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smartmontools has some good functionality for interfacing with SMART via usb bridges that do not provide native functionality.

It is a very popular Single Board Computer, with a lot of community support that allows people to build and program a variety of things for a low price. Think of it like lego, but for things which can be useful as well as fun.

Want to run a weather station? Pi and a couple of off the shelf sensors, done.

Want to control your lights or appliances from your phone without getting out of bed? Pi and a couple of off the shelf relays, done.

Want to build a retro gaming console? Pi, a couple of off the shelf controllers and some pre-made emulators, done.

If I was capable of getting pregnant, ensuring that I couldnt be forced into a lifelong parenthood based on a single mistake that i may not even consent to would be a much scarier thought than more people speaking a different language.

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Nobody likes the practice, the difference is that vegans take a moral stand and choose not to contribute to it, while meat eaters shrug it off and continue to pay the people committing those acts, because they'd rather cows get anally fisted and forcibly impregnated than drink a milk with a different flavour.

1.2l water

240ml sodium sulfate

60ml sodium chloride

20ml xantham gum(optional for increased efficacy by keeping the solution homogenous)

Boil water, stir until fully dissolved, a small amount of solute should remain, if not, increase sodium sulfate concentration slowly until it does, indicating no free water molecules available for dissolution.

Solution should now be cooled to below 18c( freezing point) for an end product that will regulate temperature to 18c so long as it have sufficient(negative) thermal energy.

Solution of pure sodium chloride will have freezing point approx -20C, while solution of pure sodium sulfate has freezing point +35C. Adjusting the ratio of NaCl to Na2SO4 will shift the freezing point towards either end of thag spectrum, depending on what phase change temperature you are targetting.

90% of listings on aliexpress or amazon are made by dropshippers who don't actually have any knowledge of the products they're selling. They scrape the datasets for all of the manufacturers they source from, autopopulate any required fields and blast out a thousand listings. I'd wager the majority aren't even human reviewed, let alone human written.

I would argue that the modern smartphone is different, but by no means better. Between the locked down operating systems and the lack of a physical keyboard they are great for consuming media through approved channels, but basically useless if you want to get any work done with them.

Swappable batteries resolve this issue pretty well. The energy density is far from comparable, but if you're already hauling a van or trailer to the job site, then a dozen spare batteries isn't an issue.

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Related question. Why are north American hydrants all of the "stick up out of the ground as a permanent fixture" type, rather than the more discreet and less likely to be damaged "pipe fitting concealed beneath a removable plate" type?

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Indeed, the difference between the two is that a driver has no responsibility for any debris already present on the road that they inadvertently caused to damage something. They are however responsible for damage caused by any object they themselves introduced to the roadway.

The NASA equivalent would be pretty straightforward, they are not responsible for any space rocks that they accidentally disturbed from orbit and caused to land on your house, but they are fully responsible if thier own craft or parts thereof fell from space onto your house.

Boot into your bios and check the sata mode. A number of machines that I work with(acer predators most notoriously) will for no discernable reason switch from achi mode to rst optane, resulting in no drive being accessible to the os. Switching back to ahci resolves it.

I would consider trophies derived from human bodies to be immoral in the same way that child pornography is. The act of transmitting a digital file does not directly cause harm to anyone, but by creating a demand for it, you are in turn driving an industry that violates the rights of people in order to keep supplying it.

For many years after western contact with Aotearoa, people were deliberately killed for the sake of producing preserved heads which would be purchased by collectors in Europe.

If there were to be a resurgence in demand for such objects, there is no shortage of people either desperate enough or cruel enough to revive the practice of killing people to produce them.

Sure, there could be systems put in place to verify that a head was procured humanely after natural death, but it would never be foolproof, and there would always be some degree of black market causing harm on the fringes in order to meet demand.

We already know that people are killed in order to feed the black market for transplantable organs, so why would we allow an industry with all of the same risks to exist purely for the sake of art?

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I've done it before. Granted it was one of the first times I'd driven an auto, but the reflex to engage the clutch for rolling to a stop, combined with the extra wide brake pedal can be a real gotcha.

Stupid people treating guns like toys is a product of the abundance of guns, not the cause.

If you placed those same people in a place where guns aren't freely available I dohbt they would seek out guns for the sake of firing them off at a wedding.

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Why should people committing unjust acts be allowed to commit them in peace? Where is the peace for their victims if we do not speak up? The MLK quote seems entirely fitting.

I just wish it was multithreaded so that i could maintain a colony for more than a week without slowing to potato speeds.

My n00b theory on it, with the proviso that I am not a developer and only have a basic understanding of multithreading, is that you would break up the map into regions, and have each regions pawns and environment handled independently by separate threads/cores while one master thread handled interactions between regions and kept them all in sync.

Regions could dynamically scale depending on how computationally intensive they are, such that when the master/watchdog thread has to wait for one thread significantly longer than any of it's adjacent region threads, it remaps the boundary iteratively until it acheives minimal wait-time and the load is evenly balanced.

As it stands, I've got one core maxed out and the game running slower than realtime while my 15 other cores sit at idle like suckers.

My daughter is a very different skin colour than me. Somehow the worst I've encountered to date is an uppity mother who thought I was telling off a random child.

My homies and I use to share cds, and then splitfile the mp3s onto multiple floppy disks. Still faster than 56k limewire.

I'm sure if you hit the gym for a few months you'll have the strength to win her back.

The bare minimum legally allowable is already the blueprint that landlords use. Have you looked at rentals lately?

I often stumble across jobs in Antarctica listed in my region. It's right there in the headline, so its easy to skip over them, but i have to wonder, how else would you advertise for jobs in remote locations where most people wouldn't even think to look?

A copse, as the name suggests, is a stand of trees that have been deliberately coppiced (ie, repeatedly cut near the base so that the rootstock remains alive and generates fresh branches at ground level).

A better term might be the more generic "stand".

This is something I've never understood. Surely it is a compliment rather than an insult to effectively say "your partner is very attractive"

I've never encountered that theory before. As far as my exposure has been, most opposition to 1080 is based around bykill; the effect of the poison on non-target species.

The scientific evidence suggests that the number of natives killed unintentionally by 1080 drops is more than compensated by the increased survival rates of those who now suffer less predation, but walk into any pub and you'll find half a dozen people throwing out anecdotes about silent forests in the days after 1080 drops.

Consciousness and memory both require communication between different regions of the brain. It's entirely possible that you were "alert' amd responsive while still suffering a brain injury that prevented you from remembering any part of it.

Anesthesia scares me for similar reasons. It halts the communication between different brain regions, and we know that people have no memories while under general Anesthesia, but are they lying there unable to move, suffering extreme agony throughout the surgery, and just unable to remember it afterwards?

Haha, ditto. I've got the 34inch 4:3 for tasks like cad and image stuff, then next to it the 34inch ultramodern which I use for spreadsheets or multi-pane stuff, then my extra monitor up that lives up at a weird angle is my at-a-glance home for slack, btop, nvtop and any running scripts I want to keep an eye on.

I haven't spent any time in the Middle East, so please forgive my armchair analysis if you are more versed in the culture, but it seems like they have a legitimate need for guns, given how unstable the region is, rather than seeking guns out because of a deification like the US.

If you're going to the expense of putting a camera on it, why not take it a little further and slap together an arduino-based sensor suite with some logging? See if you can find any correlations in temp/humidity/gas conc that might help with diagnosis.

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Fair. No arduino kits though?

Well shit, me too. Have we inadvertently trained our brains to ignore walls of garbage text?

I agree with you somewhat, but I think in the case of body parts, which require the death of a person to procure, the risk of encouraging such bad actors is significant enough that we ought not to enable any market at all except where lives may be saved by their procurement.

From a read of that article, it appears that they are feeding it analog inputs, which would imply that it is producing analog outputs. I don't know if there is a way to evaluate floating point operations on an analog system. That said, my knowledge is very cursory, and someone will surely correct me.

This is actually how I do things when working on remote machines. I have far too many monitors, so dedicating on of them to a handful of btop/nvtop terminals works pretty well.

I admit that it's a less than perfect setup though, and a single program which could handle the remote connections internally and display an aggregate would be nice.

How does it compare to Mike Duncan's?

Are you sure you're not confusing this with the concept of "binning", which is a pretty standard practice for chips?

You manufacture to a single spec, expecting there to be defects, then you identify the defective units, group them by their maximum usability and sell the "defective" units as lower end chips. IE, everything with 24-31 functional cores gets the "extra" cores disabled and shipped as a 24 core, everything with 16-23 functional cores gets shipped as a 16 core, etc

People are still using windows?

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