
3 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Art loving freedom adoring lemmy.mindoki.com supervisor. Hit me up for a community on the blazingly fast server!

I love this.

We need more security, more control over our own activities.

To people who plead we give up our anonymity to catch burglars, we already did that and we got mass surveillance by state, nation and the private sector. Seems like the burglars are still out there though.

I'm working on a similarish protocol (up, working) basically IPFS but better ;-) anyone know where I could get some feedback or show it to people interested in those kind of things?


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I see an engraved stone wall with people slowly moving infront, each scanning a new qr code...

Some vitamines can be had too much too, so "overdosing" is a real possibility. A and D for example.

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It was never about the children or fighting terrorism, to get pedophiles or twart attacks you have to have people "on the ground", not by snooping everything.

It's not easy to convey important information when it comes to biology IMO.

Yeah we breath in fart and poop "particles" all the time, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

I don't know about the idea that every time you take a breath you inspire some molecules from when Ceasar said "et tu mon Brutus", or any other inspiring phrase, but also from one of Hitlers farts.

Molecules are small, really small and there are really many of them.

Our immune system works really hard, crazily hard even, and it's not a simple mechanism (we basically don't know how it works) but if you want to know if a fan blowing air or towel or a one usage towel is good or bad (or obviously how they influence our wellbeing) you have to do a real study. By scientists, and not by news looking "journalists".

BTW fact of the day to throw you off: there are somewhere around 600.000 cells that divide in an adult human body every:










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Or as they say, every probabilistic curve ends somewhere.

If it works 999.999 time out of a million, then every millionth windows will break.

What an awful way to try to figure out the time. I mean it could at least pop a big error if, lol, the time seems off by a week!

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Just because you like to be attached to a pole doesn't mean we should let companies attach us all to a pole.

If someone "likes" commercials, well I guess we could have a web-place for them where they can go and we can avoid.

This is incredible!

American sites like this so rarely ship to France, or it costs a litteral fortune just in shipping, here it's 130€ for a 12TB shipping included!


I Do Not Need A 12TB Hard drive.

I Do Not Need a 12 TB Hard drive!

I mean or do I?

Thanks 💖

"But the author hasn't been dead for a hundred years yet!!"

It's so stupid. I understand people need to make money from their creations but 10 should be more than enough (or something like that).

It feels like the nineties/2000 just called :-D

I pay 10€/m for "unlimited" 5G (186GB/month IIRC).

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Would Universal Basic Income take power away from you?

Like you personally?

Or is UBI meaning something else too?

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To add on that, I'm trying to figure out how people can easily find those small volume niche communities, and it seems like it's a hassle.

So I set up a community on my server : https://lemmy.mindoki.com/c/sharingiscaring@lemmy.mindoki.com

Post your small community there, and I'll have a user sub to it.


Because if at least 1 user on a server subs to a community (on another server) then that community will show up when filtering with All (All + new should show even small posts, at least sometimes).

If this is a good idea, maybe everyone running a small (read: low volume) server could do this to really get Federation going!


Loulou / Valmond @ lemmy.mindoki.com

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XP was the response to Linux. Before that, windows was a crash fest, remember 98, or Millennium?

Linux was rock stable, so microsoft had to do something and started yo use their server core in the home version of windows.

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KeePass removes it as fast as you have pasted it.

Visual assist had multiple CTRL C back in the day (still does ofc but MSVC has now too, buttering fingers their functions over other old shortcuts) very neat and pro productivity especially the shortcut to "paste the second to last" IMO.

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I like that one from the nineties when he had not gotten all those operations.

But yeah let's move on, there is science out there, lore, videogames, books and more!


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Enshittyfication without earning more money? Interesting concept.

Let's call it shittyfication.

"and thirty minutes later a man posted being interested", "the market is enormous"

Like wow, a guy looking for a hookup, how hard is that to find lol.

Yeah feels like a paid for opinion-publicity. Of course you have to use their shitty app to see NSFW now too so a win win right!!

Oh, a wild grammar Nazi appears!

You're right though :-)

This is boringly not always true, for a while some genius, probably Elon Flush, decided to invert the functions so that when you pushed the bigger button you got the small flush.


Remember, it's not stealing, it's pirating!

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Games and stuff

Sounds like enshittyfication for series.

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Depends, did you send it to the trash can first?

If you are 200% wrong, are you right?

Smart Russians spreading misinformation.


Why if I may ask?

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Wasn't it boulders like laying around on the asteroid? Held there by microgravity, and thus knocked in all directions at the impact?

I mean debris from the impact, yes, "boulders" laying around, no I didn't expect that :-)

Rejuvenation technology!

They have already rejuvenated an old mouse back to mid life!

It's like battery tech though, small small increments.

There's a limit to not exceed though (for me at least :-D )

What was the countries if you don't mind?

I moved from Sweden to France and that started out with a girl friend asking me out of the blue if I wanted to do a (studying) year in France? Sure why not?

Hello !

I have set up a server (lemmy.mindoki.com) and I'm dedicating it to the arts.

I'm a big Moebius fan so I made a Moebius community where I post things (it's all quite new to me) but more art communities would be very nice!

It's an okay beefy server with 4TB for content (I'll add more if needed).

What do you think about setting something up there? You'll have full control of course.



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Run 3dsmax.

With the exception when someone starts out a new sport or even manual work, like yep you're a bit achy now, good on you because that's the feeling of laziness escaping!

Or rolling your own server 😎

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Some time and tinkering.

It's quite straightforward (especially if you don't use nginx or need email) to use the docker install.

So you need a Linux box (IDK about windows) a fix IP with a port routed to your machine and some free time. Oh yeah a domain name pointing to said IP.

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Hey ZX-81 gang here!

999SKR (Swedish crowns) guess it was like 100$ and it gave you a 1KB 1Mhz computer :-) around 400SKR more for an expansion card with a whopping 16KB...

Went the C64 way but damn that Spectrum was sexy back in the day.

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And what about the ass-coffee?

First they came for the porn subs...

So, what shall we doo :-D

German, Tyska or Allemand otherwise I guess.