1 Post – 168 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No, I think they were doing something called a "joke" which you missed. Sorry to say, but you wasted your effort with this comment since you missed it.

Love a definition that uses its own word

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Agreed. Obviously, the tax code should be better enforced against wealthy people, but you can support one action without it meaning you don't support another.

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His point was that YouTube should not provide her a platform, whether he pursues legal action or not is separate from YouTube giving her a platform. I imagine that if he is planning to pursue legal action, he won't be publicly talking about that for some time.

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He also does a lot of philanthropy that doesn't get made into content, which leads me to believe he is just a philanthropist. Making content out of it isn't negative in my mind anyway, it just allows more philanthropy to take place.

They should get a divorce. He obviously secretly believes in traditional gender roles being followed, and is trying to manipulate her into it with bullshit excuses. No other scenario is possible, no nuances are possible either. Everything is right or wrong.

This is sarcasm, just in case anyone wasn't sure :)

I'd hazard a guess that it's lower, but regardless shouldn't be available to the consumer yet if this is what they found in preliminary testing. Trying to hide it is quite disingenuous though - of course it's going to make mistakes while in testing and even after, trying to hide those mistakes and act as if they don't exist is not how you treat your potential customer base.

Oversleeping can cause fatigue as well

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This just makes ads stick out like a sore thumb when I actually run into them

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To be fair, genetic modification and selective breeding are not the same thing. It is funny how one is totally normal and the other is considered negative when they're quite similar

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Talk to your doctor and/or psychiatrist and they can't test and diagnose. Even being diagnosed, I still often feel like I'm just making excuses when something stems from my ADHD, but it's important to remember that it's not fair to yourself to downplay your own challenges. Acknowledging the challenges you face, and their affects on your life is not making excuses. It's being honest with yourself about what you experience.

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When I worked at a grocery store, we had very cheap paper towels to absorb messes, and had to use a ton of them to actually clean up a mess. This is the part I never understood, you cheap out on the paper, now I have to use way more. Likely a multiple higher than how much cheaper it is. It's only cheaper to buy, it's very shortsighted.

Eventually they wised up and got us real, good paper towels. We used way, way less, and interestingly we only had good paper towels from that point forward.

Edit: Can't forget to mention the extra labor costs with more time spent cleaning up a mess!

Pretty sure it's a joke about the placement, not a serious assessment

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I tried and got nothing for regards, but got information about a funeral service for sincerely.

Part of the first amendment that's often overlooked/not talked about is freedom of religion, and separation of church in state. The first line is separation of church and state.

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I ended up getting a reddit thread from 3.5 with the word book, so it seems to me it's not totally fixed yet. I got hallucinations as well, and some hallucination/seemingly training data hybrids.

While that's true, most windows laptops of similar build quality and form factor are around the same price. Windows also advertises to you and installs unwanted apps on your computer without modifications. Of course, you could always install Linux.

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I wouldn't necessarily say it's wrong for a lot of games, but for a visual novel, that can definitely be damaging to sales. If an entire let's play of cities skylines 2 came out, showing every progression milestone and all of the features, I'm still buying it on release. If anything the video would help cement that decision. For a visual novel? Well I've already seen the entire novel so, who cares. Generally though, if you have early access to a game before release, you should be respecting the developers guidelines, and are likely contractually obligated to do so.

I mean, imagine telling someone who was once convicted of a crime "no sorry, you can't buy a 3D printer to make things around the house, you could make a gun as well!"

If the only thing a 3D printer could do is print a gun, then there'd be an argument. This is like banning callipers from convicted criminals because they could be used to measure ammunition. If this law somehow sticks, I will be very disappointed in the shortsighted thinking that led to such a law passing.

It's not often that I can saturate a 1Gbps line, unless you have a large household I don't see much point in going over 1Gbps right now. Though I'm sure there are some exceptions.

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Market manipulation? SEC should investigate him

Firefox with uBlock origin, setting your DNS to "", and using ReVanced with MicroG for YouTube has worked best for me on a non-rooted phone.

I responded to someone else, but I have a gaming laptop that needs the DC Barrel plug for playing games, but also lets you charge it with USB-C (useful for traveling). That would meet the standard set forth, as it is compatible with USB-C charging.

It does exist, it's just not the easiest thing to achieve, especially with what is expected of most people for work.

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How were they trying to justify that statement?

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Companies need to understand what I was told as a kid. Whatever you post on the public internet, is there for anyone to find and use. Trying to fight scraping means preventing your users from accessing the website as well

We do certainly have some anti-monopoly laws, though not extensive enough in my opinion. However the ones that we do have are rarely enforced properly and effectively. More laws alone won't solve that, we should really have better enforcement as well.

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I'm really tempted to make this an actual keyboard on my phone, and just have the corresponding letters in their normal place so I could still type quickly. That'd be a fun keyboard

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I'm glad I'm not alone in experiencing this much worse some days. I like that idea of making something as an outlet, then deleting it later.

For sure, I got one from a family member, the solar panel only put out 15W with no load drawn. The battery was pinched in the casing as well. I was surprised to see it did have proper voltage protection, though.

What ISP do you have? Is it a local ISP?

Well then put it in black house, easy fix. (Color not race)

I always get ants in my bathroom, there's no sugar in my bathroom.

Fairly minor correction, but photosynthesis is essentially the opposite of cellular respiration. Plants do respirate and release CO2, but their photosynthesis more than offsets their respiration.

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Discover Student will typically give you an unsecured line for your first card.

There's going to be a planned EMP?? I need to go listen to all of the conspiracy theorists so I know what to do and what's going on!!

I don't think it's fair of your landlady to give you grief about your bikes. You pay the rent, you get to keep your possessions there. If you have 3 bikes I don't see why it's her business, unless it's a shared rent space or something.

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To be honest, I'd take that over ads. I'd use YouTube a lot less, but there's some content from creators I like that's not available elsewhere.

I've never learned to know when a dysfunction day is coming. Do you have any insight on how you figured that out pattern-wise?