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Never trust the OS that ships with a device. Wipe it, format the disk, and pray that they don't have a backdoor at the bios level.

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Relevant xkcd.

You're an admin on reddit

Fucking spawn campers.

Continuous scroll websites. I want a sidebar or a menu that lets me jump to the exact information I'm looking for, I don't want to scroll through your entire life story to find the hardware specs.

But it's not a tarxz, it's an xz containing a tar, and you perform operations from right to left until you arrive back at the original files with whatever extensions they use.

If I compress an exe into a zip, would you expect that to be an exezip? No, you expect it to be file.exe.zip, informing you(and your system) that this file should first be unzipped, and then should be executed.

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Fuck it. No-one is this thread can seem to agree, so I'm making a unilateral declaration that from here on out, all units of time except for the second are abolished, and we just use unix time for everything. You have until 1699217619s to make the switch.

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It was hunted to near extinction by introduced predators and considered extinct for several decades until a handful of survivors were located in some very remote areas.

When the survivors were found, the department of conservation moved them into a breeding program on some offshore islands where they would be free from predators. Since then the population has slowly grown and predator eradication programs on the mainland have had enough success that we're now taking a calculated risk on moving some of them back to their original habitat.

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Russia has recruited many more troops since then. The proper way to interpret this information is that the majority of troops currently deployed in Ukraine were conscripted after the start of the war.

To me it suggests that Ukrainian aligned fighters are operating inside of Russia.

I don't doubt the level of air defense Russia have in place near the border, but partisans in-country would sidestep them entirely.

Dang, California is making a lot of real progress. Nice work.

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I support this approach. Any company manufacturing products which are not readily biodegradable must put in place a scheme to capture and render that product inert before they're allowed to sell it.

New type of plastic that can't be recycled? Better figure out a recycling process and sort out the logistics of implementing that process wherever you intend to sell it.

Chemicals in your cleaning agent that don't break down harmlessly after a reasonable time frame? Either re-engineer your chemicals until they do, or develop a process to prevent them ending up in the waterways.

Can't do that? You arent manufacturing it.

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That was actually fairly uncommon for most of the middle ages. From the collapse of the western empire until the military reforms c1500, standing armies were few and far between. Peasants could be drafted to fight by their lords, but time in military service was the exception rather than the rule.

About a year back I stumbled across these cool products that are a heatshrink sheath with a metal ring coated in low temp solder inside. They made all of my wire joining a million times easier. Just strip the end of two wires, push them into the sheath and blast them with a heat gun for 20 seconds until the ring contracts into a crimp and the solder flows onto the wires. Better physical and electrical connection than a crimp, with none of the futzing that comes with soldering and sheathing.

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Well, yes, but also no. The heat released by fossil fuels absolulety increases the total energy of the atmosphere, but the other half of a zero carbon society is that it is powered by renewable energy sources.

If we are generating electricity by slowing down atmospheric winds or capturing sunlight incident on the planet surface, then any "waste heat" from the usage of that electricity will be energy that was already present, and therefore have no net heating effect.

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It's been called coconut milk for 300 years now. No-one is getting confused about it.

Better yet, buy a huge amount of bitcoin and dump it at the height of the 2018 surge. Stocks implies you have a reasonable amount of money to start with, but bitcoin was worth pennies at the beginning.

This seems solvable. There are differences in pitch between a nearby whisper and a distant shout.

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Everyone learning esperanto is a bigger ask than overhauling the spelling of what is already an internationally spoken language.

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Planes can and often do land themselves without pilots on board. It's not a graceful setdown, but it's far from guaranteed to be a fireball. They just gradually lose altitude until they reach the ground, which if it is sufficiently flat, they then scuff across until they come to a stop.

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It feels like we should have solved this issue a decade ago with bittorrent.

A website is just a frontend for a fileserver, so why are we not distributing these files across the globe, where we all volunteer a bit of storage and bandwidth to services we want to use.

Websites really need be nothing more than indexes and trackers which serve up a list of peers who are hosting the files we want.

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If no-one spoke english as a second language right now, that would be true. As it stands though, hundreds of millions have already learned english, and our global communications and trade infrastructure is based around it. Switching to a new language would mean everyone who currently speaks english needs to learn an additional language.

If we could start from scratch then a constructed language like esperanto would make more sense than using any natural language, but if we want to make a change to the system that already exists, then reforming the spelling and grammar of the language currently in use makes more sense practically.

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It happens far more with heavy vehicles than it does with cars. A truck tyre will be inflated to somewhere around 90psi, vs the 30ish a car tyre is. Fleet service technicians for heavy vehicles will place wheels inside a metal cage before inflating in order to contain any explosions which may occur.

When you have no choice but to kill or starve, any killing is justified, but when starvation is off the table because you have access to agriculture and global supply chains, then that justification no longer exists.

I would expand the original statement to "there is no ethical way to kill someone who doesn't want to die, if you have an option not to kill them"

I feel like the rent crisis is not something that can be resolved by taxes alone. What is needed is a blanket ban on private rentals.

Got an extra house that you're not living in for some reason? If you want to rent it, then you hand over control to the ministry of housing. No more discrimination against renters, no more invasion of renters privacy, and no more extorsionate rents.

Don't want the government renting it out to 'undesirables' or think they arent paying you enough rent? Quit hoarding and sell it.

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It works for now, but the reason most wires have a rubber-like insulator around them is that it takes very little to Crack or abrade a thin coating such as this and turn it into a fire hazard.

I'm surprised a product with such a small safety margin is allowed for sale.

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I have a dog at work who jumps up on my lap and "helps" me work.

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An old tale from reddit about a family that kept a butter knife in their toilet to dismantle the larger logs so they wouldnt block up the bog when flushed.

OP got a reality check when a friend using the toilet enquired about it and discovered that many people do not have a 'poop knife'

Don't worry, the insane cost of rent has already prevented most of us from being able to buy a house in the next seven years.

I'm a volunteer firefighter. When i first met my neighbour(an american who was previously in their army no less) he said "thank you for your service" upon learning this. I can confirm that I also felt awkward as fuck hearing that phrase.

If power corrupts, then why not vest that power in a democratic institution controlled by the people, rather than leaving it in the hands of whoever has exploited enough of the lir peers to monopolise housing?

Thats true for a lot of storm drains. Typically less so for household waste drains in developed countries.

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Is there another option available though? When was the last time you saw a loaf of bread sold in anything other than a plastic bag?

While the consumer does bear responsibility in what theh choose to purchase, we cannot shift the blame for the entire product and it's packaging onto them unless there are truly viable alternatives.

Put a recycling charge directly onto the manufacturer so that those with the ability to make real change are the ones bearing the cost of not doing so.

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Wouldn't be the first time. The soviets already did that in ww2, so there is a precedent for it.

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All cad files have a defined structure which could be interpreted. Unfortunately many cad files are proprietary and decoding them externally to the closed-source programs that create them is a massive undertaking that would get you sued

90% of the time, you need to build it yourself. If you're lucky then its a simple git clone and cmake job. Often it isn't. I once spent half a day building nested dependencies for a project i wanted to work on.

I had two jetsons that i was using for a project, had one on my desk and one in another office. Started back into some gpio stuff that I'd been working on the last few days and found that i was getting nothing, after about an hour of fucking with configuration trying to determine what had happened, i realised that i had sshed into the wrong one.

Now i make sure to give descriptive hostnames to every device on my network.

Apologies if i wasnt clear there, but the point I intended to convey was indeed that you should only use an OS that you yourself have installed, to ensure that it hasnt been shipped with any bloatware or backdoors.

Hardware manufacturers have been doing it for years with modified windows installs, and I see no reason to beleieve they aren't trying the same thing with Linux installs.

My initial thought was that everything would be stored in triplicate, then read in triplicate and 'voted' to the correct value, but I guess even that only extends the time before random bit-flips make the data unreadable. You're probably right on the need for active error checking if there is an intention to store anything long-term in this manner.

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I reckon if you could get there 10 years early you could probably prevent the entire thing. If you were capable of convincing some of the larger groups within the americas of the impending invasion, there were certainly people and resources enough to put together a small navy and start patrolling the eastern coast. Throw is some modern knowledge of firearms and metallurgy to help them develop some cannon, and Columbus never makes it to America.

Back in Europe people assume him lost at sea, and leave the atlantic untouched for another generation. With that much time to prepare, who knows how things play out.