
7 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This is the nicest way someone's put it. I've tried to switch to Linux three or four times but until there is a distro that makes it plug and play like Windows or mac its going to be a tough sell. I consider myself tech savvy enough (I can google things, and for goodness sake at the bare minimum I can cut and paste into the terminal) but the barrier for getting Linux to work is too high right now for a very large part of the population.

I have W10 computer running the arrs and my plex server that I'm going to have to figure out as I can't get W11 on it.

I want to do it so bad!.... but I think I'll probably just end up getting a new, used computer that can run W11

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This is the craziest thing to me...

I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I put my boots or shoes on at the door before I go out, and I take them off when I get home. If I get cold feet, I may put on slippers.

Inside the house, I'm bare foot or in socks. If I take the trash out and it's nice, I go out barefoot. If it's snowy or frigid cold (I'll leave the Winnipeg weather up to you for a fun google) I put on my boots.

I don't know anyone who wears shoes indoors unless they are elderly and need the support. It's a sign of middle age / senior age living here.

My children are old enough for Lego now.

I'm more excited for their Lego christmas gifts then they will be!

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I'm kinda over this conversation. I posted asking for input, not someone being argumentative. If you had a stronger argument, maybe I'd change my ways and look into what you're saying. I politely tried to say I hear you, but I'm good with what I do and you keep digging. At no point have you said anything that makes a strong case, helpful to what I asked or isn't dismissive. Have a good night

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I imagine it must be nice living in a place where your government doesn't care. Enjoy your free torrents. I'm ok with a few bucks here and there

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So right now, I have Radarr and Sonarr automate everything to plex.

Is there a way, I can automate:

I add to Spotify playlist (I would keep Spotify free as it is good at finding things for me)

Something detects it

Something downloads it

It shows up in PlexAmp

Ive been paying for Spotify premium because I need it for my job and I don't want to spend a ton of time tweaking and naming things. I'd rather use PlexAmp and stop paying if possible but I'd like it to be easy (with a little work here and there) like my arr+plex setup.

Am I asking for something that doesn't exist?

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Also see: sunk cost fallacy

I used to pay for a VPN and torrent everything but I'll be honest, $ for $ it costs the same or less AND there is way more selection. I'm ok to pay a little for a better service. I don't have to figure out what's streaming on what and I get high quality tv and movies for pennies on the dollar. Even if I went the "free" route I still have to pay for a vpn

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I've had Samsung for around nine years. The thing that kept me married to them was the SD card slot. Now that it's gone, after my Note 10+ stops getting updates, I'll be looking at something else. I have the Samsung watch, buds and tablet but I'm assuming they'll work with a pixle if that's what I land on. I like the Samsung nearby share but that's such a small thing and doesn't keep brand loyalty. Otherwise, what do they offer that say the pixle doesn't?

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I'm a teacher. I'm looking forward to summer vacation starting June 29th where I get to have 66 days off to be with my 3 kids. They're now at a really fun age and I can't wait


Have made my day, most likely my week. Ads aside, I friggin HATE the Chromecast UI

Now, let's pretend that I'm 5 yrs old. How do I get this to. Be the default launcher? I've already combed through the settings options and can't seem to figure it out...

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4 years ago next week marks my mom's diagnosis and the 10 months that followed. Watching your loved ones go slowly insane and become unable to speak and move in such a short time (she was mid 50s) when they should be healthy changes you. Everything I look at, everything I think about is now looked at under a different lense. And given my age, there just aren't a lot of people around me who have any idea what it's like and assume it's just handling the pain.

Like... no. I'm different now.

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Healthy ✔️ Comes in its own container ✔️ Tasty ✔️

I try one every year thinking this will be my year.

Unfortunately the texture kills me

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Winter: 20°C when home/awake, 17°C when out or asleep. Before kids we used to drop it to 15°C at night. It was glorious

Summer: 22°C when home awake or asleep, 26°C when away for longer period, 24 for short periods

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25% of men's hair will thin before 21

80% by 50

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And where are these book oriented indexers you speak of?! The ones I have are very much geared towards tv & movie.

No OP but I'd appreciate it :)

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Have a Note 10+

Screen needs replacing : $450 + tax (cdn) Only one more year of security updates

Bought a "renewed" s23 for $700. I didn't want to but it didn't make sense to sink so much into the old phone even though it worked fine. It pained me to give up the SD card slot...

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Does this avoid paying for their sync services? I'd love synced notes but to be honest, I wouldn't use the feature enough to pay for it

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Used to read a little bit (~3-8 books a year). Now I read a lot (30+ books a year). Love escaping into a fantasy world

Google gets it for pennies through google "rewards" app

Plus, allowing it in accessibility options

And it's on the wiki for this instance haha

Popstar is a classic and underappreciated in my circles

Canada's the same to a max of 5 yrs. You can get longer ones but the rates suck

My understanding is because it's Canadian law that after 5 years banks can no longer charge you for early cancellation. In the states they can for the entire duration of the mortgage. Which, benefits the banks when rates go up, the buyer when rates go down (and the opposite in the states)

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Read 36 books and counting

Thank you taking the time to respond with such a detailed response. I wasn't too worried about it as I don't do my shady stuff on mobile but figured it was worth the ask.

Other than a couple of bad faith actors here and there, I've found this community to be super tolerant and helpful - thanks!

They've been getting a lot of attention in Canada but "The Beaches" have been my jam lately

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Thanks! I needed to go back to the accessibility settings 👍🏻

  • Red Rising would be unreal
  • Anything Sanderson would be nice. Especially his fantasy stuff but his Cytonic series would be good.
  • The First Law Trilogy
  • Codex Alera
  • If Rothfuss wilould finish the friggin trilogy King killer Chronicles would be good

I didn't put anything in. But I went there (on mobile). Any real risk?

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Same here! I've been enjoying Connect as an experience but I am looking forward to Sync for Lemmy. It's actually the whole reason I came here. I was going to just give up once sync shut down but Lemmy has been a nice transition.

Most public libraries have OverDrive. While not torrented, you can get lots of ebooks for free! (if there's a way to "keep" them from overdrive I'm not aware of it)

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My place of work requires Microsoft Edge or Google chrome. I'm having trouble with the ad blockers not working. Is there some combination that I should be using that would circumvent this? Or is the only option firefox? Obviously, everything I own at home and personal devices are Firefox :)

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All this hate saying it's not $100.

I have a well stocked tool box that I've only spent $100 on... each year.

New tools are my favourite thing to buy. I miss the old tools sub

  • Late Night with Seth Meyers
  • Last Week Tonight With John Oliver
  • The Daily Show

I usually watch monologue / opening segments and pass out during the boring guest interviews.

Just discovered this last night. I will never go back to the bloat that is the Chromecast launcher. Holy fuck is this so much better.

2.2lbs to a KG

Should probably make an effort to know so many as a Canadian but only know the one conversion

Keen all the way. They're not dressy, you look like you're going for a hike but man are comfortable out of the box. I have a hard time finding shoes / boots and keens are winners.

Runner up and more fashionable have been my blundstones

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Apple exec doesn't actually understand how computers work and think that that actually might be a reasonable arguement

I think a lot of Apple users fit this bill too so it doesn't matte much if this is the messaging, a fair amount of people will believe it.

United Church seems fine