
3 Post – 745 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Lets all buy the property next to Stuarts house, tear down any existing building, and build a glass house.......for nude parties!

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He's not exclusively N64, he covers a wide array of topics, but you could probably find a few decent videos from The Gaming Historian.

Same thing with Nintendrew, and MetalGamerJesus.

Edit: Sorry, I had the wrong name. His name is actually MetalJesusRocks. Brain fart!

Ya know, I never thought of potatos as vegitables. But now that I think about it, corn and potatos.

Glad you gave the astrict!

Because I don't like Windows 10, and Windows 11 seems like a privacy nightmare.

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No complaints here!

I thought this story was going to end with your wife having ate the dough as a midnight snack.

When people eat cereal, there's generally one debate. Milk first, or cereal first?

Would it interest you to know that I don't like milk on my cereal AT ALL? No milk please!

Or that with the exception of corn, I eat all my vegitables raw only?

Or that I don't like dark chocolate?

I'm trying to think of other things people think is crazy that I don't like.......

OH! Mac and Cheese.

I also find it strange that people will defend pineapple on pizza as being "not wrong, just let people enjoy what they enjoy" but will throw a hissy fit if someone were to eat a hot dog sideways, or sit on a toilet backwards (which originally was the intended method).

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Could you install older windows systems on a single board x86? Like maybe xp? Or windows 7?

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No, not spam. Pizza!!! Spam comes in a can, and can best be described as "not good enough to be cat food".

Pizza is delicious, and Itaily should be proud.

I agree with your wife. No cheesecake in the house.

....also, I don't like cheesecake.

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Ok guys. New plan. We "Truman Show" this guy, except we all join together and celebrate a new global holiday. Pizza Day! And we do it on this guys birthday. No prior notice, no online discussion. We just all celebrate pizza day, and gaslight him for never hearing of it before.

But we do it all day. Just around him. And then the next day we do not understand what he's talking about.


Lets see if we can drive him crazy in 48 hours.

Well that was SENSELESS!

...........now where did the unicorns go? I heard they need their daily creamed corn!!!

You didn't have me in the first half. Saw right through that lie.

Who said violence was good for kids? If I were a parent I wouldn't let my kid play those games. Not until they're 14.......unless they're a stupid kid. Then 18.

At a nude beach.

I was responding to a portion of another persons message that said they were.

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Found a small part of the problem.

Physical media is dying because the majority of people think just as short sighted as businesses do. Businesses think in short term thoughts like quarters. They do so because investers want immediate return.

But why would you as a person not want physical media??? I literally bought a George Carlin dvd of one of his HBO specials 2 days ago. It was traded into a local resale shop as "used". It was brand new, because even though the plastic wrap was gone, the adhesive label at the top was still unbroken. Brand new dvd. $3.

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Head on.......I applied directly to the forehead, but nothing happened.

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Great contribution to the conversation. We all understand what you're saying, and who you're talking about. We're all just ready to continue this conversation that we ABSOLUTELY can be a part of, and have opinions on.

......oh wait.

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It doesn’t disqualify him, it just lowers the bar for Trump

This is the real takeaway. We've reached a point where we're not even sure either one can stay awake during important meetings.

See? Shoulda went with Bernie Sanders. He may be just as old, but he's too angry to rest. He sees the injustices of the world, and he's been barking about them since the 60s. Getting arrested for his causes.

I'm not saying Biden isn't sincere, but Sanders is so sincere that he's passionately angry at the system. The only thing that disqualifies him in my eyes is his age.......but fuck, if these are our only other two options, it's not much of a disqualification, is it? Biden gets confused halfway through his thought process that he moves over to another thought process midsentence. And Trump doesn't even start the sentence with a coherent thought process.

So....uhhhh.......guess we're all just fucked?

Keep doing it. Especially niche titles.

You think I can find tv shows like greg the bunny, or clerks the animated series? And then TV shows start retroactively saying whats ok to show and whats not. Then pulling the episodes from streaming.

Or maybe the rights run out, and no other streaming picks it up.

Hey.......I still remember the release date. 9/9/99.

Plus, you could use your dreamcast to talk to a fish. An insulting sarcastic fish.....but the game was narrated by Leonard Nemoy. Sometimes he'd insult you too.....

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I think the struggle for voters is wondering why we don't just hand the keys to country back to england. I mean seriously.....THIS is the best we got??? Lets check in on English politics, shall we?

reads about Englands July 4th election

Well fuck.....

It's not that they had no confidence. It's that they took Nintendos approach on hardware. Sell low at a loss, and make the money on software.

Problem is, you could pirate every single game on dreamcast. Just get a legit copy of the game (renting, buying and returning, borrow from a friend), and have a CD burner.

Then you could make a 1:1 copy of the game in roughly an hour. As the year 2000 went on, websites even made it easier by posting the game files for download. If you didn't have broadband (many didn't at the time. Most had 56k), you could go to your local library and carry a USB stick.

So every console sold cost them money. And the software was performing abysmally. Plus, PS2 was right around the corner. XBox was an unknown, and Gamecube was assumed to do better than it did.

From a console war perspective, the year 2001 may have been the most competitive year EVER for video games.

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Can I fight the mad scientist making these abominations?

Found Al from Home Improvement.

"I don't think so, Tim."

I don't care about trump at all......imagine how I've felt the last 10 years.

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They look frightened. They look like they need nice warm homes.

You're not wrong........but the other option is trump.

We're all fucked.

Don't worry. We can still do the club dance where we bash their body back and forth between us using our chests to throw them around, making them spill their overpriced club drink!

Found the one who doesn't shave or trim......down there.....

I know they're saying Ukraine sunk those ships......but the headline makes it sound like Putin is saying "Now where did I put that military ship? Was it in the baltic sea? Did I harbor it in the Atlantic? Oh who can keep track of these things???"

If the Titanic is any indication, about 85 years.

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Can the world just STOP with it's bullshit already??? Stop with everyday needing to obsess over trump in the news. Stop with finding new, and bizzare uses for AI when it offers no benefit, stop with companies scheming together to collectively cause inflation, stop with corporations buying houses to artificially increase rent, stop with 48% of the nation actively supporting political facism.


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Putin? You mean this guy?

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..........what? I thought they went out of business years ago?

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Because he tried to have the image scrubbed from the internet. It pissed him off that much. So by everybody posting it in more and more places, it makes it infinately harder to scrub the image from all the places.

You're getting entirely too psychological with it.

"It pisses him off, and this ensures more people will see the image, and save the image, and later spread the image." That's it. That's the end of the thought process.

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Yeah, I don't believe that to be true.

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