
2 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I did run a similar test and there were no errors detected. Thanks anyway!

I can sudo. Last time I looked into this, Memtest86+ version 6 was required to work with UEFI but it wasn't available for Ubuntu 22.04. Now it seems that 24.04 has it, so I might update and see if I can get the test running. Thanks for the suggestion!

I do have an interview scheduled, just saying...

It wouldn't affect boot though.

I can't run memtest unfortunately. The option isn't there and I don't have permission to boot from a USB stick.

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I just did that! Brilliant idea, thanks!

It's not hard to reproduce, but it's annoying that when they finally came here to check it, no problems happened. I had to bug them so much to even get them to have a look.

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That's a good idea. If I can get it to boot today, I will check the logs, thanks!

That example sentence would function exactly the same if it was separated by a period; nothing is gained by using a semicolon. No new information is added; you are just going to make people wonder why there is a semicolon there making the sentence less comprehensible.

FTFY. You aren't supposed to separate two independent clauses with a comma.

Even distros like Mint are buggy and requires multiple restart every day.

There is something wrong with your installation. Other people just restart to update the kernel often once a week/month. So you might as well tell us what's making you restart Mint so often.

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Of course, YouTube, the ultimate source of unbiased and reliable information.

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Some people add the rind to broths.

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Having to relogin every two weeks with two-factor authentication. Everything is a MS Office document, in particular ridiculous spreadsheets. Everyone writes in acronyms that they assume everyone else knows. Even though there is always a lot of new staff, every email assumes everyone has been working there forever. ("It's that time of the year again! You need to complete your GRD before week 5 of the COG and send it to the OSYN. Probably you are already an expert in completing these forms after so many years, but if you need instructions, please go to our IDRN and enter your ICRJ.")

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Carl Sagan - A Demon-Haunted World. Explains the key difference between a scientific vs religious mindset.

I can't believe no one mentioned this yet. I hope OP reads this comment. The first step is to make sure this new computer you want to buy is compatible with Linux. Otherwise your experience will be very frustrating, no matter what distro you choose. That is, if you can install any distros at all. Ask the vendor if this machine is compatible with Linux.

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It just keeps a copy.

All Linux distros give you the choice of installing and uninstalling whatever you want.

I don't think you understand how Linux and software work. Windows software doesn't work on Linux because it depends on other Windows software. Wine tries to supply these missing pieces. Linux isn't stopping from doing anything.

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TahtyUHny FYI. It's a weird spelling of a common Brazilian/Portuguese name. The usual spelling is Tatiane.

Geez, people. Feminine magazines have always been like this. Everyone knows that we women are incapable of caring about or understanding anything except clothes, diets, and home decor, so we must appeal to these interests rather than talking about this difficult boring stuff like writers' strike. What exactly do these writers do anyway? Why are they striking rather than writing? It sounds boring. Please tell me more about Margot's outfit, which I will wear after losing 50lb.

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Everyone likes to feel superior in some way. To a lot of people, they were born superior, especially those who feel like they are not important in any other way.

I'm so sorry. I will hug the IT team now for only making me login every 2 weeks.

According to what I have heard, other elite hacker skills that are at risk of getting lost in the younger generations include searching on Google and using e-mail.

Not sure about this. When I installed Firefox, it asked me if I allowed it to collect data and run studies (I answered yes). Also, as far as I remember, I never changed the Marketing Data setting and it was off.

Every popular sub on Reddit is the same four questions or topics posted over and over again. It is like users are unable to read any previous posts. I've seen old time users writing basically the same comment on multiple posts for years, and then new people would come and ask the same bloody question again. This convinced me to never post anything of value on Reddit. It just drowns in a sea of comments and will never be read again.

I think many people don't understand this is the entire point of being on Lemmy. They just want Reddit without ads, but without FOSS we would sooner or later become Reddit. So of course we are going to care about FOSS.

It's the same with people who use Linux but say they don't care about FOSS. Linux is Linux because it's FOSS. Otherwise it would just be Chrome OS or Android.

Sandwich for lunch.

Gas operated dryers.

UK enters the chat

Stealth (from F-Droid) doesn't let you log in but you can browse and subscribe to subs without ads.

I mean, Lemmy itself is FOSS, and the vast majority of instances are running on Linux. The main reason I am here and not on Reddit is that Lemmy is FOSS.

You are completely right, and the Open Science movement is catching on. The idea is to give everyone access to the (anonymised) data and use only tools that are freely accessible, even to scientists from developing countries without Microsoft licenses, so that they too can rerun your analyses and verify your results. You shouldn't be getting downvoted.

What the hell? All countries in the continent are about the same age. Europeans after the wars fled to lots of different countries. Sao Paulo, Brazil, for example, has the largest number of Japanese immigrants in the world. My ancestors came from Italy, Hungary, Spain, and Portugal.

Maradona, the great Argentine football player, descended from native American, Spanish, Italian and Croatian ancestors. Another Argentine footballer, Lionel Messi, descended from Italian and Spanish immigrants. Bolsonaro, shitty ex-president of Brazil, has an Italian surname. He won the previous election against Fernando Haddad, who has a Turkish surname.

Which is funny because the original comment doesn't mention Linux or Arch at all.

It seems to me that installing external audio drivers and changing Pulseaudio configurations is messing with the OS. Mint uses fairly old, stable packages. Newer distros have Pipewire for audio now. It's a Pulseaudio replacement and might be useful in your case. Have you tried a newer distro? You can try Ubuntu 22.04 or Fedora from a USB stick to see if your audio equipment works out of the box. Then you won't have to fiddle so much with the OS. Fedora Silverblue in particular is immutable and you can reset the OS to any current or previous state with one command, even without Timeshift. Another thing for testing software like DaVinci Resolve is Distrobox containers. You can change whatever you want inside a container and try different distros but you won't break the underlying OS. Hacker's dream.

No, this is an American thing. Other countries in the American continent have the same immigrant thing going on and we don't call ourselves Italian or whatever. We are all from the country where we were born.

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This. No one would buy an arbitrary computer and expect MacOS to run on it, for example. Buy a computer with known Linux support. Ask the vendor.

This makes more sense for tech subs because I would assume that people might want to post about their problems but not be interested in reading about others' problems so not be a subscriber. But I would expect that people who like books would subscribe to the sub, which means that they have already seen this all before a million times. But no, people post and comment like this is all new.

No, you should reply and explain why the advice is dangerous. A comment might be downvoted for all sorts of reasons and so it doesn't send a clear message. Downvoting is like grounding your kids just because you are angry, without explaining what they did wrong. They will just conclude you are an arsehole that will punish them whenever you fancy. Which is exactly my opinion of redditors and why I stopped posting there.

This is not true. The laws of thermodynamics apply to open systems as well as long as you take into account the energy that enters and leaves the system, which is exactly what calories in, calories out mean. The brain influencing how many calories are spent is just part of calories out. What doesn't work is equating calories out with imprecise estimates from websites, watches etc, or equating calories in with imprecise calorie counts from food labels that people often miscount anyway. But when calories are carefully measured by scientists (i.e. in a metabolic chamber) and everything is accounted for, it's calories in, calories out all the way.

And in a world that is getting hotter and hotter, nothing is more appealing than carrying your own furnace with you, wherever you go.

Why is Arch with i3wm the only alternative to Windows? There are many other distros and desktop environments.