
4 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Seems standard for the crime, right? At least for "semi" rich people. Didn't pay taxes for two years. Got caught. Paid the taxes and penalties. Plead guilty to that fact. Get probation.

No rich person should get to avoid paying their fair share.









HighStrangeness (Cryptids, UFOs, Ghosts, etc. Nonsense that is fun to post)





ExtremeSports or OutdoorSports (Like skiing, ski diving, etc.)

7 more...

Hard to do anything with GIMP.



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Big ass trucks can't see pedestrians immediately in front and to the side of them because they're so tall.

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Let it fold proteins and do space traveling calculations. Smashing tech is very Luditte

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That it wasn't flooded with the everyday person's idiocy.

Between water shortages and extreme heat/weather it doesn't seem Phoenix will be anything other than in trouble in the future.

Members of the SCOTUS are crooked and on the take.

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Wars are disastrous.

I don't immediately distrust technology, like a moron.

Some members of the all-Muslim council said the Pride flag clashes with the beliefs of some members of their faith. Businesses and residents aren’t prohibited from displaying a Pride flag on their own property.

“We want to respect the religious rights of our citizens,” Choudhury said.

Hamtramck, population 27,000, is an enclave surrounded by Detroit. More than 40% of residents were born in other countries, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and a significant share are of Yemeni or Bangladeshi descent.

The council voted unanimously to display only five flags, including the American flag, the Michigan flag and one that represents the native countries of immigrant residents.

Mayor Amer Ghalib made the flag a campaign issue when then-Mayor Karen Majewski flew one on city property in 2021.

Color me shocked it wasn't an all white/male/christian town council.

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Yeh... Who would want to open an account that could easily be seized for their warmongering?

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Duckweed is already eaten in a few places. Interesting to see them using it to extract Rubisco on a large scale. Hope they get all the kinks figured out. Long live plant proteins.

Well, figuring out the sources you want to have in your RSS Feeder is a you task. Gotta know your interests. Find news sites or blogs of those interests and sub their RSS feed.

I use android and use Feeder from the F-droid app store.

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This is unexpectedly good news

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The moderating tools on MyBB is worlds away and better than Lemmy/Kbin.

Fantastic news. Appreciated

Thank you!

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This is an extremely important step in owning up to the horror the US Government put the native American Indians through. Canada has been uncovering dozens/hundreds of remains from their forced boarding schools.

Good grief. No matter what he thought or had in mind, his life has just gotten much worse.

Look at mr. long dong over here.

It'll be decided by the SCOTUS sometime this month.

No that's good to know. Thanks for the heads up. Fuck scabs and AI scabs, too.

All good news. Let us see if the Democratic party capitalize from all this positive economic news.

I too prefer forums over news aggravators with comment trees.

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Definitely an interesting idea and I would be a participant.

Explosion.net Lifehacker MIT Technology Review ProPublica TechCrunch The Perry Bible Fellowship Reddit.com/r/CFB/.rss

A few personal blogs, NPR rss, and PBS NewsHour's Youtube page's rss feed.

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What an asshole

It seems it was her clerics. Which, come on... Don't do that.

They need oversite and an Inspector General for all this shit.

Top economists in France have been pushing for a new wealth tax to finance the fight against climate change, spurring a debate inside Macron's government.

But Macron dodged the issue in an interview with French media, instead calling for other ideas like a tax on financial transactions or an extra fee on airline tickets.


Putin trying to figure out how to get a bigger cult of personality?

Real pressing issues, right here... Lemme tell ya.

Hopefully it taps out their resources.

Going to ruin the night sky for amateur astrophotographers

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A few things that caught my attention:

  1. Heat damaged meat had more damaged DNA than a heat damaged vegetable.

  2. Lab grown meat really soaked up the damaged DNA from meat/veggies

The article does reinforce the commonsense that being a vegetarian is healthier for you than eating meat... But eating fried veggies still absorbs that damaged DNA into your system.

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Wish them luck

This is interesting to me, because my intuition would be that it doesn’t matter whether the calories are going into microbiota or fat, it’s still going to end up as weight in your body (gut bacteria still add mass).

They mentioned in the article that with high fiber diets there's more calories in the waste/scat. So you're absorbing less into fat or the gut.

Question: I've subbed to a few sublems from both Lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works and I can still see their communities in my list and even interact with those subs. Is that normal? Or is all my content being ghosted on their end?

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Oooof. No.

Meta knocking on that door... They had to do it