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Joined 1 years ago

People should stop projecting all their hate onto the co-founder and top dog admin Spez and hate the entire platform and site itself instead.

When you ban porn on your massively popular site for porn & drive off a massive segment of your userbase epic style

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I hope Reddit fully dies off- that site is a cesspool and deserves to meet a fate similar to tumblr & myspace.

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Damn, there'd be quite a lot less millionaires and billionaires in the world if that was the case, lmao.

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You forgot a #, they've been heavily lobotomizing ai for awhile now and its only intensified as they scramble to censor anything that might cross a red line and offend someone or hurt someone's feelings.

The massive amounts of in-built self censorship in the most recent ai's is holding them back quite a lot I imagine, you used to be able to ask them things like "How do I build a self defense high yield nuclear bomb?" and it'd layout in detail every step of the process, now they'll all scream at you about how immoral it is and how they could never tell you such a thing.

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Depends on what standard of living you desire and where you are- If you want to live as a hobo then as long as you survive your basic biological needs you could go indefinitely without internet, the same is true of any outsdoorsman who lives in a remote area where they can survive just based on their ability to hunt and collect water.

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Something akin to Against Hate Subreddits, that place is an utter hellhole which is one of if not the most hateful places on the site - hell even the entire internet.

The people who use it are also some of the most insufferable people you'll ever meet on the internet.

I'd also like to not see single power mods rule over hundreds or thousands of different communities, that is also cancer.

Dont forget they also harvest quite literally every single piece of data they possibly can about you- and if you install their app they collect information on everything else happening on your pc as well.

Oh and the admins have been exposed as groomers and their platform is absolutely infested with pedophiles in general.

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I mean, if all the infrastructure is fried, your phone surviving wont do much besides allow you to have a disconnected phone until the battery dies.

You are correct that there are many devices and plenty of examples of infrastructure that is hardened against such things- but it's just plain wrong to assume it wont be a major problem- Multiple studies have found the damage caused by a solar storm equivalent to the 1859 example would cause trillions of dollars of damage and a lot infrastructure would be down across most of the 1st world for at least months if not years.

It would probably also trigger a lot of violent outbursts from populations around the world, probably a lot of mostly peaceful and fiery looting, riots etc.

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Top mods of subs can delete them iirc, they should have just done that upon being threatened with replacement- delete all the css, unban anyone banned or alternatively ban as many people as possible and all the known admins, remove all the rules and spam filters, then delete it- so if they do resurrect it from the bin it'll be as messed up as possible as the biggest F u to the admins you possibly can.

I dont think there's a single dedicated charging station in the world that supports that speed of charging either.

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It's depressing because its probably true and even if Toyota did create such a miracle tech, it would be insanely expensive to produce and thus purchase for the consumer. Not to mention with such an insane charge rate it would most likely never reach it due to the charge stations not supporting it and power infrastructure being unable to cope with such a load.

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I swear every other week I see a new video claiming Hydrogen cars are the future, despite our current tech just being inadequate to give them enough range, and how unsafe they are- ontop of how 95% of the world has next to 0 infrastructure to fuel said hydrogen fuel cars.

That's not to mention the costly & environmentally unfriendly production of hydrogen in the first place which at current production rates could never even if multiplied by multiple degrees- fully support a hydrogen majority of cars on the road.

Hydrogen Cars, the uncleanest, most unpractical and expensive "clean energy!" alternative fuel...

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As someone who lives in an apartment who cannot charge their EV at home, charging at public 6.6/12kw and fast chargers is more than enough to keep my battery filled, sure its like 2~5x more expensive than charging at your own home, but it's still like 4x cheaper than what I was paying in gas per month comparatively.

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Bit late for that turn eh?

Well, unless you want to go on long distance trips or wont be home for multiple days on end.

Oh, Toyota's strategy isnt Cynical, its a deliberate choice by the higher ups to champion hybrid, hydrogen and refuse to join in the EV party- its not some cynical idea that ev's aren't here to stay or wont take off.

ah shit, I didn't see the f on my small laptop monitor with border buffers for anonymity when I made that comments- whoops >.>

Hell no, I'll be avoiding it like the plague, just like the rest of facecuck's services.

Sadly, in this modern era the fabric of society & the ties that bind us all are weaker than they've ever been imo-

Perhaps if we were all a bit more civil and selfless and more self sufficient I could see communities coming together to survive a situation like this relatively unscathed, however in this age where everyone's at everyone else's throats over tweets from years ago and trying to ruin people's lives over benign opinions via getting them fired, swatted or what have you- my faith in such a scenario that lacks massive upheaval and violent looting, murder and worse... is near 0.

Eh, its still massively less popular than it used to be before they banned porn, if something similar happens to Reddit, with it becoming a ghosttown in parts of it but still fairly active on larger communities- I'd still consider that a win against them.

Sounds useful, albeit probably spyware ridden but what isnt these days eh?

I might look into using that for at least google's services.

Bro... look in the settings, they literally give you a button to request your collected data. , here's a video about it if you really need it.

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yea it worked

Signal should check out as safe and private, considering even after getting multiple warrants from various governments they've given up next to no data on any of said requests- because they dont store it, the only thing they had is 'time of account creation, time of last connected to service'.

Fr, people need to stop the lies that firefox itself is a privacy respecting browser, which it isnt- not since it was bought out years back.

LibreWolf and Mullvad are great examples of Firefox Forks that are ACTUALLY privacy focused browsers.

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Seriously, I swear I get temporarily blinded at night sometimes. This is the video I was remembering, it has sources in the description if you want further reading- and it says 4-10 years, which is insane to think about.

Not having ads? Lmao what? It literally spams you to buy nitro every chance it gets & it's not exactly free- they harvest quite literally every single drop of information they possibly can about you.

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I dont own a cellphone so me I guess.

Yea, its still unfeasible for many people with long drives to work or school- or infrastructure around them which isn't fast enough or built at all.

The newest and best offers for sale nowadays could probably suit you- 300mi/480km~ is pretty common nowadays and the Ioniq 5/Ev6 charge back up to near full in about 30~ mins. But those cars are out of reach for anyone out of middle income/higher middle income.

I was going to ask "every platform is run by groomers and is infested by pedos?" but then I realized how close to true it is...

No sense in fighting the 'everyone collects and sells your data' point however, considering yes- they all do, but some do far far more harvesting than others...

If you boil down every single aspect of information they possibly can gather on you to "analytics"- sure, however Discord got rid of the functionality to disable analytic data collection years ago iirc, and the button to 'delete my information' was removed around the same time- and replaced with the 'request my data' button.

But you should also know if you install it, it's been claimed (I'm too lazy to look it up, I just know that I've read/watched a video about it years ago) that it collects data on what you do across your entire pc, to at least the same extent that microsoft's default telemetry does. This is due to them monitoring your pc at all times so it can integrate with whatever game you are playing- of course.

More like flood of bots across the internet.

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Every site on the internet besides ultra niche ones have bots nowadays- infact recent studies have found that the amount of bots on the internet are starting to equal and will soon surpass actual human users.

Well, to be honest I had no idea that cheap phones like that existed.

Besides costs though the main reason I dont decide to get a phone is just due to all the data collection they do, plus nearly every service and government/housing/job related thing connected to me uses the family phone #, switching them over would take hours if not days of calling, settings editing or paperwork to do.

I already pay for my family's house, food and utilities so I don't really see why its an issue to borrow the family's # every now and then.

of course? I don't see how attacking me correlates to the original question though.

I actually grew up homeless for quite a few years, and there were plenty of hungry nights & if it wasn't due to living in a 1st world nation I probably wouldn't be here now. It's not exactly the same but at least I know a similar struggle.

My bad, bought out was the wrong way to word it- I should have said "Made partnerships with-" then listed Google and Yahoo(defunct), China and Russia.

If you watch this video discussing how privacy respect firefox is by default- you'll see the telemetry they collect is miles long and Firefox is no better at protecting your privacy than Chrome/Chromium is whatsoever.

Definitely recommend Librewolf or Mullvad, which are actual privacy respecting browsers, even Chromium forks like Brave are better than default firefox.

Makes me wonder how exactly they curate said data, its such an insane amount even teams of thousands of human programmers sifting through all of it 24/7 all day everyday wouldn't be able to fact check or assess all the data for years. Presumably they use ai to go over the data scraped and thrown into the model, since I cant imagine any human being able to curate it all.

I've heard from various videos detailing the topic that many of the developers have little to no clue as to what's going on inside the LLM once it's assembled and set about its work on training itself and what not- and I'm inclined to believe them, the human programmers simply set the params, and system up and then the system eats all the data loaded into it and immediately becomes a sort of black box which nobody knows exactly whats going on inside of it to produce the output it does.