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Joined 12 months ago

Takes a few days

Shit happens. Even for therapists

Instead they should just work for all those good companies that's everywhere under capitalism. Workers don't have a say in company policy and companies are as bad as they can be. The fact that nestle murder more people than Fazer , isn't about that one is more "evil" than the other, it's what they can get away with. Evil is a childish concept.

Buy used stuff and learn by doing. Computer upgrades, smartphone repairs, cars to some extent and a ton of other stuff

Iodine tablets

If something breaks and there is no warranty and cost of repairs are to much. Repair it yourself. You don't know how? What you gonna do break it again?

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Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleed...

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As i suggested from the start. Defederate any instance that federate with threads. Yea I'm being Trotsky here, split can be a good thing.

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You should probably mention your jurisdiction ,but I'm in EU and have a Dacia , pretty goood lack of stupid/unnecessary features and the console is mostly optional to use. Physical buttons for important stuff and music/calls. Mine is a LPG/gasoline hybrid but most is similar to the EV models.

Least bad in Mozillas privacy review as well. Plenty of electronics still ofc it is needed in any car today EV or not.

  1. Cat
  2. Stranger
  3. I would not piss on my worst enemy if they where on fire. Stranger well , human Vs animal life.

Yes it's autharitarian to ban slavery. Kind like a revolution is autharitarian. Don't really get the people who don't want to impose , what ya gonna do? Ask nicely?

When you are attacked. Ok so when are you attacked , as soon as you connect outside. So unless you are air gapped you need a firewall.

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Damn my laptop has secure boot and extra on top , I believe the usb ports are physically disabled.

I assume everything is watched on what I'm doing. Can't remember the wording but i can't do shit without getting in a heap of trouble.

Browser add-ons are like a 2 week process to get approved

Microwave repairs are a good bad advice to give to people you don't like as well

Brother laser , no WiFi , no color , prints perfect everytime. Cost like 200 euro. Edit checked model HL-L23100

I like neo store, droidify ain't bad either

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That bald guy who started a online bookstore. But not to bad overall, WFH.

Also the world is a fucked up place

From the tech point you can always install lineage and your phone will be "new" in the eyes of the app and company. Or request a yubikey or a similar, that's what my company uses. Security wise company stuff should be done on company hardware. And obviously they should pay for stuff needed to do your job.

If you update your phone it will at least be more secure than an outdated 2020 phone. So that's what I would do if I did not want to change phone and did not care about hardware security.

No , but they will get the meta data. But image should be secure. But then your recepient download it , upload it to Google cloud and so on

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Long time since I used Ubuntu,, remember updates breaking network twice.. Peppermint OS, Debian(and devuan if you don't like systemd) based. all the important bits (not arch level) but nothing more. Rolling, Runs on 1 GB ram. Haven't distro hopped anymore since I found it.

Stable base , extra on top

“Everything you need and nothing you don’t."

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PeppermintOS everything you need and nothing you don't. Debian based with extra on top. Runs on 2gb ram , fast. Click install and setup but all the terminal stuff you want.since everyone mentions mint , it was a while since I used it. Felt bloated , perhaps better now. I stil say peppermint even for someone coming directly from Windows

Dualbooting is no problem just install windows first then Linux. If you can put them on different physical drives. Even if windows mess up something you can always access it by the boot menu. I have done quatro boot a decade ago without any major hiccups. Want to see what your hardware can do without windows dragging everything down? Try peppermint. But you can dual boot any distro

If you are happy with the way things are no need to change, want to try something out ? Live CD or VM. Dual boot if you want to keep 2 systems. Mint is pretty good. I like peppermint myself. A halfway stop between mint and arch. Shit works out of the box but runs on 1 GB ram. Worth checking out if you want to get some extra out of you computer

Porn i guess

Social media. And not in a good way

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Yea GOS camera does it automatically as well. I was thinking of the message data. Size , time, contacts etc

We just organized a full remote /hybrid workplace. But in the EU. But basics is the same and we got a bit of resistance (US company)

Keep info away from company as much as possible as long as possible. Get help from an established union.

And as said it needs to cover as much as possible for your workplace, to cover everyone working remote in different areas or companies will not work.

You can run any distro you like on it , but peppermint is is my favourite. Everything you need and nothing you don't.

Your issues is about stock OS not hardware. And yea shit works without that or gapps.

Android auto works on GOS with sandboxed playservice.

So your "convenience" is just laziness to actually look it up.

For those who don't want the huge inconvenience of no gpay and have to use their cards. Any ROM like lineage for example with gapps on it.

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He stepped down last year. A bit toxic and troubled. A lot of social media drama around it. I use it for organic maps in the car which is fine. not sure how it does otherwise. No Swedish yet at least

For some it's a trust issue since they F-droid is a middleman however with reproducible builds I don't have that worry. Feels like a good thing to have the code verified twice. I have obtainium as well but had issues with some beta apps I wanted to use like organic maps. Obtainium only works if it is the way it's setup. Organic maps did not follow obtainiums way

Also to use obtainium you actually need to know the app exist, I have a lot of stuff from F-droid I would not have found without it

Scanned for vulnerability and exploited if found

There is a reason there are tons of Debian distros. They all make a difference.

Nextcloud as already mentioned.

I got a 1tb lifetime deal on internxt , but very basic options. ( Securitywise really good though) Syncthing to sync between units for small stuff.


Not that I am a huge fan of him in general but you should watch this. Also there is no debt that's not imaginary. It is not strange that relatively rich people have fewer child than poor people. Rich people don't need a buffer for kids dying and being providers at your old age. The answer to population growth is obvious and anyone arguin anything else is speaking in their own interest. Equality in lifestandard, money and life.

add e-sim directly on GOS I actually think it is working now, think I saw something about it. worth checking out at least.