more than 5 times ever? Buy the game again! Thirdly, they could simply shut down the download service after a certain amount of time, making new installations impossible. None of this is good for a gamers.

And what happens to games made by companies that shut down entirely? Today, games remain available through steam, etc. But with this new pricing model, Unity based games will continue to cost money over time. Who pays the bill after the company is gone? This reminds me of Worlds Adrift, a game that used a licensed library. When the developer company shutdown, they were unable to release their server source code because the third party couldn't can't send bills to the open source community. Thus, the servers were destroyed and running the client today (still vailable via steam!) just gives the user an error message about license issues or something. Users paid for a game that they are now unable to use.

At first, I found this funny. Then I realized how scary, sad, etc. the reality is.

Companies typically prefer users to use a native app for two reasons. First, the software is sometimes easier to build. Second, they are capable of scraping a vastly larger and more valuable set of data from the user.

Browsers can hit many differs sites, many of which are dangerous. Thus, web browsers have to be as secure as possible to protect users from malicious sites. This includes Facebook, TikTok, every medical site you’ve ever logged into, etc.

I know a lot about software. Personally, I view every installed app as a means of attacking my privacy. If you have the choice and your experience isn’t diminished, use a web browser instead of a native app.


Something else to note. The larger companies are almost always much worse. Take a look at Facebook on the Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/facebook/id284882215

Go down to App Privacy and View Details. It’s absolutely terrible how much data they collect. Unethical at a minimum. Now compare to Voyager for Lemmy: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/voyager-for-lemmy/id6451429762

“Data Not Collected”

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I recently discovered k3d. It’s a light wrapper around k3s, which is kubernetes on docker. It’s amazingly easy to use! If you have docker installed, you can learn the commands and create a k8s cluster in under 5 minutes.

For anyone like me that likes k8s, k3d is a fantastic alternative to docker compose!

I'm glad I'm not the only one. My son is a year and half old. I've been teaching to count on his hand in binary since day 0. He goes wild and celebrates when we reach 31 🙂

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Strange. I’m not exactly keeping track. But isn’t the current going in just the opposite direction? Seems like tons of utilities are being rewritten in Rust to avoid memory safety bugs

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Ya… being paid to perform isn’t immoral. Honestly, I hope he took a ton of cash from Amazon for the show.

Amazon is the crowd doing evil crap. Their immorality doesn’t automatically spread to everyone they interact with. Especially, people that aren’t actually aiding their efforts. This one is corporate waste

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If it wasn't already known, I currently have no real opinions on various distros. But within a day or so, there will be one correct answer and all other distros will be simply evil! :)

I've been considering a very similar but distinct idea for a while now. I want my subscribed feed to be based on user weightings. Give subscribed community a default weight of 100. Then if I see too much from worldnews, I can scale it down to 50 and see half as much from that community in my feed. The goal being that I can adjust the proportions of different contents types without blocking users or unsubscribing entirely.

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Why does this matter?

Also, please try using grammar. I had to read that awful block of text like 5 times before I understood what you were saying. And it felt like shouting. Just why??

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Ethically, it should apply. In practice, it doesn’t because the rich make the rules.

The admins just launched a bunch of new services, including Blocks. I’m not sure if it checks all of your boxes. But it’s an obvious choice to look into

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If you’re up for it, it’s generally better to not backup everything. Only backup the data that you need. Like a database. Or photos, music, movies, etc. for personal data. For everything else, it’s best to automate the install and maintenance of your server.

Disclaimer: this does take more effort!

Disclaimer: I don’t yet understand why this is valuable.

I looked through the yaml example a bit. It looks pretty rough. This really makes familiar and readable yaml into much longer configuration. It’s much harder to read. First impression is a pass.

Hmm I may be confused. Do you believe that software companies shouldn’t be allowed to build and sell libraries? I.e. They should only be allowed to sell full products, ready for an end user?

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An interesting discussion! You’re probably right about most Lemmy instances. But it’s entirely possible that some instances are running a modified version of Lemmy that collects more data. And only those admins will understand why. They could sell it as easily as any company.

You need to trust your service providers or accept what they’re doing.

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Interesting. I’ve heard this many times from people here on Lemmy. I’ve been running Firefox for ~6 months now (previously Brave) and haven’t seen these issues yet. I don’t even have a chromium based browser available on any of my devices.

Regardless, I hear you about not wanting to be personal support for friends and family. That’s annoying

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Serious question. Is it actually better for the typical user? I don’t mean people commenting here. I’m thinking about the majority that don’t care about privacy, blocking ads, quality technology, etc. for those people, I’m guessing that Firefox is equivalent. Just another browser that works fine. So why switch??

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This really depends on the services you’re interested in. If you want something like aws, then no 🙂

There are plenty of other service providers that do things more ethically. Bitwarden is good, random example in my opinion. The software is e2ee and their service just syncs data between your devices. It’s not really possible for the bitwarden, the company, to read or mishandle your data in a way that matters. Note that this doesn’t apply to the credit card info for paid accounts. Still, this is what I consider “the good guy”.

So what services are you looking for?

Well this is much more commentary than my post deserved :)

Thanks for all the input! If only I could give more than one upvote. Much appreciated!

Agreed. Reddit has loads of problems sand bad motivations. But I think people are trying to turn lemmy into reddit 2.0 because they lost the actual reddit. Sure, many people wanted less nose and higher quality... But that's probably not true for most people that signed up over the last month+. They just wanted a reddit alternative.

I expect that much of the reddit obsession will dissipate as those users settle in and forget about reddit.

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Create a new branch on your fork. You need it to be synced with the other fork so there are a few extra tricky steps. On your new branch, you need to delete the latest commits that aren't merged yet so that it matches the original repo. Then add a remote for the other fork and pull. Now you can build against the other fork and submit a PR to it.

git checkout -b even-cooler-stuff
# Remove the last 8 commits. Change this number as needed. Increasing it "too high" is just fine 
git reset HEAD~8 --hard
git remote add even-cooler-stuff https://github.com/more-of-url/even-cooler-stuff
git pull even-cooler-stuff

You should now have a branch that matches the other fork. Make your changes, commit, and push normally. When you build the PR, you want to merge into the other fork.

Disclaimer: I wrote this on my phone and from memory. There are probably typos and possibly other mistakes. Good luck!

I can't blame reddit admins on this one. I support the protest and users shifting to Lemmy. But the sudden NSFW content is clearly going to get reddit to take action. Just the obvious response in my opinion. Just like killing third party apps causes a user base to leave. 🤷‍♂

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Lol yeeesssss. It's not exactly the healthiest mentality in my opinion... But I 100% sympathize with you here. "I have energy and opportunity today to fix a thing so let's do whatever I can do today to solve it." Unfortunately, that does lead to some "creative" solutions like a Faraday cage around your modem (ahahaha 😂). But it sometimes you just any solution!

Let it be known that I have provided your 2nd upvote.

Unfortunately, I don’t remember the source so we may need to go digging. But I recall reading that something like 1/3 of all bugs are related to memory safety. And those bugs translate to things like buffer overflow and privilege escalation attacks.

The proclaimed advantage is that by making the entirety of Rust memory safe, that entire class of bugs simply won’t exist for projects written in Rust. When they do happen, the bugs will be addressed by the language rather than many thousands of downstream projects. It should be an enormous gain in development performance for the world.

I think the idea makes sense. Time will tell us how well that works.

The Primeagen has a great reaction to dreamberd. Enjoy!


Personally, I'd take it a step further. Firewall rules should be defined as code in a git repo. So if you're building rules in a gui, you're simply doing it wrong. While a cli and/or api should be used, that should be automated and invisible to a human.

I think “server” or “waiter” are more commonly used words but they’re all roughly the same. It’s usually a person working in a restaurant that take orders, gets drinks, delivers food, etc.

In my recent experience, that wasn’t the case. Ultrasound at the ER was $370 for the contracted radiologist. And a whipping $1700 for a 5 minute use of the machine.

An interesting idea but it’s not possible with all languages. E.g. golang. But probably not the case with worlds adrift. I’m guessing it’s more of an incentive problem for the other company. No more revenue = why bother?

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You can also take a look at open telemetry. It's a huge open source project with lots of functionality. Handles logs just fine and also can provide metrics and traces too. Might be overkill for your needs but it's an excellent tool.

I actually have to agree that the price is too high. Yes, Notesnook is competitive. But they're all way too expensive for my taste. I'm really not happy with any of the solutions I've seen recently.

For comparison, I pay for bitwarden. It costs me $10 per year. That's a price point that I'm more willing to consider.

Ha yes! It's within my ability to research and choose... but that would cost more time than I want to pay. I'm definitely appreciating the input from the crowd.

Sidebery provides this functionality as well. Don’t get me wrong. If you like TST and STG, then enjoy!

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Fair enough regarding sass, though I disagree with the opinion.

But I’m asking about builders of partial software. For example, consider a single developer that builds a really great library for handling tables. It displays a grid, displays text in cells, maybe performs some operations between cells, etc. On its own, this software is useless but is very useful for other people to build other products. Should it be illegal to sell this software?