Ludwig van Beethoven

@Ludwig van
0 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit refugee. Likes the Agora. Likes classical music. Flight simmer. No life.

thank mr skeltal

Did this sad blob of cells just say that illegal immigration is an invasion? Did he just quote a dissenting opinion as a basis?

What the actual fuck. This sounds like something Orbán would do. Oh wait, they like the sound of that…

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And yet, more than 40% of Hungarian voters want to vote for Orbán again. Under his corrupt electoral system, that will be again a 2/3 supermajority. From a Hungarian: The prevailing belief here is "Orbán lies and sucks, but never again for Gyurcsány" or "Everyone sucks, Fidesz is the least bad" or even "There's no better alternative". This fuck should be voted out in 2026, but we know he won't.

From the state's founding, Hungary is a Western country, which never wants to be part of the East on purpose. […] Eastern politics can't tolerate autonomy, can't tolerate independence, and can't tolerate freedom. It eliminates the defences defending a human's independence. […] It makes one vulnerable; if need be, it intimidates. […] Since the East stepped foot in Hungary, freedom-loving Hungarians like us always wanted the same: to liberate ourselves from their withering hugs, and to remove their domestic guards. […] Our wish always was this: we wanted a Western democracy which builds on Christian culture, and on the ideals of freedom, equality, and fraternity. We always fought against the faux-democracy […]

– Viktor Orbán, 2007, in a segment to the young people in Hungary.

illiberal democracy my ass.

Bypass Paywalls Clean is fantastic, need to install from xpi though

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For young people, No. 1 is becoming pretty clear, although parents influence is a thing.

For a bit older people up to gen X, it's "yeah sure but the opposition isn't better" (which it is, but everyone is homophobic) or "playing two sides is smart" not realising how fucking cynical that is today.

For even older people, ie retirees, it's that Fidesz ramps up retirement pay close to every election like a pet-owner playing with their dogs.

Note that what is now the Opposition had a speech recorded in 2006, where the party Leader, Ferenc Gyurcsány, openly said "We have lied through the last eight years" and "We fucked this [very vulgar version]. Not a little, [we've fucked this] a lot". Orbán is obviously lying way more but he doesn't say it out loud (Or is smart enough not to get it recorded).

If you want ice scraped off the pavement in russia, just write Навальный [Naval'nyy] on it.

This. My national news agency publishes corrections like in ye olden days with ye olde telex: separate issue

example would be:

CORRECTION - President denounces war in Israel

BULLETIN - President denounces war in Isral

listed separately, added in their own archives etc.

As someone raised Catholic, and now just generally Christian who goes to mass whenever I feel like it, if any politician ever uses the religion card, I might just commit some act punishable by the TEK (Hungary). /hj obviously, but ffs man! Freedom of religion is being eroded by the Hungarian government as well. Why does anyone's faith have to control others'?

So as a technically Catholic: I am not persecuted. I am being privileged way too fucking much.

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It's another flight manual like the Eurofighter DA.7 last week (iirc).

I detect a little communism (/s)

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it's SQL

As a Christian, I think like this: who am I tot tell you what values you should have? I have my (Christian) values, you can have yours. Anyone who goes against that is against freedom of religion.

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How the hell did you get 0.5 cars going right on red? Did a car just plow through multiple houses between going straight and turning right at an intersection?

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Join the fascism club now! Every month we decide which poor sovereign nation to annoy the fuck out of. Join the fascism club today with a low low price of a nuclear fleet!p

Newer research actually says that it mostly doesn't matter. Use a readable sans or serif, there's no measurable difference.[1][2][3]

[1] Wery, J.J., Diliberto, J.A. The effect of a specialized dyslexia font, OpenDyslexic, on reading rate and accuracy. Ann. of Dyslexia 67, 114–127 (2017).
[2] Kuster, S.M., van Weerdenburg, M., Gompel, M. et al. Dyslexie font does not benefit reading in children with or without dyslexia. Ann. of Dyslexia 68, 25–42 (2018).
[3] Rello, L., Baeza-Yates, R. How to present more readable text for people with dyslexia. Univ Access Inf Soc 16, 29–49 (2017).

Also any sort of privacy redirector, specifically to go to nitter instead of xitter, is a must have

Xiaomi Redmi 9T because cheap. I won't reply.

You might mean Raidillion.

“do what I say or get blackmailed” so is that blackmailing with threating to blackmail someone? Did he technically just publicly blackmail POTUS? I have a feeling that's not fully legal.

This is flipping amazing. UX beats big corps hands down, recommendations are greatly innovative. One little thing: can we have a back button? It's a bit clunky when I have to go to the top of my browser every time I go back from a post. Other than that, it looks great!

Fellow Nobara user and man of culture, I see

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I really like me a good serif. Computer (Latin) Modern is very satisfying. Also, according to some research, it's up there with the Helveticas and the Arials for readability. Note that 12-point is where serifs flourish (figuratively).

And today I learned that people should joke around more with statistics.

Well first a new voting system would be required because Orbán, after winning in an unproportional system, decided to make the system even worse. So now, even if he only gets 45-54% of the vote, the same exact 68% supermajority is guaranteed.


Even more impressive because of it's unholy pronunciation, the Hungarian „longest” word: ’megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért’


Actual zombies

The country, meanwhile, is the uncanniest Mr. incredible, but instead of black and white, it's orange and white (We love Fidesz)

No no, Orbán doesn't want to be a dictator, he wants Fidesz to be the only party. You know this because he would hand over the PM post to Máté Kocsis any time and you know he would because Máté acted like a sack of shit in the pardon scandal.

But yes. The govt is bullshitting its way through being a dictator.

actuelle zoembais

I'm in the same boat, and KDE is quite buggy for me under Nobara, but I'm too lazy to maintain a rolling distro and I haven't found anything yet that I like more.

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common EU W

could some of you big brain people try and talk to the idiots who shout "BRÜSSZEL" at every issue here (Hungary)?

You can also install Bypass Paywalls Clean on browsers.

You might have just made me search for a distro to hop to. I looked at OpenSUSE but then realised that software availability might just be a pain in the fourth point of contact. Why god why me

The brainwashing is mental. Just about a month ago some secretary of state came to our town and preached that ‘science without faith is science without morality (and that is bad), so therefore teaching without teaching faith is teaching immorality. West does that, West bad.’ On 15 March, the national holiday, our dictator Vezető prime minister preached the same thing.

Zwischen uns.

I think the left side scale is cm over 1m, so he would be 167cm, and the right scale is just a flustercuck.

"Ok, I'm going to bed at 2300."

does literally anything: 2320

"Ok now let's do another thing"

  1. Get to bed.

doesn't sleep until like 2.

sorry, but minor inflation doesn't come across as suffering to me? Not challenging you, but if you can provide me with concrete examples I might just realise how probably stupid I am.

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As a Hungarian, I must unpolitely ask you to not complain about 3,7% inflation while other places have 16%. To us, the economy of North–West Europe and the US look like absolute miracles.

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Hungarian here. tf??? Tbf, basically everyone here says "haha the western dollar-media doesn't understand our government/people/culture und und und". Even Opposition voters.

Also, Orbán is only the third or second worst option. We also have actual Neo-Nazis in parliament, thankfully not yet to AfD/right extreme FPÖ levels.

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