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*except what you initially set out to do and actually need to do.

it even has a tutor

Yeah, people are just lazy. I remember when I invented a new login screen and was told it was "difficult", "confusing" and "took some getting used to".

It even came with a free 100-page manual and a 4-hour master class. Some people, I tell you!

^This is meant more as a joke than an actual critique, even if it kind of reflects my thoughts. But ultimatly, I thought it was a funny bit.^

1l of (4°C) water weighs 1kg. 1kg (of anything) is 1000g. 1g of water is 1cm³. Stack 1000 1cm³ blocks to get a 10m high column. This column exerts 100kPa of pressure on its base. To heat it by 1°C requires 1kcal. And 1N would accelerate it by 1m/s every second.

I've posted this before on my mastodon, and on, before the instance was shut down, but I think it's still a nice showcase how SI units interact with one another.

The worst thing we have in the metric system is kWh/1000h. It's just watts, but whoever designed the energy labels thought a bunch of zeros would be funny or something.

1 more...

I don't see data backing up your claim […]

Links a list where the three top spots substantiate the claim, followed by a comparatively large 8% drop.

To add a bit of nuance: There are definitely exceptions to the claim. But if I had to make a blanket statement, it would absolutely be in favor of AMD.

It just realized that, as a furry, I really don't like furry men, only furry men.

What the hell.


May I interest you in a 4-hour lecture on the figs, kumquats, cherimoyas and jungle cacti I grow in my living room, followed by a 2-hour tirade on certain web frameworks?