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Joined 1 years ago

Lisztig, lisztig

It's also bullshit, we still have "realistic" art, but we let people express themselves however they want nowadays. Whether that is by painting the beauty of human life or trying to capture feelings in geometric shapes is up to the artist. That's a good thing. We don't need to put down art we don't vibe with, and nobody is forcing people to enjoy or relate to "modern" art.

(Also I just want to shake every person who says "tHiS Is nOt ArT" about some piece they don't like because oh my god art is whatever you want it to be and doesn't follow some set of rules)

Some bonafide boomer humor...

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Is this satire? SoaD is one of the most political bands I know?

Imagine a pizza. The pizza is 1. You cut the pizza into three slices: two slices are 1/4 (0.25) of the size of the pizza, the other slice is 2/4 (0.5) of the size of the pizza. We'll ignore one of the 1/4 slices for this question, as we don't need it.

Compare the 0.25 slice and the 0.5 slice, this problem is essentially asking "how many times can I fit the 0.5 slice into the 0.25 slice?", the answer to this is obviously... 0, if you're thinking in integers. Okay, but how much of the 0.5 slice could you fit in...? Half (0.5) of it. So 0.5 fits 0.5 times into 0.25.

Half of the slice that's twice as big as the 0.25 slice fits into the 0.25 slice.

Edit: Gone back and read other comments and... Holy shit y'all, have some compassion for people who struggle with maths? Nobody is helped or motivated by snarky comments. A concept that is easy to grasp for you might be difficult to understand for someone else for a variety of reasons. Somewhat relevant xkcd.

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This is ridiculous, but at least Barbie is getting a physical release. I'm actually very willing to pay for media... if I can access it offline and am not dependent on the good will of some large corporation.

What's best is probably hosting your own git server (for hopefully obvious reasons).

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Bitter? Hmm I'm pretty sensitive to bitter tastes, but I wouldn't call peanut butter bitter 🤔 it's only bitter to me if the peanuts were roasted too much or the oil has gone rancid. Are you sure the peanut butter was still alright?? It should really just taste like smooth, oily peanut.

I think any nut butter is nice with or without sugar, but yeah, with sugar I'd call it something like peanut spread, not butter.

I told myself the same lie, week after week, until some day I realised it wasn't a lie anymore.

Either this is very lukewarm satire or one of the dumbest boomer comics I've ever seen.

Are you european? I'm from central Europe and have the same experience. From what I've read, I think (US-) Americans have more sugar in their peanut butter.

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The psycho ex is being threatening and an asshole, I doubt they're using the term "girl" just in a jokey and endearing way. Has more of a "you are my girl" vibe.

Edit: also, the "bitch" and "whore" are dead giveaways lol

Spices don't contain chemicals?

Someone else here said to spend time reflecting, but I found this only made things (edit) worth worse for myself.

My secret weapon is distraction, it's the only thing that truly helps when I'm in a, uh, dangerous (for me) mood. Distracting yourself with things you love doing helps distancing yourself from the situation and makes you realise there is more to life than your ex.

No amount of talking about my feelings or reflecting on the relationship has helped me as much as listening to music, drawing, baking, exploring new online communities etc.

You know how people will say if you start lying to yourself that you're great and happy, you'll eventually start believing it? It's similar to that, I think, you remind yourself often enough that there are other things you love and that make life worth living.

So, yeah, time + filling your life to the brim with things and activities you love.

Whatever the fuck my brain runs. It's done a pretty okay job keeping me alive, and that's worth something, right?

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Generated from scratch? How do you think AI generates images? They need to be trained on images to produce anything coherent, there is no "generated from scratch" with AI (well, DL like stable diffusion)

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Bubble tea. Expensive, but so good on a hot day..

Daring to suggest that MacOS is enjoyable to use is also something that will get a lot of people angry for no reason.

I wholeheartedly agree, people use the term "AI" nowadays to refer to a very specific subcategory of DNNs (LLMs), but yeah, it used to refer to any more or less """smart""" algorithm performing.... Something on a set of input parameters. SVMs are AI, decision forests are AI, freaking kNN is AI, "artificial intelligence" is a loosely defined concept, any algorithm that aims to mimic human behaviour can be called AI and I'm getting a bit tired of hearing people say "AI" when they mean gpt-4 or stable diffusion.

I'm not sure if this is a joke or not, but in case it isn't: Windows isn't stable at all, third party drivers or not. I've never had a Windows PC that I would describe as stable, including the preconfigured laptops and towers I've had. They all bluescreen and crash or freeze more or less regularly (but stability isn't what I care about when I run Windows).

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but that style of window doesn't allow you to open it fully, right?

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Not sure for iOS, but on Android you can put the stopwatch widget on your home screen if you use it a lot, makes it easier to reach. Not as easy as a dedicated stopwatch, but an option if you don't want one but use the feature a lot.

Yep, when I compare the nutrition labels for the peanut butter I get from the local grocery store to Jif or Skippy (american brands), it has less fat and sugar per 100g. Dunno where you are, but I think that's probably it!

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Here, I'm not who you replied to, but you'll get my "uninteresting" fact anyway: The US customary units (at least most of them) are defined using the metric system.

Are you talking about Visual Studio Community/Professional/Enterprise and Visual Studio Code? Because if so, I don't really agree. Visual Studio is an IDE (VS Community is the free tier) whereas VS Code is a code editor (as the name implies).

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How have you contributed to foss? Open source repos (for example) are great because everyone from everywhere can contribute and help. Like everyone everywhere has the power to just start an instance if they're not happy with what's out there. That's a good thing. Power isn't determined by ownership of an instance but how many people use it, unlike sites like Reddit.


There's a Sawbones episode on fluoride and its effects on teeth (and why it's good for you), if you like to be educated and entertained at the same time, I highly recommend listening to it! Great podcast.

And yes, fluoride is good for adult teeth, too.

It's more like they're using the wrong sign for addition / using addition instead of subtraction to confuse you. The shepherds start with x sheep. They pay 30 and have x - 30. They should get 5 back, but they only get 3, so they have x - 30 + 3 = x - 27. If the sons had given them the last 2, they'd have x - 27 + 2 = x - 25 = x - 30 + 5.

If you want to view it from the trolls' side, you need only multiply everything with (-1).

Not who you replied to, but you can copy the link and paste it into the wayback machine (archive.org) to view an older snapshot of the site

Have you heard of rabies?

Something that has happened to me is that I had set the network interface in qBit but the the interface that my VPN used had changed (disabled and enabled) and the interface in qBit didn't actually exist anymore. Kind of a niche issue, but yeah.

I don't, and I never said that. I was replying to your assertion that it isn't stealing if it's generated from scratch. Your assumption that AI (DL) generates from scratch is simply wrong.

I was talking about the window in the picture in the comment I replied to.

Your comment says "Microsoft Studio Code" and "MS Code", neither of which is a thing (as I tried to point out). The actual software you're talking about is "(MS) Visual Studio" and "(MS) Visual Studio Code", and that naming convention is pretty common for products (and other things) that are different but similar (think Photoshop and Photoshop Express, PSX and PS2, C and C++ etc.).

(not OP) I'm curious, are you not able to "play back" songs in your head then, for example? This is such a foreign idea to me - sometimes there are melodies playing in my head without me even initiating it, in a way. I'm wondering if there are people this doesn't happen to.

Idk if I count because I use Tumblr regularly, but I never warmed up to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat (I do use Instagram to find tattoo artists occasionally tho).

Personally I just hate how posting to some social media feels like having to put on a mask, or how performative it is. That and the constant toxicity and negativity. It's bad for me, mentally, so I don't engage anymore. (Tumblr is the exception because my dashboard is exactly what I want and makes me happy.)

The anonymity of the Internet brings out the worst in people, the connectivity means I see every single bad thing that happens in the world. Bad for the brain.

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You can have it, but then everyone has to scale the other two slices by 1/0.75 since they now make up 100% of the pizza.

Not trying to be mean, but why not use fractions if you need to be more precise? If you need to express "halfway between 20°C and 21°C" you could just say 20.5°C.

Oh, fanfiction for me, too. My partner does know this about me though. I can't actually think of anything that they don't know about, hmm.

Is there a banpitbulls community on lemmy yet?