LuckingFurker (Any/All)

@LuckingFurker (Any/All)
0 Post – 166 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Any/all pronouns. Lazy agender transfem, also asexual and panromantic(? Or maybe aromantic, basically I'm a mess but I'm trying. Possibly my best, but hopefully not)

I love that my rights as a person are dependent on making a deranged cis woman happy, fucking hate this place

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The more you think about the more infuriating it gets, doesn't it?

Can't blame them though, femboys are hot

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Why would they fight each other when they could just kiss each other and/or me?

Just suck dick to get your jaw workout

But I don't like coffee 🤔

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As an asexual: can people stop sexualising everything and everyone for like a fucking second?

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There's an odd irony about linking to twitter for the Nazi Bar Parable

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These Gamecube mods are getting wild

I could identify as a man to get in on this but you had to go and throw the word "hot" in there 😕

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And that's why I use womens deodorant. Certainly not because I'm trans, goodness no, what are you accusing me of?

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I'm not straight, or a guy, but yes

If anyone wants to contribute towards me growing some breasts of my own I promise to let you drive Hotwheels on them 👉👈

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Unity is apparently planning to starting next year

As someone whose pronouns are any/all I genuinely don't care, I'm not going to be offended if you pick one pronoun and stick with it - I am lazy and present male, being AMAB, so people default to he/him anyway - or just use the first one that springs to mind everytime you refer to me. Obviously I can't speak for everyone who is any/all but I imagine if most people cared they wouldn't go with any/all

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I support her in her endeavours

You hear that everyone? Lux volunteers as tribute, everyone sexualise Lux exclusively from now on

No more England please. Signed, An English Person

Gonna work on a "trans someone's gender any%" speedrun

Coger? I hardly even know her

I'm good with computers but pretend not to be 😏

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If femboys are in a space where sexualisation is the focus then by all means sexualise them, if they are just being their femboy selves then don't automatically treat them as sexual things, it doesn't seem like that should be a big ask for people 🤷‍♀️

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It's so fucking cool how the damage can be so effectively done and then she just gets to say "oopsy, I didn't mean that, sowwy" and now all the TERFs will rally around saying she's being bullied into retracting it. I hate this fucking place

Hot 🤤

I'm not kink-shaming, I'm kink-asking-why

True and real


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Dudes be like "I want a goth gf" then get mad when she sacks Rome

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This really Skibidied my Toilet

Anyone willing to do it to me? 👉👈

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I think you'll find that that is a Jan of Beans

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That's illegal, people can't do that!

Bau bau!

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Mood, I too will smooch anyone willing :3

I don't need to do ethics, I will simply not do bad things, it's not hard

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Based purely on this picture I absolutely see a girl 🤷‍♂️ You pass fine, you just maybe like you're having a PJ day at home or something

"And why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?"


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You know, there are a lot of problems with it, you seem like you know what you're doing so how about you fiddle with the buttons first and see what happens what else needs to be fixed?

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I'm not up to date on my Linux drama, what's wrong with Snap?

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