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Joined 12 months ago

Very impressed by how quickly action has been taken by this and other instances to patch the issue.

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Jesus Christ, America.

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It’s not just games, arsehole. Anyone who needs a standardised film workflow probably uses Adobe, Autodesk and miscellaneous software that is Windows only or maybe supports Mac (usually not well).

Yes, a handful of these work on Linux, in theory, but have you ever tried installing Maya on fucking RHEL? I’m pretty sure I shortened my fucking lifespan by ten years trying to make it work.

Linux is cool, so is macOS, and so is BSD, but painting all Windows users as inherently being inferior to people using the software you use is a surefire way to make sure they never consider the other side out of fear of becoming one of the obnoxious Linux fanboys they’ve seen and rightly assumed to be a total moron.

TL;DR, yes Windows has many issues, but it’s a tool to be used when needed. Quit being a dickhead.

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I see Unix but no porn. Ugly rice

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Hopefully Microsoft will do something about it soon. In the meantime, like someone else said, don’t install shady drivers.

I’m on iOS with the Memmy app. It’s a work in progress that’s officially unfinished so I’m not surprised but it has also been a bit buggy. Doesn’t seem that I can log out without deleting and reinstalling the app so hopefully this doesn’t happen too often XD

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I live in a third world country with a crumbling infrastructure, shitloads of violence and crime, a rapidly rising cost of living, crap working opportunities and corrupt government.

Americans live in a first world country where it seems more and more like most of the problems I mentioned are somehow worse there and the ones they haven’t got yet are on the horizon.

I used to think it would be my future home. Now I’m looking for literally anything other than the US/China.

Yeah, I’m not enjoying their extremist bullshit. I just want some normal moderate leftist posts, you know?

Laughing from a PopOS Virtual Machine (I'm getting my AMD GPU soon, I'll switch over fully then I promise!).

Love it! It’s like macOS, Windows 7 and the edgy GAMER™️ aesthetic had a kid.

You might want to explain what an OS is, since many people have no idea. I explain it like this:

“Hardware is the machine you use, like a phone or computer. Apps and games are software that run on that hardware and let you do stuff. But in order for your software to run smoothly on your hardware, another collection of software is needed to allow them to interact. Collectively this bundle of code can be called an OS or Operating System. The most common one on computers is Windows, followed by macOS, ChromeOS and Linux. Your phone runs iOS or Android (usually).

Some torrents are available for Mac, most are meant for Windows since it’s more popular and has fewer restrictions on what can be installed by users. In any case, you should always check that the app you’re downloading is going to work with your operating system.”

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Good bot!

Fucking yikes

Raggedy Andy is one of the best nicknames I’ve seen for him yet. Possibly better than Andrew Taint.

Negative one upvotes would mean that enough people disliked me/another poster to bring my upvote total to zero. (Upvotes and likes are effectively the same thing, it’s just a naming convention). Reddit totals them up and seemingly Lemmy does as well.

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Just occurred to me that the app I use also shows separate counters. I fooled myself into thinking it was a single counter.

That’s interesting. Remember it’s a very new platform, minor bugs aren’t out of the ordinary.

I’m in a position to seed quite well since my connection is uncapped, and I’d be happy to share some rarer finds of mine. Unfortunately the power grid where I live is unstable as shit so might not be the best choice. Up to you I suppose, OP.

My dad and aunt have used Zenbooks and Vivobooks for years without issue. Maybe the ROG lineup aren’t as durable?

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The system was a PS2. I think the first games I played personally would have been Ratchet and Clank or some licensed Disney shit like Peter Pan or Cars.

Whoops, glitched double response.

Interesting. Definitely could be made clearer, I’ll make a post on the GitHub later about some of my suggestions.

Better to learn at 15 than at 45.

Hopefully XD

Interesting. Definitely could be made clearer, I’ll make a post on the GitHub later about some of my suggestions.

Huh, weird fuckin situation then.

Nope, just like Reddit it’s a value that ranges between negatives and positives. If I get two thousand upvotes, positive 2k. If I get two thousand downvotes, negative 1999 (because iirc you start with one by default).

Not exactly sure I understood what you meant by “either positive or zero”.

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I read the article at a glance, to be fair. Iirc the pair live in one of the many states where abortion itself is now criminalised, so there was no way to deal with this “without a fuss”.

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Hah, get fucked OpenAI.

It’s not meant to game anyway, so who gives a fuck?