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Joined 1 years ago

I lost some, I won some.

Usually for a poll like this, they would make invitations to targeted respondents and provide them with secure anonymous access when they agree.

The appropriate, historically accurate comparison is to student protests against South African apartheid and he knows it. Reportedly, those very protests grew into the strong boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement that ended apartheid in South Africa. This is what he fears and what corporate media is actively trying to prevent.

Only people with no information on either the actual history or current situation are going to fall for this baseless slander. Sadly there are probably still a number of those around.

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That's highly subjective, but the fascinating book The Dawn of Everything argues otherwise. There are even parts about the anthropological evidence some peoples just up and changed systems every so often (yes, non-violently). Our problem as people in the modern era is many can't imagine anything else, not that no one ever did.

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So many Martin Shkrelis out there pricing drugs to the highest level they can get away with. Every big pharmaceutical company does this kind of thing, especially with new drugs.

Is that the newspaper that got their papers stolen or were raided or something the day they were going to run a story on the local sheriff, or is this a whole other bizarre confrontation between cops and print media?

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Seems when both parties in a 2 party-dominated system have unpopular candidates, the horse race ends up being purely about who turns off their base the least. Not who they impress or win over, but just how many votes one doesn't lose and the other does.

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It's unequal in that they're already more likely to prosecute minorities. Somehow I doubt prosecution of more white people would have changed this judge's mind.

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Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.

(Also, DS9 was the best.)

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Horrific and sickening, to see an aid organization treated like this, especially knowing the situation in Gaza. Depraved actions like these will not be forgotten by decent people of the world.

Even when ethnic cleansing isn't actively going on, it's not a democratic state if any group of people native to the land are banned from voting, can't travel freely, and have a separate justice system that applies only to them. Iran wouldn't have been in the state it's in if the US hadn't staged a coup there because they didn't like the leftist leader people democratically elected.

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Yes, because a stern talking to will make all the difference, when they're already attacking people there either way.

Never even mind how at first I somehow thought the headline stopped before "until," and continued at Biden. 🙄

Wait, is she thinking that's how you welcome a witch or is that how she believes witches welcome people? I couldn't find an attached article and this is bugging me now...

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We all like to joke about cats leeching but they're definitely not Capitalist. They're hunter gatherers for whom the concept of hoarding resources doesn't exist. To them, when there's plenty, you vie for it all within the social group (seems there are hierarchies?) and no one has to go hungry and there's no waste (including wasted energy). This also preserves plenty of leisure and social time.

If raised in an environment where it makes sense to hunt and you encourage them to do so, they'll happily contribute what they believe to be palatable food. If left alone, reasonably fit cats can fend for themselves too if necessary.

They'll take what shelter they get and bury their waste so it can fertilize the ground.

Good call. As with every other industry where bullshit rent-seeking has taken hold, the attempted fee tack-on and walkback are an experiment in how far they can go before appeasing customers. It's about testing waters before wearing people down. Rest assured, the one CEO's peers have taken note of this noble effort. Eventually, as they see it, one of them will succeed in making it stick, paving the way for them all to do the same. The first CEO to make it stick will get additional bonuses, praise, and a higher level of notoriety within their rarefied circles.

Only if you're trying to say they didn't have a gender identity yet as fetuses. That's why it's a meme and obviously a joke. Otherwise it makes an interesting point about how silly it is for cis people to base gender on body parts.

correction: 8 days later, I am editing to state I have since learned biological sex is actually undifferentiated in the first weeks of a pregnancy. This is NOT the same as being intersex, but I think an intersex individual would probably have the best perspective to weigh in on whether the joke in the meme still makes sense, due to overlap in the issues it raises. To my knowledge, I am not intersex, so I'll shut up now.

I'm Gen X and not a fan of chat abbreviations but I was mostly just lost on "bussin'" (so I looked it up on Urban Dictionary). Not sure if "I vibe it" is like a form of "vibing" or more like "I'm feeling it" (or something else) though.

India and Israel are just farther along on the same path we're on in multiple countries in the West. Fascism feeds off the rising inequality and exploitation of Capitalist excesses. It could easily have barrelled ahead further here first if dominant groups here were any less accepting of cultural differences (we could still do better, but we're at least at the bare minimum of civility) AND if we weren't as religiously unaffiliated and/or atheistic*.

(*This is not a knock at spirituality. I only say this because another calling card of fascism is for the dominant local culture's religion to be contorted into its absolute worst, most corrupt possible form so it may be weaponized in whipping up monstrous sentiments towards scapegoated outcast groups.)

W = win
L = loss

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To make it more attractive to tourists and easier to clean, I'd guess.

I hope the people can sue successfully, since state govt seems stacked towards colonialist endeavours.

I've been meaning to look into the history of how the secular left was crushed in much of the Middle East. Thanks for the reminder.

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Heard this earlier today, and felt some hope the added pressure could make a difference.

I also learned today that Indonesia is bringing a separate ICJ case about the 75 years of illegal occupation, and president Herzog was informed at the WEF in Switzerland that their Attorney General is considering waiving diplomatic immunity due to criminal charges against him.

Easy. Non-profit co-ops, ideally as part of land trusts. They keep prices reasonable, give all community members a say, and the people who are lucky enough to live in them love them.

Yeah that phrasing was especially egregious.

With all the Jeff Taylor farmers' revolt garbage that get pushed at my father on Youtube (even though the content he actually chooses has never been like that), I was expecting this to happen for a while now. We're not in Europe ourselves, but the media onslaught by certain interests has clearly done its job.

It doesn't. Graeber was an anthropologist and Wengrow is an archaeologist. It's a review of existing evidence from past civilizations (the diversity of which most people are hugely ignorant about), making the case the most common representations of "civilization" and "progress" are severely limited, probably to a detrimental extent since we often can only base our conceptions of what is possible on what we know.

This post specifically says you can't (without the bypass many won't understand how to do).

Ransomware suspending hospital operations? That's an actual horror story...

I was already blocking ads since long ago, so what really bugs me now is the heavily degraded and incredibly off-putting search results these days. (Fixed that godawful UI change right away too, and I'm just not over having to use an outside search engine for accurate results.)

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I've also been concerned about negative outcomes for people based on the videos I've heard about and the one I saw posted before, but that's what makes them so brave. The more they do it and the more such videos are normalized, the less harsh companies can be in retaliation.

Management being assholes is not as much a generational thing (at least, not as much as it seems) as the nature of what corporations expect of managers. The few amazing managers who somehow remain human while doing their job, who are good mentors, etc., are outliers.

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If you connect to the wrong tower, can't they get IMEI info? That won't include OS, but it will give phone model/mfr and other details. I remember reading about regional police forces or intelligence agencies gathering data in North America at least (and they were explicitly gathering personal & usage data too, to see if they could find criminals supposedly).

So the algorithm has calibrated your feed to your personal preferences, just as it does for everyone else. Good for you.

Meanwhile for anyone wondering,

  • regular creators are having all kinds of problems with everything from changes to misleading and unfavourable monetization schemes to managing comments on their vids,

  • political creators aren't only having their content ignored when they meet thresholds that would propel non-political vids to be promoted (with often the very same person's record of political and non-political vids that are more commercially viable showing this difference), they're being silenced with strikes for "unoriginal content,"

  • users presumably who use the phone app (which I don't, lol) are complaining of increasing ads,

  • and everyone who tries to speak out against hate speech/bullying/harassment/trolls somehow gets punished for defending themselves.

    What a fun environment! So not a hot mess at all /s

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Can't they do the usual and place blame for all the pain on the party in power?

Or that (if I'm not mixing events in my head), only 4 of the 22 killed in that attack were even adults.

He absolutely has to go be prosecuted for war crimes, but if they make this about one person only, then they're just setting the stage for someone even worse to take his place.

The only hope for Israel to have a viable future at this point is not only for every genocide-inciting official and for those who participated in genocidal acts to be prosecuted, but for there to be a proper truth and reconciliation process.

Billionaire philanthropy is also frequently a PR thing-- image rehabilitation.

Also, he should reinstate funding for UNRWA and stop aiding the IDF effort to starve everyone in Gaza (*also applicable here in Canada and several other countries). Even if the Israeli allegation that UNRWA staffers are all Hamas-affiliated was true, we're talking about fucking food, medication, and survival essentials for 95% of the world's most starved people (up from 80% as of recently).

AKA Revisionist Zionism.

And what a coincidence-- Bibi just so happens to come from a family that ascribes to that specific variant of Zionism!

Without careful, organized action by regular citizens, this will be treated as yet another opportunity for the wealthiest high rollers to shore up assets-- especially since they've long had the power to adjust markets to their whims.

Can't get past the paywall but I hope India will see a better future with a leader who cares for all its people.

When I did that work, they encouraged everyone to put people on hold when looking anything up because it reset your call timer and made the numbers look better.