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Joined 11 months ago

Defeat fascism. Borders = coming climate genocide. Learn as much as you can while you still can. Love yer brain - wear a mask!

It's such a trash game mechanic because it forces realism where there is none. You have faster than light travel in your game? Why don't you have teleporters? You have magic in your game? Why don't you have a Bag of Holding? If you are going to impose the constraint on the player for balance or gameplay reasons then at least make it fun, have a mechanic that is interesting in some way. Maybe teleporters and bags of Holding are expensive to build or don't get unlocked until you collect 10 flippityboos but at least reward progression and picking up objects and don't turn every decision into agony.

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It's so delicious to see this after so many months of endless RTO propaganda

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Linux OSes have always been the ones to run on everything lol, it took Microsoft like a decade to make Windows run on ARM

Making landfill mining profitable needs to happen for capitalists to want to do it so I guess this is good for now

Your data can and will be used against you, by people who want to exploit you. Owning your data is protecting your assets.

Paying for Real Debrid puts them in a legal grey area/they do log your IP. So use a VPN.

I don't get the joke. Wouldn't you need to study the architecture of the alien CPU to see what registers it uses if any and where data goes, and what format the data is expressed in (is it even binary?) so you can write an assembly language for it? Then you would need to write a compiler and then you could get a higher level language going and port Doom. Are we assuming that the alien computer just runs our code?

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There was a big thread about it where I got a lot of hate for saying that I was amused that sync users wanted to pay for no ads, when there are so many free apps. The consensus amongst sync enjoyers seems to be that they are so used to the UI that it is like muscle memory, which is a decent excuse I guess. I'm pretty sure that's why people still use Adobe products, for example.

RuneScape did it pretty well for sure yeah I always felt like there was a good level progression for items like at level 60 in old school bronze items were just straight up trash lol

I am wondering if any of the knockoff brand enameled Dutch ovens are as good as the Le Creuset one because I tried my aunt's once and it was pretty good but I can't afford that.

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Good article. The crimes that were done against black communities to make the white boomer lifestyle possible need to be laid out, even if nobody who did this saw accountability during their lifetimes, reparations should be made. Within my parent's lifetimes, apartheid was the law in the USA. We haven't even begun to truly account for what happened.

Those were rough days. I started with Dapper Drake but there was no way to actually get my trackpad drivers until 8.04. Kudos for sticking with linux

LMAO they really answered one of those password reset answer phishing ass quizzes? Lucky for you they were not sending their best.

I was using Jerboa and Thunder when Jerboa got buggy but this thread turned me on to Voyager which seems to work best amongst them, although I don't love the theme.

You don't mess with women, but you especially don't mess with women in stairwells! Dude needs to get the Tony Soprano treatment.

Would get the Mac mini and upgrade the ram instead