
0 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Just want to say I love your glasses! They suit you really well!

At this point, why even consider getting a Roku?

Note, I rarely, if ever, use a TV anymore, so smart TVs have never appealed to me. But Roku seems to be very anti consumer (between the forced arbitration and their ad policy), so I don't understand why someone looking to get a smart TV would actually want a Roku over an alternative.

Maybe I'm just poorly informed, but it just seems like almost anything else should be a better option?

21 more...

Simple. It's theirs when it works and yours when it doesn't.

This was with regards to Air Canada and its LLM that hallucinated a refund policy, which the company argued they did not have to honour because it wasn't their actual policy and the bot had invented it out of nothing.

An important side note is that one of the cited reasons that the Court ruled in favour of the customer is because the company did not disclose that the LLM wasn't the final say in its policy, and that a customer should confirm with a representative before acting upon the information. This meaning that the the legal argument wasn't "the LLM is responsible" but rather "the customer should be informed that the information may not be accurate".

I point this out because I'm not so sure CVS would have a clear cut case based on the Air Canada ruling, because I'd be surprised if Google didn't have some legalese somewhere stating that they aren't liable for what the LLM says.

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I go to reddit for porn and that is it.

5 more...

I don't think this will solve the issue OP is describing. They're concerned at the existence of fascists on reddit, not just that they are seeing them. Blocking them all would be more like sticking your fingers in your ears and saying it doesn't exist.

This might not be universal, but here it doesn't even require it.

Back in 2017, Uber tried to expand to my home province and tried to get us to change our local regulations regarding rideshare (it boiled down to Uber being required to call its drivers employees and to function like the pre-existing taxi services).

Local government doesn't budge, so Uber decides that it doesn't want to come anymore. Within the year, a local alternative pops up that complies with the regulations Uber tried to fight, and they're still profitable 6 years later.

It's not that Uber isn't capable of paying their employees living wages, it's that they can earn more money if they don't.

Artificial General Intelligence

I hate that it lines up so perfectly, and then is missing a single syllable following "linux".

Tell Douglas he has a nice squirrel :)

But if I call them that, people will think I'm talking about the Conservative Party of Canada (who also go by CPC).

It did add an international arms market, where you can trade excess things for civs.

NGL, I've just accepted that it won't make sense to the neurotypicals.

I'll straight up say "sorry, my brain wouldn't let me do it" or "the guy upstairs is really fighting me right now" while pointing at my head.

Best case, they understand what I mean. Worst case, they think I'm crazy, which is a best case in and of itself.

I had an almost opposite scenario to this happen to me in middle school.

I was done of my classwork for the day, so I was playing games on my iPod Touch. Teacher notices it, confiscates it, and tells me I can get it back at the end of the day at the front office. Not so much getting an earful, just trying to get me to focus.

At the end of the day, I go to pick it up and the teacher says "I didn't realize this wasn't a phone. I would've let you keep it if I'd known"

God damn it, I hate this hacker crap!

As someone who also installed Mint on a Lenovo, I feel your pain. The only difference is that I was aware of the BIOS setting before I did the install because I'd read some forum posts preparing myself for the install.

I got a Mint laptop recently, and I've been loving it (even though I don't need it to do much).

I did the same. I used Boost (which is working on a Lemmy app currently) and it somehow lasted 7 days longer, but as soon as it stopped working I deleted reddit.

When I was a kid (primary school, ~2010), I watched a History Channel show about it with my little brother.

Back then, we just thought the "Boston Molassacre" was a funny name for a tragedy, so it's stuck in my head.

I hate how it seems to be a priority of our government to support Israel and that there isn't a single party that we could elect who would actually put an end to that support.


1 more...

And if you're going to offer someone to switch to something over the snap controversy anyways, maybe recommend Mint or a similar distribution (Mint is basically Ubuntu without snap)