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Companies in general are just designed to make more profit, that‘s it. All their decisions make sense from a business perspective, they are just shitty for us from a human perspective. This is why we need decentralised platforms which aren‘t inherently profit seeking.

Funny also how every time someone criticises capitalism someone shows up attributing all technological advances to capitalism. No. It‘s the people, under any economic system there will be inventions, it is small minded to think people only innovate or work out of greed, if that were so the entire open source just wouldn‘t exist and volunteering wouldn‘t exist.

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Spez also apparently called the mods "landed gentry" which is hilarious coming from a rich fuck behaving like a king towards some people who work for him for free!

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Pathetic. How anyone can deal or invest with "businessmen" like Trump and Musk who mainly grift, steal, lie and don‘t even pay their debts—no clue!

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It is similar to a coup but from the top, so it‘s more like "consolidating power" phase which dictatorships do go through. Dissenters get removed and replaced by willing servants until the platform is more spez and less "The People". Meanwhile he pretends like somehow the mods are the actual dictators or some shit to make all this palatable to those that still use Reddit, which in my cynical view they will eat up. Reddit is dead and done for anyone who values actual community over ads.

That current model IS capitalism, the big companies are big precisely because they follow these profit > sustainability tactics, if they didn‘t follow these tactics they would stay small and potentially get gobbled up by the bigger companies. The company I work at is one of the biggest for it’s market worldwide and the tactic is basically buying up the competitors. So it‘s part of their regular business to buy out some cute small family business and enshittify it (ty lemmy for teaching me this word) by integrating it into their "business processes". Which means often layoffs and hiring freezes and as they succinctly put it "making more product with less labor" (also raising prices to get more profit for less product).

I mean, I say all this knowing it‘s as pointless to do as trying to suck up a tornado with a vacuum cleaner, even if I managed to find the right words to convince you and some other readers of what I see here, we‘re still likely to perpetuate the system out of a lack of feasible alternatives until such a point where the planet can‘t bear it anymore.

Sorry, now I went completely off into my usual doom mindset. It‘s all good, maybe you are the correct one and some friendly people will overcome the greed and consolidation processes I see as inherent to the system and save us all by only allowing small companies or something.

Cannibal take seems accurate, kinda how it feels looking in too. Not glad about any of these people in charge, but at least they hurt each other right now.

From my POV all we need to do is post and comment and create good communities. The people will come naturally if we do that.

Good to have you, I think you made a good decision. We‘re early adopters of a technology that can make all of these social media kingdoms obsolete and I’m excited to be here for it!

Same, first positive thing I noticed. This really feels like Reddit in the beginning–I like it!

Of course they are. That is why I am here, Reddit in my eyes is done for either way and once it is on the stock market, it’ll only get worse.

I found it on Reddit and seen it around, it‘s spreading. Might write some comments myself too, as long as I still have Apollo to do so; so far I am liking it here.

That is what I expected next. My only alternative to Apollo to use Reddit adfree was the mobile browser with adblock.

This is a problem that is big now, but I think can also be solved with maturing the technology in the future.

Right now I have multiple accounts for multiple bubbles, but I can easily imagine some app or website that can congregate the content coming from multiple instances and choosing the appropriate account for it to post/view with.

Thus allowing one to access bubbles that have shut each other off in one central place. Unless they do it by completely blocking sign ups in which case they isolate themselves willingly and that is also good in a way to have as an option.

If I can imagine all this as a random system engineer, surely some developers with a passion for this and open source collaboration etc. can too.

Now there is some slight tech hiccups, but the growth is amazing.

Apart from all the good Lemmy suggestions, right now I think is a good moment to mention it on Reddit posts in related communities, especially in response to people complaining about the current way Reddit is going.

I‘ve come here from when various shit got deleted/banned off r/piracy and people in the comments mentioned the piracy Lemmy.

I knew a lot of people would follow spez and toe the company line, just like they did with Twitter. I don‘t mind, I‘d rather hang out here without all them anyway.

I‘ve seen some stuff I dislike on here too, but I figure that is normal in any place many people congregate. I like the overall small and friendly vibe though and ofc the freedom from the whims of spez.

When will companies finally understand that some people won‘t watch ads no matter what tricks they employ. I‘d rather watch no video at all than a single ad. If that is their goal, fine.

For such cases I usually bring a small and very light rain jacket I can tie around my waist while it is hot/sunny and put on if I get cold/rained on. It has happened to me a few times in my life where I went somewhere in just a T-shirt and then had to do a walk of shame looking and feeling like a wet dog. This jacket has saved me from that a few times.

They could pay me now and I wouldn‘t to back, and if my habit to type re… into my browser doesn‘t go away soon I‘m gonna block it on my router for myself. A place I went to for 10+ years and all I feel now looking at it is disgust, well done spez!

Nice article though, didn‘t pull any punches.

They‘re fine if anyone with some critical thought leaves and the only ones left behind are the master bootlickers who would eat a plate of shit as long as it got served by Reddit.

Could even be seen as an improvement to them considering that includes communities like r/piracy which the mere existence of could hurt their capitalist investors feelings.

The new spez company strategy will work because it has been tried and tested in many dictatorships in human history. The elites and workers (mods) in institutions (subs) critical to the state (company) regularly need to be purged of dissenters (protesters) to signal the strength of the dictator and make a coup (change in leadership) seem impossible. This lets those who are against the current course of the state lose their will to fight and pursue other avenues like flight (why I‘m here). It also gives a feeling of safety to those who don‘t care or support, since they need to see less of us dissenters.

I love you for explaining this so clearly, I was actually so confused about this I may or may not have misinformed someone else, oops.

Let the dog outside and bark for 15-30 minute stretches of time, no matter the hour of day. I’d get woken up randomly sometimes until I got a noise machine to at least somewhat drown it out.

I‘ll never forget this cause dealing with it for 2+ years now has changed my whole attitude on dogs, I always thought I might eventually own one and now it‘s the last thing I want in this world. Though I acknowledge some people are good owners with well trained dogs, awful owners like my neighbour now stick out to me and annoy me much more too.

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I have considered it, but I didn‘t do it cause I had bad experiences with police in my life leading me to think of them and more broadly the state as useless at best or harmful at worst. I don‘t want anyone to shoot the dog, I just want it to be quiet. I tried communicating that with my neighbours, but that didn‘t work either as they said they would try to train it or something and just didn‘t.

Either way, I found some coping mechanisms like my noise machine, going to the office to avoid WFH (I like it, but not here!) and noise cancelling and in a year I want to move again and this time I plan to spend a few hours at any apartments to check for loud dogs first.