
0 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Happens in every country and in every nation. This isn't a strictly American issue

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I thought ACAB?

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Paint depth on cars.

If one panel has thicker paint it means it's been in a crash

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Because the most environmentally friendly car, is the one you already own.

Producing ev is heavy strain on the climate. This change won't happen overnight.

Ev needs to be better and cheaper if it wants to defeat the ice market.

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Yeah, that is unfortunate

Poor people shouldn't be forced to starve but I shouldn't be forced to feed them

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Then get out of retail.

Let the shelves go unstocked.

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-walks in wearing a full clown costume and slaps a 100 dollar bill on the table

Oh, moneo

Not that strange.

People will find out your take home and if greater than theirs they become flippant, and when lower, denigrating.

I prefer not to share mine, because YOU turn into an ass, not cause I am one

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It's just a face, and doesn't usually represent the people.

Prez has little power when compared to most world leaders. Their lead is more of a cultural one.

So to say, it's really not so violently serious

Lol, just because they've already been stolen from me and used for that stuff doesn't mean I should stop using it.

I'm tired of paying more in taxes than people like you even gross every year just to be told I need to give it to you because unlike me, you were too lazy to pull yourself out of the gutter.

I was raised in extreme poverty. And now that I put in the work to get out of it every mfer with no drive or work ethic wants to bring me back down. I spent half my adult life working in homeless shelters doing real work to make a real difference instead of sitting behind my computer crying and whining.

Fuck Corp tax. Fuck social tax. And fuck your erroneous assumptions about me.

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The problem is I already pay way too much in taxes.

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Nah it's just what we say when we want the shit lib or Reich winger to go preach their nonsense to something else.

That's not true in the least, I promise, I meter car depth constantly at work

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Fair enough, to me it shouldn't matter. I may make more than someone else in my position because I command vast experience and capabilities, but may earn less than someone else who is better still than I am.

When I was a bit younger and more vindictive I'd like to try and talk to people about it. But most people don't want to tell anyone how much they make foe the same reason.

You have the right and should have the right to discuss your pay, but that doesn't mean that anyone who doesn't want to is a shill.

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Then I am sorry

He wasn't beaten nor was a bribe taken so ya prolly us

Best to know your own market value and argue for that. Know how much you make and net for the company will give you an idea of your own value.

If your plan to increase your rate of pay is to whine that someone else has more or is more valuable, your argument will fall on deaf ears. Deaf fairly.

Go in and say "I'm worth this much, and it is because i make the company this much money and deserve this share of it" instead of "I'm worth this much because this other person is"

Almost no one who has ever demanded a raise because their colleague makes more than them has ever gotten that raise.

It's a bot

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No accountability

Thank you sir or madam

Have a wonderful day

By leaving politica forever. Same as most officials. They can't make up for it. The damage is already done

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Holy fuck I think the bots here cant fuckin read

10 years from now

Probably because it would be the death of Sims is why it was canceled this way.

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Wow people here don't comprehend the third order calculation

Ea regularly buys out or pays off anyone who makes sim competitors.

Look it up.

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It's obviously a common vernacular simplification from authoritarian with a broad definition. This is a commonplace and accepted vernacular in most modern western media based social media outlets.

Fascist can be liberal, they can also be conservative. Or communist. Or almost anything. More often fascists will lie and say they are more socialist than many of their policies would lead you to reasonably expect.

Grown ups are talking. Go play outside. You obviously need to touch grass, child.

That whole attitude of picking sides is what got us in this mess to begin with

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They're both fascists.

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They are, if you're older than 11

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Fake lmao why lie

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You're going to vote for a cop who has falsely imprisoned thousands of black men for non violent crimes?

You dont have to vote trunp but how can you live with yourself shilling for this pig?

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