
9 Post – 336 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Voice actors are among "those who actually make the games." Voice acting in particular also is strenuous work that can and does cause physical injury when workers are compelled to work long hours doing rough voices and so on. People end up having to have surgery on their vocal cords.

We don't need to devalue voice actors to value other game industry workers. The only difference is the voice actors organized first, probably because of the injury risk, and when you form a union you have to define a group that you can reach and coordinate. It shouldn't be an us vs them among works.

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Dude. It's called a pet peeve. They're allowed, and even people who have very stressful lives have them. It's definitely better than shit-talking random people on the internet - just skip the thread if you don't care about it.

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I'm glad this article exists; this has been bothering me. Specifically, I'm bothered that, while aljazeera featured the stories about the boat of refugees as and after it was happening, I haven't seen it crop up in U.S. news at all. One of the deadliest disasters in the Mediterranean, and... crickets.

Then a submersible with a handful of white rich lads gets lost and it's all over the papers and all anyone can talk about.

To be fair, part of this is the fact that the submersible story has a lot of wild and novel details to it, plus the novel "oh god imagine being trapped in a submarine" fear factor, that make it great for getting attention and clicks, but nevertheless.

The other part of it is that people see "poor, brown refugees drowned at sea in the Mediterranean, once again" and feel completely disconnected from that and glaze over. The refugees don't get the same automatic "what would that feel like if it were me" empathizing, and the situation doesn't get the same scrutiny of rescue details and chances and what exactly went wrong that resulted in hundreds and hundreds of innocent people drowning at sea.

And they were in a BOAT. They knew where the boat was. The boat was reachable. They just let them die.

It's true that we're talking about different countries and different organizations, but this is a recurring pattern. Refugees are being systematically and repeatedly allowed to drown when they are very near to people who could help them. Other people get prioritized and rescued like they're kings.

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I don't think meant that as snark at all tbh. They're saying they like that we're using synthetic processes to make biodegradable, useful, and known-safe materials in a more efficient way, as compared to making the usual synthetic cotton-alternative materials that have a lot of downsides by comparison (lack of biodegradability, poor breathability, microplastic pollution, etc). I think you two actually agree probably? Lots of synthetic things are bad or flawed, and it's nice to see this synthetic thing that is probably good.

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Jesus christ I'm so tired.

I'm glad they cancelled it in the end but still, ARGH.

Meanwhile, my local library is hosting a terf to give a talk about her book, and shelves terf books in the lgtqia+ section, even though this same library also does a great job of including a lot of queer books and comics in its collection and so on. There must be some sort of intralibrary war going on between the librarians here or something.

Spacey had previously denied 12 charges – seven sexual assaults, three indecent assaults, one count of causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent, and one count of causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent.

A further charge of indecent assault was added mid-trial, taking to 13 the total number of alleged offences listed on the indictment.

Last Wednesday, the four indecent assault charges were struck off by the judge because of a “legal technicality”.

I don't know anything about this, and I wish the article went into a lot more detail about the accusations and why they were found not credible, especially since there were so many from separate people.

Like, did they find some evidence against the accusers, like happened with the Michael Jackson cases iirc, or did they just decide the accusers didn't present enough evidence or witnesses to be believed?

Spacey might well be innocent, of course. I just worry because society is often disinclined to take male sexual assault victims seriously, and I feel like if the alleged victims were female the press would (since "Me Too") at least give them a little more coverage than this? This article feels like it has a "the accused is found not guilty, and everyone knows that sexual assault cases are always decided correctly, so he is 100% innocent and we can all wash our hands of this" vibe, but meanwhile Bill Crosby walks free, so I can't personally trust it with so little information.

Especially not when it's about a rich, powerful man with a huge fanbase, aka exactly the type of person nobody wants to believe would be a predator (and maybe he isn't! But I need more info here, darn it!)

Ah well. I'll google more later I guess.

At least it doesn't seem to have turned into a media hellscape circus like what happened to Amber Heard.

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Oi, careful with the Outer Wilds spoilers. That game is the last game people should know anything about before playing fpr the first time.

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Calckey now Firefish seems really cool, but tbh I really can't say I'm a fan of this rebrand. Calckey was distinct. Firefish sounds either like a Mozilla product, or a Firefox browser fork, or else bland office software. Definitely a downgrade imo.

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Aaaand that's why they're out. boot emoji

The reddit influx brings good but also redditors' usual bullshit along with it.

I love that beehaw is looking out for us and maintaining a space where it feels like people with differing opinions can actually talk about things with nuance and without feeling like they'll set off a landmine at any minute.

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Punctuation that denotes pauses like , ; : should be placed based on where the writer wants a pause and how long the pause should be, or when needed to avoid ambiguity, NOT on the bullshit arbitrary grammar "rules" that got made up to sell grammar books and enforce the class divide.

It's very easy to find classics full of "bad" grammar when it comes to the punctuation because it's in fact not bad.

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We need one of those mod appliable (or vote-appliable?) "Misleading title" or "headline altered" tags maybe

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I'm not prepared to call anyone still associating themselves with the GOP "reasonable" at this point. That's like joining a neo-nazi militia and claiming that you're just a member but not a neo-nazi.

Ditto for the people who voted for the Nazi party for "economic reasons" while turning a blind eye to... Fucking everything. They were not innocent. Very far from it. However 'normal' and 'socially acceptable' their day to day behavior may otherwise have seemed to those around them. Evil can be as banal and understated as anything.

Past a certain point, you just can't declare affiliation with an organization, make-nice with its 'more extreme' members and overlook their behavior and actions, etc, and still claim that you're uninvolved and not participating in and enabling what the organization has become as a whole.

Especially not when the GOP - in congress and in state houses - votes in near lockstep when it comes to their vilest culture war talking points. These supposedly "fringe" points that have such a mysterious tendency to become less and less and less fringe within the party as time passes and the line of what is or isn't "acceptable" (or even encouraged) is shoved farther and farther out.

Any actually reasonable members of the GOP bailed and became right-wing dems or independants or libertarians ages ago at this point.

The absolute last thing I want to do these days is to try to remove kids' ability to call for help in emergencies.

Phones are also important so that kids can receive emergency alerts, like earthquake and tsunami and tornado alerts, depending on where you live. Such emergency alert systems provide only a little bit of warning, but that can make all the difference.

You think it should be disallowed even in cases like the one described, so a parent can tell their kid pickup will be late or to catch a ride with a particular trusted adult or to walk to xyz place to wait, etc?

And they can be used to help academics, too, such as for taking notes, recording lectures (when allowed), looking up an unfamiliar word (especially for kids whose first language isn't whatever they're being taught in), taking photos of the whiteboard. And more and more, boosted by LLM tech, they're becoming helpful for things like live translation and auto-transcription (great for deaf or hard of hearing students especially, but also just for anyone who finds subtitles make audio easier to follow along with, as many people apparently do).

A school can tell kids to mute phones, and not to look at them during class (and that part's hardly new - even before phones it was games on calculators and books and magazines and passing notes), but taking them or even forcing them to be turned off (except perhaps during tests) is too much imo. Especially when kids will absolutely bring them in anyway, and the whole thing will just create more of an us vs. them dynamic with the teachers and students. And especially now that phones have become such personal devices for so many people, like an external brain filled with your secrets.

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People who are addicted or who have given up to that degree are less likely to want help if they think real life can only be totally miserable for them (like, "the world is unbearable, there's nothing good left for me except [drug name here]"). Same reason people who are depressed turn to drinking. Making the lives of unsheltered people even worse, thus making drugs more appealing in comparison, is counterproductive. And the longer they're stuck in that, the more that'll just feel like what life is to them.

Maybe people who don't want to, or don't act like they want to, better their situation actually would if they could see any hope for it, and if the path looked more doable and less like scaling mount everest with a broken leg.

I think anybody can think of times they didn't want to do something that would benefit them - clean a house, do their homework, go to work in the morning - and other times that the situation was different and so it was much easier to do.

You make a good point in general, but this particular case is about preventing non-scientologists from treating the 'religious object' devices how they will, not about the scientologists being at all restricted in their own handling of the objects (as would be comparable to illegal drugs or animal sacrifice used in religious rituals).

This case in particular is comparable to requesting that the government outlaw the modification or destruction of the Bible or Qoran, even by people who own their own copy of a religious text. It would require non-adherants to a religion to treat that religion's objects as sacred and to do so in the specific manner prescribed by that religion. This is contrary to precedent and law established by cases against people who've burnt their own personal copies of the bible, or created derivative works making fun of the bible, and so on.

Maybe ban targeted advertizing, or that degree of spyware, for all companies, instead of opening that pandora's box of giving the power to ban social media apps altogether to the government.

Especially since the anti-tiktok bills actually include a lot of other stuff, up to and including making VPN's illegal.

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I did, when I tried going over there. The discussions definitely felt... redditier, in a bad way, to me. More immediately jumping to rage and personal insults.

But mainly the problem as I understand it is that lemmy.world has open sign-ups, whereas beehaw.org has strict, admin-approval sign-up. Beehaw.org was getting flooded with users from lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works who got in through their open sign-up and were then coming into beehaw, being assholes, and creating too much moderation work for the tiny volunteer mod team - they couldn't moderate such a large and unregulated influx well enough to preserve the safe space or community feel of beehaw communities. Especially when banned individuals could just make new accounts and come right back again.

There was another post though where they said they've talked to the sh.itjust.works admin and are likely to work something out with them in the future to allow for re-federating, though not yet. But that the lemmy.world admin (at the time of the post) had not responded, iirc.

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It sounds like VPN's would also get flagged as bots? Or could easily be treated as such.

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Because he's a rich fuck who inherited emerald mine money to get his start, and he got lucky with his first buys and got an in with other rich fucks, and he buys good companies and sometimes he doesn't wreck them?

He didn't build any of it.

I just want a high quality horse game. Is that so much to ask? :( Apparently so.

And I mean, specifically focused on the horses, not an adventure game with unusually well done "horses as cars" like RDR2 or Zelda BOTW. A "girly" horse game, like one where you take care of and breed horses and participate in horse jumping or whatever, or one where you ride a horse around a forest and it has an actual personality and acts like an animal and not just a mode of transportation (Shadow of the Colossus is the one game I can remember feeling anywhere close to this, and even that was very minimal).

It's maddening because the minute someone makes one it'll sell like hotcakes - there are so many horse enthusiasts dismayed by the lack of quality horse games just waiting in the wings - aaaaand yet here we are. Sigh.

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Raccoons have hands. Close enough!

LLM AI isn't creative enough to do anything more than straightforward copying. At best, it can copy two or more things at once and combine them, or apply a basic aesthetic/edit something to be visually "in the style of" a particular artist, sort of, kind of, not really. It can't be do anything with the meaning or intent of a work, or "be inspired" to create anything markedly new.

Like. Regular old human plagiarists often claim to just be "inspired by" too, even if they just gave a story a new coat of paint and changed character names and reworded some sentences. That's the level LLM's are at.

LLM's can be straight up directed to copy particular artist's styles, too. Which it knows how to do (badly) because it scraped their works without permission or payment. People use midjourney like this all the time.

There is not an infinite amount of museum space, either. They curate their selection and won't take everything. That'd be impossible.

Also, melting a statue and turning it into another statue will cause the history of the old statue to be preserved as part of the history of the new statue, meaning again, the events surrounding the old statue aren't forgotten. The statue's end and rebirth just becomes part of the art, and imo the new statue would be more meaningful than just another hateful Nazi object.

I guess a phoenix would make sense here too, but I really like the idea of the dove. Bummed they aren't doing it.

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People have a tendency to call anti-trans hate "politics" even when they would never call racism and sexism that. But it's just hate speech.

Giving hate speech free rein does not help anybody, and I'd argue it especially doesn't lead to more actual free speech, because that just leads to the most hateful people taking over a platform while most people, not willing to put up with that, just leave. And voila, you get shit like Voat. It doesn't solve everybody's differences when hate speech is allowed to thrive, it just boosts the hate speech over and above everything else, and creates a hateful echo chamber. This has happened so many times now.

Even choosing to do nothing and not ban the instance would have been a choice based on ideology/politics/whatever you want to call it, imo. "Software should allow any and all speech, including hate speech" is not a neutral or apolitical stance either.

For all I know, he could be trans, or have trans friends or family, and in the current world state, where trans people are being subjected to escalating real world suffering .. If it were me, I wouldn't just step aside and allow my personal project to be used to hurt me or my loved ones, either. I'd be upset if a friend created software, allowed it to become a powerful tool for people who'd wish me dead, and then just handwaved all responsibility and refused to do even attempt to do anything because any attempt at moderation would count as "politics" while creating the software in the first place and freely allowing it to be used for hate... Wouldn't be, somehow?

This is a really good article, and I like that they made their data public and put a link to it right in the article.

Also, I knew it was bad, but looking at these numbers it's even worse than I thought. I recommend reading this one.

Like, this part:

Asymmetry in how children are covered is qualitative as well as quantitative. On October 13, the Los Angeles Times ran an Associated Press report Opens in a new tabthat said, “The Gaza Health Ministry said Friday that 1,799 people have been killed in the territory, including more than 580 under the age of 18 and 351 women. Hamas’s assault last Saturday killed more than 1,300 people in Israel, including women, children and young music festivalgoers.” Notice that young Israelis are referred to as children while young Palestinians are described as people under 18.

During discussions around the prisoner exchanges, this frequent refusal to refer to Palestinians as children was even more stark, with the New York Times referring in one case to “Israeli women and children” being exchanged for “Palestinian women and minors.” (Palestinian children are referred to as “children” later in the report, when summarizing a human rights groups’ findings.)

A Washington Post report from November 21 announcing the truce deal erased Palestinian women and children altogether: “President Biden said in a statement Tuesday night that a deal to release 50 women and children held hostage by Hamas in Gaza, in exchange for 150 Palestinian prisoners detained by Israel.” The brief did not mention Palestinian women and children at all.

That is so fucked up. And there are a bunch of other examples like it re. the disparity in the language these newspapers use.

Tangentially, and though this is a whole can of worms and rather beside the point we should be focusing on at the moment: I am also disturbed that it's apparently still common practice to bundle women together with children like this - if they just mean "noncombatants" or "caregivers" then they should say that, just saying "women and children" like this demeans female combatants and male caregivers alike. I can sort of understand an argument for it in certain contexts where women are subjugated and denied a lot of rights, but this language is used regardless of social contexts.

If you wait long enough, they won't be exclusive anymore, or you'll be able to emulate them.

Loads of other games to get hyped about in the meantime at least.

I would hate that enough to switch instances over it, I think. That meeting could be over anything from being about tracking users across sites, to an offer to pay the admins to stay federated with some Facebook ActivityPub project, to asking the admins to add sponsored posts or comments, to a request for free advice from the admins about the fediverse, to trying to recruit the admins to go work on some other Facebook project. I don't know. But I can't imagine this ever being a good thing, when it comes to that company - I don't touch anything they run. And putting an NDA on just an initial meeting is sketchy as heck - even unenforceable NDA's are used to threaten people all the time (see: Weinstein, etc).

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They mean the tankies, of whom there is a large population on Lemmy. They indeed do not make sense.

They're less of them on beehaw than elsewhere. Moreso to be found in lemmygrad and lemmy.ml.

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That is my favorite way I have ever heard anyone express that wish.

Some lint for you (accuracy may vary):

Bee family trees, if you follow a queen down through drones and workers and other queens, follow the fibonacci sequence. The fibonacci sequence is also reflected in the structure of spiral seashells. Source: Some book I read about the fibonacci sequence many years ago.

Flamingoes are motherfucking TANKS. Seriously. Their ability to survive in absurdly harsh environments that would kill other animals is wild.

Only female reindeer lose their antlers in wintertime (disclaimer: this may depend on species of reindeer?)

Some guy (Russian I think?), when a computer informed him that nuclear missiles had been fired at his country and he was told to return fire, correctly believed the computer to be bugged and refused to fire the missiles. So uh. Thanks, guy. He went and lived out his life normally and never got appropriate thanks for saving a shitload of people, I think. Source: memory of wikipedia article, may be wrong on some details so really I should be double checking those before repeating them but here you go I'm too tired for that.

Some other guy survived BOTH the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, and lived to old age afterwards. Somehow both the literal worst luck, and the best.

There is a parasite that latches on to ants' feet that does not harm the ant - in fact, it fully replaces the function of the ant's foot, including forming a claw to help the ant grab stuff like it would with its actual foot. There is also a similar parasite that replaces a fish's tongue (yeah I hate it too).

Octpuses only live for like 3 years max, and the females die after laying their eggs. Meanwhile, they are really, really, really smart, like dolphins and parrots and crows. Imagine being that aware and smart, but only living 3 years. It disturbs me.

Uranium glass, which is exactly what it says on the tin - glass made with a teensy bit of uranium in it - glows in the dark in (typically) bright, cartoon acid green.

Whales can and do communicate across vast distances because their calls carry much more easily in water than sound carries in air.

Hammerhead sharks' heads detect electrical fields, and they use these fields to locate their prey. Run.

The whole alpha/beta/omega wolf pack thing is complete bullshit, retracted even by the person who first popularized it, and he has spent years upon years trying to scrub out that idea he unleashed into pop culture but has been unable to.

Elephants' feet are very sensitive, able to feel minute vibrations from miles away, and they can communicate with them. Also they do NOT make the thumping sound that is foley'd into nature documentaries - they walk silently. Also, the bottom of their feet looks like swiss cheese and you should not google that if you have tryptophobia.

Edit 2: most bees are solitary bees, and many look nothing like a honey or bumble bee. Many "save the bees" efforts end up counterproductive because they just boost domestic honeybees where the honeybees are an invasive species, and where some native plants are exclusively pollinated by a specific species of native solitary bee.

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They're just introducing the population size of the cou try, for comparison with the number of people affected. Saying "a country of over 34 million people" is a quick way to do that, though it could've been rephrased as "Peru - which has a popularion of over 34 million people -" or something.

Point is, it's just an incidental redundancy in the way they phrased their delivery of the population number, I think, not an attempt to tell people "Peru is a country."

As opposed to... ?

I genuinely couldn't find a better option when I looked.

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I agree it's murky. Though I'd like to note that when you shift hateful ideologues to dark corners of the internet, that also means making space in the main forums for people who would otherwise be forced out by the aforementioned ideologues - women, trans folks, BIPOC folks, anyone who would like to discuss xyz topic but not at the cost of the distress that results from sharing a space with hateful actors.

When the worst of the internet is given free reign to run rampant, it has a tendency to take over the space entirely with hate speech because everything and everyone else leaves instead of putting up with abuse, and those who do stay get stuck having the same, rock bottom level conversations (e.g. those in which the targets of the hate are asked to justify their existence or presence or right to have opinions repeatedly) over and over with people who aren't really interested in intellectual discussions or solving actual problems or making art that isn't about hatred.

But yeah, as with anything involving large groups of people, these things get complicated and can be unpredictable.

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"I'm done bullying you now! It's time to move on and be friends again. :)


What? You want an apology? Why are you so pigheaded and angry and clinging to the past and unwilling to work things out? We're all adults here, so let's be level headed and reasonable about this. Stop yelling. You could at least be civil. You're the problem, and you pushed me into this. Don't make me the villain."

And of course that passive tense "has been tested" so they can avoid claiming responsibility and try to frame it as "both sides" at best. But really more like "me right, you wrong, I have big stick."


I want an alternative to youtube as much as anyone, but I just don't see how peertube can be viable in a world where child abuse materials and nazi propaganda exist and can be posted there.

I mean, at least as of when I last looked at peertube, it works sort of like torrenting does, yeah? But it doesn't require you to whitelist the channels or instances you seed. Therefore: random people are going to end up seeding child abuse materials, revenge porn, hate screed videos, and so on, unknowingly and without intending to.

Lemmy already has had issues with child abuse materials because of federation and poor moderation tools. An image will get posted on one instance, then it automatically gets copied to other instances, and even if the original instances delete the image that doesn't automatically delete it off other instances. Admins have to manually contact other admins, who then each have go in and painstakingly delete it manually, and that's if all those different admins see and respond to the message. This is a problem that has been growing as lemmy gets bigger and more popular. And this is just with instance hosts - with peertube, you have individuals seeding/contributing to the hosting.

So it seems to me that peertube as it is involves a degree of moral and legal (since people can and have been deemed legally responsible for seeding torrents before) risk that is just not worth it a compared to the privacy-invading but blessedly safe option of youtube.

And even if individuals decided that risk was fine, advertisers absolutely won't, which makes the platform a no-go for channels that depend on ads rather than patreon or merch for their livelihoods.

I'll be happy if there's a reliable way around this problem that doesn't completely break the mechanism whereby peertube is supposed to work, but as of now I can't see one.

The creeping despair cloud has come for me.

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Do you have an alternative that isn't google? Because google's DNS privacy policy is much worse.

I don't like cloudflare, but their DNS terms are relatively good, and they have my info anyway because as you say, they're everywhere. I don't think my not using their DNS will make any appreciable mark on their business, either.

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Apart from being a sidescroller, it sounds like you might really like Noita.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 also has incredible magic co.bat, but that's top-down, turnbased tactics.

Or maybe Psychonauts? Not a wizard, but an assortment of ESP powers gained at a summer camp like boy scout badges as you go through the game. 3d platformer. But the powers and their variety are really fun.

And there's Witcher 3, which is 3rd person. But it's close 3rd person at least? Might not run on your machine though. Maybe the 1st game might? Though it has its flaws.

For first person... Hmm. A surprisingly tough call. Most of the 1st person games I know have really straightforward battle magic, the wizard game included. Which is kinda weird now I think about it.

The Dishonored games? If you're okay with steampunk setting (very well done steampunk though!) 1st person immersive sims. Stealth or kill everyone however you like with a nice assortment of magic powers. I'd put this on top of the list honestly. It's old and stylized enough it might run alright.

Prey, like dishonored, also allows you to learn (optional) magic powers and use them in a variety of situations, but it's also set in space, if that's a dealbreaker. 1st person though!

Or the Persona games? It's not strictly speaking classic wizardry, but it's definitely magic of a sort, and I think it should run on most anything, especially Persona 4 Golden. But the fights are turn-based strategy. And 3rd person. Goddamn.

Legend of Grimrock? It's an odd duck, and you learn magic slowly, but maybe it's the right odd duck for you? First person, real time but you and enemies only move along a grid, old-style dungeon crawler.

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I want a Persona game but with the characters in college instead of highschool.

Maybe Shin Megami Tensei has older characters? But the problem is the vibe is so different. A lot of anime/manga with older characters go for a completely different tone. The friendship and family theme heart of the Persona games, and the hopefulness, is essential to me. I just want some of that hope for but targeted at adults for once.

Imo "adult" aimed media often has a real problem with conflating maturity with misery and sex. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way because it's gotta be part of why so many adults still read YA books and play games with precocious teenage protagonists.

Why can some games just pick that up in the main menu, but others can't?

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I hope one of the archive projects (archiveTeam or others) has backed up r/askhistorians past posts and comments, just in case.

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