
1 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's Life by You for those that don't want to access the link.

Such a shame, I was excited for the game.

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It is obvious that men, with they physically stronger bodies and larger frames, are better than women at chess. It would be unfair to them to compete with eachother, since the male brain is the bigger muscle. /s

In all seriousness, I see absolutely no point in gender divisions in chess of all things.

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I doubt people who would use Meta's instance are the sort of interesting people I'm on Lemmy for.

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The summary for this video hurts my eyes to look at.

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Genuinely ignorant, what wrong with Al-Jazeera? Sure, it's biased on some topics, but aren't all news sources?

It's so interesting to me how money can have such a different value for different people. I live in the EU yet I make less than 1000€ a month even though prices are at EU levels. This would more than double my income and it would mean I could finally afford new clothes, I wouldn't have to worry about having money for food, bills would be paid on time and I could even save up a meaningful ammount! It would be a literal life-saver.

We'll keep saying that can't happen here right up until it happens

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I think many people say stuff like that, and indeed they would for a few months, but after a while people would look for stuff to do, and they tend to turn towards volunteering. That fulfills both daily structure and socialization. Do you think that's something you would eventually do in that case as well?

As other people have said, it doesn't really matter as long as it helps solve climate change. Boo hoo, western corporations didn't get to overcharge for stuff, big deal.

It's 100% happening outside as well though invasive ad placements, restriction of access to pleasant environments and underfunding of public services and property, like parks and such. It just takes much longer

"I piss in your mother's death"

Alternatively, "May Stalin fuck you"

And yes, I live in Eastern Europe.

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Same. Just have to hold out until the EU makes all messaging apps cross+operable and then I'll be able to talk to everyone again.

I teach middle school

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I would legit use it. For-profit dating sites suck

Join the dark side! We have penguins!

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While an amazing option for city commutes, mine is close to 100km daily. I have no idea if it's possible to use an e-bike for that, but it would certainly take up even more of my limited free time to do so.

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Acne scars.

I've yet to find someone else who finds them attractive. Not as weird as some others around here I think, but I find them really hot for some reason.

Good luck turning off the corporate AI's scraping your data from whatever websites you use to profit off of it!

Would it be feasible to fork the internet if this comes to pass?

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It's not free even with an adblocker allowed. Google still takes my data.

Oh, that's safe. Try being into a more obscure ttrpgs like Mage The Ascension or worse, niche Powered by the Apocalypse games like Legacy.

I can't even talk about them to people already into ttrpgs.

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Literally the only point of advertising is to manipulate people into buying stuff. I don't need your product, I don't want your product, and I hate it when you shove it in my face exclusively for your own profit.

If I decide I want something, I go looking for it.

Same. I feel like this will just push me offline. I refuse to relinquish control over my system.

Also it's no proof that any piracy took place. It would be a different thing altogether if they already had evidence and you confessed to it, but as is, not everything said on the internet is true. Here, my "confession"

I broke into Area 51 on September 5th 1997 at 07:43 AM and I took photos of a top secret spy satellite program meant to track UFOs.

The fact I said that in a comment on Lemmy doesn't make it true.

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The Average Joe rarely has enough capital to start a promising enterprise and when they do manage to, they get bought up by the very same corporations they were trying to compete against.

We've reached a point where corpos can just buy out the competition and do whatever they please to it.

And it's not even a greed issue, really. The system is kill or be killed, a corporation that doesn't do this sort of shady thing won't make as much money and will be bought out by others that do.

We have to change the rules of the game.

Fută-te-ar Stalin

Pronounced: Foot-uh-tea-are Stalin

Congrats! You can swear in Romanian now!

You should research this a bit more because ironically more people get exposed to radiation in the coal industry than in nuclear, percentage wise. Also I live in Eastern Europe and all game is safe to eat.

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We call this "fleas" in my language

We already are equally poor except the ruling class lmao. The middle class is 1000 times closer to the poor and the homeless than to the billionaires, to the point it's almost an insignificant distinction. Just look at the numbers

I disagree with your take on men being emotionally weaker. It's merely an excuse to avoid learning emotional intelligence and it's just a symptom of how they are socialised. Men don't learn how to properly channel and express their emotions, instead being told to bottle them up or repress themselves from early childhood (stuff like being told "You're a boy, stop crying" or "Man up and get over it"). It leads to a less empathetic world and makes people insensitive and inconsiderate.

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Yup, it is. Unfortunately, I had to endure that for close to a year (I will be assigned somewhere else this summer) and me and my colleagues had to carpool. Public transport would have been the best, but for that route the bus only goes twice a day.

Nevertheless, e-bikes are great if your commute isn't that long!

I dream a lot. In my dreams, older me visits me in a time machine. He doesn't look like me at all. His time machine has a lot of buttons. I think if you push one a shower or some shampoo or something comes out. I asked older me how it works and he said you could go see dinosaurs or even go back to when cavemen were around. He asked me what I am bad at in school and I said I am bad at math. He told me there was a switch that would make me really good at math. I tried to push it once but he got mad. He said I had to work hard and get better by myself.

That was the only time he got mad at me. After he stopped being mad he was super nice so I was happy. He told me about the girl I was gonna marry. That’s a secret. I asked him about God. He told me God is real. I think He's real too. My Mom said God is always watching, and He'll make you go to hell if you do bad things. So I can absolutely never do bad things. I have to be nice to my little sister too. Mom told me God doesn't watch you do bad things, but that it's a scary man instead. The scary man is the whose eyes are those eyes monster. He makes you go to hell if he sees you. God’s eyes and whose eyes are those eyes are in the sky, the ceiling, the walls, and there's a lot of them in my school and they're watching me no matter what. So I think I have to do a lot of good things like studying and other things because of that. It's embarrassing though because they watch me even when I do things like go to the toilet or take a bath.

Also, ever since I was little, I could close my eyes and dream sometimes even though I wasn't sleeping. It was like the inside of my head was like a video game or a manga. But when I do that the whose eyes are those eyes monster comes out so I don't want to do that. I asked my Mom and she told me not to do it. But while I'm writing this essay I asked older me in my dreams to tell me more about the time machine but he said I knew everything. He wouldn't tell me more stuff because I'm just a kid. So from now on I want to do lots of good things so I can beat whose eyes are those eyes.

Idk fam, if someone has to take my data, I'd much rather it be the EU than corpos. Of course, I'd prefer nobody take it, but it is what it is.

Oh you sweet summer child

Twisted is what made me love musicals. They're not a big thing in my culture, our theatre is strictly non-musical, and the movie ones seemed weird to me. But after watching Twisted, they all clicked for me. Everyone should give it a watch!

The sad fact is you can't really escape politics and ideology since they literally permeate everything. The closest thing you can do is make something as appealing to mainstream audiences and thus as close to the stuff most people agree with, but... Liking the status quo is still a political statement at the end of the day.

Let's say you're talking about a character in a movie who always goes out of their way to help people. That would be palatable to most, it's a very widespread worldview and value. But even then, a segment of people believe that you shouldn't help people if it doesn't get you anything (What's in it for me? Sort of mentality).

In that situation, the person claiming you shouldn't help people for free would rightfully be labeled an asshole, but the point still is that even something as benign as that makes a statement in a conflict between an altruistic ideology (It's good to help people!) Vs an egoistic ideology (I need to get something for my effort)

This is obviously a very simplified version of how deep politics and philosophy affect all interactions, but I hope I managed to get my point across!

Have a nice day, stranger!

I use them to make worksheets for middle school students and to quickly write lesson plans from ideas.

I've been using Discord almost since launch, and in that time, not a single feature did I find as an important addition to the program. It is now much more bloated with unnecessary stuff, stuff for which they paid those talented devs you mention.

I would have been perfectly content with a one-time payment to use it and it would have worked perfectly well for them with that model if they didn't get greedy and want to stuff it with random junk to justify a subscription.

I don't mind paying as long as it's not a subscription scam for no reason at all.

I think wealth disparity can get much worse than this. People used to be enslaved and forced into serfdom. The people on top wouldn't have to win if the people revolted, they just have to not lose and let the people who already struggle die from starvation. Such a scenario is highly unpredictable and personally I still think the people would win, but it's definitely an uphill battle that's getting harder the more we remain passive.

I'd add in a right to connectivity. Not having the internet is a giant disadvantage in today's society.

But otherwise, your list is top notch!