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Joined 1 years ago

My galaxy watch I bought many years ago has this same feature, is cheaper, and looks amazing. I got the "classic" model with the turning frame. It's an outstanding watch even to this day. No lag, great battery, and very bright even in sunlight.

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Calling it the "Israel-Hamas" conflict feels intellectually dishonest.

It's a genocide. The Palestinian genocide at the hands of the Israeli Defense Force.

Not just cars, sir, but everyone who has ever driven them.

I've never seen a single ad in windows. I keep hearing they are coming... But so far it's just a few predatory practices failing to convince me to use their stupid browser.

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That's not how this works, but thank you for the silver lining here. People try to be good, even if Elon and Tesla are bad.

I'll settle for sawing off Los Angeles and letting it float off into the distance.

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Those aren't even skate shoes, lol.

I'm confused by all of this... Do Earth people not eat F̷̡̢̘͖̣̱̙̯̿̈́͐̋͗̉̍̈̍͗͐͋̑̈́͝͠l̷̹͚̣̬͓̠̖̘̹͐͌ͅę̸͚͔̖̪̘͍̲̦͈̦̥̤̉̇̆̀s̸̨̮̭̹̖̳̜̾̽̒̽̐̅͌̑́͌̚̚͜h̵̨̖͚̺̳̳̝͓͔͂̈́̍͋̔̓͌̽̕͠͝ ̷̜̗̟̬̖͎͚̻͖͕͓̙̦̤̹̯̈́̿͐̋̚̕͝ọ̶̉͋̌͊͊̈́̏̈́́̋̓̃͗͝f̷̧͔̮̗̻͔͈̼͙͚̲͚̬̉̋̔̌̒̾͑̃̈̊͌̍̍̚̕ͅ ̴̨̺̰͕͎̬̻͖͎̣͈͕̅̉̏̎͂̾́̊̉̈͗̌͂̑͘ͅt̷͚̤̖̮̩̲̬͎̙͙̺͎̋̏͜͝ͅh̴̛̛̜̳̭̘͑̐͋̂̓̓̇ȩ̶̙͕̻͈͔͍̗͓̙͓̠̅̌̇́̅͌̑̌̚͘͝͝ͅͅ ̵̨̮̙̯͇̻̦̩̲͖͔̒̇̇̌i̴̢̘͈͉͖̞͖̗̞̠̳͌̋́n̸̺̼̬͕͚͇̹͒͒̄̉̀̔̍̔̑́͛͗̈̂̀̚͘ņ̴̨̛̦̞̣͎̬̝̱͓͔̪͉̈́̂̈̔̄͊̈̕͠o̶̢̧̨̨͎̯̞̫̩̥̱͚͇͓̥͗̅̑̈́͗̍̆̏̓̍͛̽̏͝͝c̷̡̞̦͚͚̹̞͓͗͘e̷̡̦̗̞̦̟̍͊̅̓̍̔̆͛̆̈̍̎̉̕̚͠ņ̴̢̜̬̹̙͖̗̞͍̮̦͙̟̠̿̉̊̑̂̈̒͆̑̀͘̕͜͝ţ̴̛̹͍͙̺̖̹̦͎͕̺̉̆̎̇͋̋̔́̚ͅ?

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that's none of my business but derpier

Apple also holds over 95,500 patents. I will never get why some people defend this crazy company. They make underperforming computers and sell them for wayyy over their value.

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I think it's just Linux people trying to poison the well. I'm not even mad, haha.

But like, I'm not joining the lie, either. Some day it could happen, though, and on that day sign me up for a pitchfork.

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Hi, I'm here to complain about people complaining about other people who are complaining about Reddit.

I'm tired of reading about this. We must do something, Lemmy!

I'm so confused... Do you think android and/or windows users use sudo? That's a Linux thing... Macs run on an off-shoot of Linux.

Android and iOS are very similar to all "basic" users. Android simply allows super users (ironically this is related to sudo) to use commands if they reeeaaally want to. Although, to be fair, you need an unlocked phone for that.

Normies, are just allowed third party apps like ReVanced that let you skip YouTube ads for free. Do you not like that ability? If so, you can pay. Google loves that. Google owns Android. We've done a loop-dee-loop now, I do believe.

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Oh, you haven't been to a socialist community yet? I won't ruin the surprise...

GoDaddy is the worst fucking web host, too. WHEN they fuck your website up, you wait two HOURS on hold to get them to fix it, if your lucky. If your unlucky, you wait over three hours, and they don't fix it.

Have you looked? I mean, that question is rhetorical... No, you haven't.

You should check out the competition. Samsung makes some great devices, razer makes some great devices. Even Google makes solid competition, though I prefer others over them.

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I'm so lost here... Have you ever even tried using a brand new Android phone, or Windows computer? Your comment suggests that no, no you have not.

Like, hey, you do you. Mac and iOS are totally fine. But don't spread nonsense about Apple being easier. It's not easier in any way. In fact, I genuinely find iOS to be more complicated in recent years.

You do not need to "tune" an android phone or windows computer. Like... I honestly don't know what that even means.

I own and fix all types of devices, and apple devices are often some of the most problematic. They do NOT "just work", but you know what that's from? It's from Apple's marketing campaign rolled out years ago by Steve Jobs.

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You replied to someone that strongly asserted that non-Apple devices are convoluted, difficult to use, and confusing. You did so by agreeing that you also hate difficult to use, confusing, and convoluted technologies.

This struck me as disingenuous. I apologize if you are, indeed, not an Apple fan in an active state of disingenuity. This said, if you are to be believed, then I don't understand what your comment was adding to the conversation here. Was your entire point truly that you simply dislike confusing technology? Did that really need to be said?

And they can carry a great cost to the progression of technology, and the advancement of our society.

With iPhone I am not afraid, for example that if I lose or break it, then I need to spend any significant amount of time to setup new iPhone. Couple clicks and the new phone is in exactly in the same state as the old one. Same apps, same files, everything.

That is exactly how Android phones work as well, and they have for many years. I think my last phone that needed a third party app to do things like transfer contacts was the Samsung Galaxy S4 (2013).

I recommend you check out the competition. I say this purely because I want more consumers to be critical of big brands and their latest offerings. If everyone intelligently assessed devices when they came out without a bias, I genuinely believe all of the devices we use (Apple, Google, Samsung, etc.) would be far better in just about every way, including their price.

Instead, Apple has set a long-standing precedent amongst the majority of their user-base that their devices are so good you don't need to compare them against their own competition. This has been so successful that it's led to other companies like Samsung and Google to adopting Apple "design choices" (non-replacable batteries, sealing devices so they are difficult or impossible to repair, removing the headphone jack, etc.) that end up being incredibly bad for all of us consumers.

The latest phones these days are a joke. Google, Apple, Samsung... they are pretty much ALL jokes that are nearly identical to the previous years model.

There are a lot of people recommending a very specific program in this thread. Be skeptical, everyone. Do your research on the strengths and weaknesses of these types of tools, and the specific offerings of all current leading services.

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about... what ads are you seeing? Where are they?

The only "ads" I see for windows come after updates in the form of "Would you like to use our "new" "EDGE" Browser?!" To which the options are "YES I WOULD FUCK YEAH" (size 40 font) and "no thanks" (size 8 font). I hate that, but it's only happened once or twice so far.

I've never seen these before... can you share a screenshot? That sounds fucking awful!

That sounds horrible... I've never seen these, though. I don't use anything special so far as I know. I'm on Windows 10 on one computer I run all day, and Windows 11 for the one I use all evening.

Assuming you're not making this up, could Microsoft be rolling these out only to specific individuals for a trial run, or something? I don't even have Windows Pro...

Or... actually... I built my computers from the ground up. Did you buy yours from HP, Dell, or another manufacturer? Could THEY be putting ads into their updates somehow?

haha WHOA, that SUCKS.

I've never had that, though... not on my Windows machines (plural). Did you buy your machine from a manufacturer like HP? It just feels like something HP would do... never buy HP anything, everyone (even if this specific event isn't their fault).

Edit: This isn't your image... it's from Reddit and it's from SIX years ago.

I mean, spellcheck does that more often than not.

They notoriously sell older components and technologies in their brand new computers.

I have one I got for free that was made in 2020. It's a MacBook Air. It has 8gb of RAM... I don't even know how they found RAM chips that small in 2020. It freezes every day when all I'm doing is running a web browser. This computer was $1,000 at the time it launched.

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And rice is delicious! I like sticky sushi rice myself. Throw some chicken on there and you've got a meal!

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