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Joined 1 years ago

I have a self-hosted Nextcloud and my Nextcloud account connected via GNOME as an Online Account. It integrates seamlessly with Calendar, gives me a webdav mount for my files etc. I don't have any issues. I have not added any Google accounts, and definitely no Microsoft accounts. I don't use public clouds for private stuff.

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This ^. That way you have complete control over SSID, connected devices, passwords etc, and you apartment block only sees a single MAC address (WAN).

I love this, thanks.

It is worth it. How much you charge is up to you. A good start would be to use the pricing on Nextcloud's site as a gauge, seeing as you will be doing more than just the application. You will do the servers, VMs etc. as well. If your friend is at all worried about privacy, then get their company onto Nextcloud. That is my 2c. GL!

She uses Arch btw

Thank you for showing me SearXNG. I will definitely be looking into it, and once comfortable maybe even host one internally.

No, those versions are fine. But beware, if you use group folders and elasticsearch fulltextsearch, your NC will become unavailable. There is a known bug, and I have not seen a new release of FullTextSearch that will fix this bug.

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As I said. Groupfolder + elasticsearch FullTextSearch. Not groupfolders on their own.

Does it still have the bug where if you connect to Jitsi via Firefox (irrespective of OS), then your system would get really bogged down (both ram and CPU) up to a point where you can boil water on you laptop's keyboard? That is the only thing I can remember from Jitsi. Tried hosting it a few times (5 in total I think) and every single time, when connecting via FF it would have the same behaviour. What is you experience with this?

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*Self-hosted Jitsi powered ramen - the best there is :-) Thanks for the feedback.

Nope. I have met the team from OnlyOffice. Really good people. Always helpful and always friendly. And nothing is beneath them when it gets to support.

I think the Latvians would like a word with you for calling them Russian.

I think he just hit the wrong reply button. Probably meant to reply to helmet91's comment.

Woth Hikvision you can do the setup of the camera (user,pass,stream settings etc) via a web UI. From there you can use those settings in a camera rtsp sensor in HA. Not sure if this is still not what you wanted. It supports ONVOF too.