
1 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Disband the entire police force and disbar the judge who signed off on the warrant.

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How are these people not sitting in jail awaiting sentencing like people busted for some small drug charge. Bail for traitors should not be an option.

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Q: Why are the pyramids in Egypt?

A: Because they were too heavy to move to England

Absolutely agreed. Bail is a horrible concept that again targets the poor population even more.

6ft3 and 215lbs? No way that’s accurate.

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Can we turn the border with Florida into the East German wall instead?

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Isn’t that what the autotldr bot basically does?

Good. Bring the damage back home where it belongs.

Because the point is to eschew hatred towards people who are different. Since they can’t have a “no black people” rule anymore, they target another vulnerable minority community.

Shazam can search by humming?

Are there any decent iOS apps for kbin yet? I almost never browse these sites on desktop (hence why I have completely left Reddit since Apollo died).

Currently using Memmy on iOS which is great.

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How about fuck anyone who works for the Chinese disinformation and propaganda arm. Fuck anyone who censors their citizen’s internet. Fuck anyone who is actively committing genocide against minorities within their country.

Works both ways!

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A new modern take on Sim Life. More genes, neural networks, etc. I loved that game as a kid.

I remember being amazed at the seemingly super fluid animation of the character running. And those falling sequences…

I believe Memmy has a filter for communities and instances.

Not replying to anything other than pointing out that at least on my TestFlight version, Memmy properly “hid” the spoiler until I expanded it.

“Get a rope”

Well obvisouly you don’t have good genes, the best genes, with an uncle who is a scientist…


Thanks for the info. I’ll have to check it out!

Great video and stumbled on a new channel to follow. Thanks! This level of technical detail and explanation is right up my alley!

Lol.. so inclusive wanting to bring down America, listing out a bunch of people you’d love to get rid of (anyone you consider bourgeoise), unyielding fanboying of China…

I think the overall Lemmy experience has gone downhill since hexbear federated. I also think seeing the propaganda posts constantly hitting the All feed will drive people away. Are there even any non-political hexbear communities? All I ever see are anti-is and pro-China posts.

I still can’t wrap my head around being so pro-trans rights (a fabulous thing), yet in the same breath simping for China. Not the most stellar LGBTQIA+ record there.

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Please go ahead and compare anything to what is happening to the Uighur people.

That was my point exactly. Can’t discriminate against protected classes.

In all of these situations, replace trans woman with, say, black woman. Now how does it sound?

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