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Fake, like his fake union workers ad and his fake-patriotic chinese-made merch.

So they're more worried about misinformation about the results than misinformation that influences the actual voting. Well alrighty.

Unrelated, I can't help noticing how much Altman reminds me of Luke Dunphy from Modern Family.

Doesn't seem that hard to get. From observation it appears that grown men can still long for father figures.

A few years ago I was in a local place where the food and service were both entertainingly bad. For decades it had been a wonderful little Greek restaurant, until the couple who ran it moved to Greece for a well-deserved retirement and their son took it over. The son remodeled and reopened it as a combination Greek/sushi restaurant and sports bar, hanging five or six large screens from the ceiling. In a place slightly larger than my living room.

I was eager to try the sushi. "There's no sushi tonight. Dennis isn't here." Oh, alright, when is Dennis here? "We don't know. Maybe Wednesday. He never says." Well alrighty then. Dennis is livin' the dream I guess. So I ordered spanakopita, another favorite. What I received was a brown chunk resembling a giant Totino's pizza roll, on an otherwise bare plate, where it dryly slid around all by itself. It looked and tasted like a Costco product they took out of a package and over-microwaved. The driest, crispest spanakopita I've ever had.

I took a chance and ordered the baklava. It tasted okay but instead of being flaky it was actually soggy - not as in dripping with butter and honey, I mean watery. The only watery baklava I've ever had, and also the only serving of baklava in my life that I did not finish.

A guy dining at the next table asked the waitress for the check, but said he would like a cup of coffee first. I was directly facing the clock and happened to notice it was exactly 7pm. At 7:10 she returned with their check and said, "We're out of coffee." Wat? They're open for another 3 hours and they're out of coffee LOL? And it took a full 10 minutes to return with this info. It's a tiny place, I could see the coffee machine like 12 ft away. And there are like six customers. Seemed like a dismally bad restaurant in a sitcom, reminding me somewhat of the diner in The Dark Backward.

There were a couple other things but that's all I can remember. Anyway, this new version of the place didn't last long and it's permanently closed now.

we hrd u lik fredum so we freed u frm votg

Thanks for putting so much time and thought into the discussion. All the problems you talk about exist for every search engine in actual use today. For example, publishing a site on a brand new domain has the exact problem you're describing with spinning up a new Forte instance. There can be a 24-hr lag before DNS can reliably find the site. Perfect search is an aspirational goal. The realistic goal is to satisfy most needs. No matter how many words you throw at it, I don't think federated search is an outlandish idea at all.

Sometimes it helps if you remind yourself that criticizing a group they don't belong to fills some peoples need to feel more powerful. For me adjusting my bad parking is just perfectionism or OCD. I even edit most of my comments after posting LOL.

My two cats have an odd outside-the-box thing. One likes to leave a back leg hanging out, usually off the edge of whatever he's sleeping on. The other does it with a front leg. They've always been very consistent about it.

The $100,000 watch was made in the part of Switzerland that's in China. Beautiful sweatshops, very special.

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LOL I've done this many times. It's a matter of pride. I don't want people to be like, did a cat park this?

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I'll be so glad when this election is over and he can just lose the rest of his criminal cases and get sentenced, or have his final Big Mac Attack and dodge justice forever.

Thanks! Noting this for if I'm ever in London again!

What better way to tackle a crucial swing state as we near the finish line. He's turned into Kamala's best promoter. I'm loving this!

Boggles my mind that anybody intends to vote for Trump not Harris because they think he'll be better for Palestine.

Same. At least Bonespurs will probably soon have his final Big Mac Attack and the news will be all about MAGA self destructing as the hangers-on claw each other to pieces to get on top. Musk has a lot more years left in him. His smartest move would be to announce that he's trans and make social media implode like a supermassive black hole.

I just got into lemmy, and compared to reddit he seems refreshingly scarce here. Come to think of it so does Bonespurs.

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Frequent thrift shopper, I've noticed prices going so high I wonder if they know what "thrift store" means anymore.

Doesn't seem to me like you did anything serious enough to be banned from a whole platform, but moderators and administrators are individuals and some of them can't be objective when something presses their person hot buttons. If a right-wing Christian claimed abortion was Sexual Assault, that obviously would not automatically make abortion an off-limits topic, but I can imagine a moderator thinking differently. I agree with your response that nobody was being forced into anything, but using loaded words like "woke" is a good way to get yourself labeled by someone who thinks in memes.

What if search itself were a federated function? Although I'm a software dev I really don't know much about the mechanics of large-scale search engines such as Google, but I know their server farms somehow share the load of performing searches and maintaining whatever database they maintain to optimize searching. Seems like the fediverse could do search in a similar way. I'm just saying your critique of the idea, although well thought out, seems like a critique of a particular strategy. It's not obvious to me that the very idea of federated search is outlandish.

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