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I still think one of the craziest examples of multiplatform streaming being required is from Pokemon. They have a whole guide on how to watch every season:

Edit: oh, and this is AFTER the death of Pokemon TV, their own streaming service lol.

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HPE does not get any ink money, that went with HP Inc. HPE only operates in enterprise spaces (servers and network hardware).

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It’s almost as if nuanced discussion is discouraged on platforms like this.

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From the article:

WBD also will be exploring options for Rooster Teeth’s catalog content and IP such as Red vs Blue, RWBY and Gen:LOCK.

Looks like they’ll either retain or sell the IP.

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Agreed, we’re about half a year and halfway through Abomination Vaults right now. Using PF2e with Foundry VTT has been amazing, especially with all the built-in automation.

The thing I like most about Pathfinder is how well documented their rules are. 5e had a bunch of hand wavy DM-fiat rules, while PF2e typically has a rule for almost everything.

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Yep, you forgot Palo Alto’s GlobalProtect telemetry allowing for remote code execution. A perfect 10.

Nuclear is a good middle step to full renewable, it’s not the end goal. There’s not enough storage capacity right now for energy usage at night, which is where nuclear can fill the gap until efficient energy storage can be achieved.

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Not with that little battery life left.

Bought mine back in October. Tesla was permanently off the table, first because of Elon, then second from all of the QA issues, shoddy quality, and months long waits to fix anything needing parts.

I went for a Hyundai Ioniq 6 instead. Absolutely love it.

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The only caution I would provide on Framework is their relative lack of BIOS updates:

They don’t have a BIOS updater for Linux (yet) and they have a history of overpromising stable updates. I get they’re hamstrung by upstream providers, but it’s a bad look on them to basically deliver a promised Thunderbolt update 1.5 years after announcing it. The CEO did say at least that they’ve hired on a new development team to get things moving, so hopefully they’ll be able to catch up.

Everything else I’ve heard about Framework is stellar.

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I just leased an Ioniq 6 from a Hyundai dealership end of October. The salesperson was great, but she didn’t know anything about EVs, especially their own. She even admitted it was the first one she’s sold.

I went back a week ago and found the same 5 Ioniq 6’s sitting there. I’m pretty sure they’ll stay there for quite a while.

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Looks like this is still routing through dealerships, not direct to customers:

The structure still rewards dealerships, unlike the direct sales models that completely sidestep the business model. When vehicles go on sale at Amazon, the local Hyundai dealer will be the seller of record.

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I went full EV a month ago with an Ioniq 6. Love it so far.

They made their own:

What frustrates me is that if you're going in under the guise of journalistic integrity, why not ask for comment from LMG?

Steve made a lot of solid points, but if you never give them a chance to explain themselves, then it just looks like drama click bait. It's turning me off to techtubers as a whole, both LMG and GN. The backbiting from GN is frustrating, and the maddening pace of faulty LMG videos is sad.

Tried from Mullvad’s exit nodes in HK and Singapore. Didn’t seem to work.

China built 37 of them in the last 10 years according to the article. It doesn’t take forever, it just takes foresight and planning, which most of the Western world lacks beyond the next quarter profits lol.

The baseline capacity nuclear provides can get evolving countries like China out of the fossil fuel phase, which is critically important. I don’t know what your problem is with nuclear, it’s been a relatively safe and stable form of energy generation that’s far better than any fossil fuel.

Edit: and I just read the top comment in the thread that they're building a fuckton of coal plants too. Damn it.

My faith in CR original content is not high since all of their WEBTOON adaptations bombed. Solo Leveling is the only one to not be awful.

Reading the article, it sounds like this might be it for Suyu if the pastebin is to be believed. The development team kinda imploded and the code used the Switch SDK, which makes it toxic to continue development legally.

Devil's advocate here: it's possible the person who left the bag there may have some physical disability that keeps them from being able to open the dumpster or lift the bag into it. Not everyone is equally able to do everything you can.

Back in college during finals week, the school would do pancake parties for everyone studying. It was apparently a tradition stretching over 30 years.

I've recently been working on this kind of migration as well (but to Fedora instead), so I can speak from my own experiences:

  • Cloud storage: I've heard fewer issues with Google Drive and Dropbox, but I had tried syncing OneDrive and ran into some issues. I ended up purchasing a license to Insync a while back, which was a bit overkill for what I needed it to do. I'm still working on weaning myself off OneDrive entirely and instead going to self-hosted cloud sync.
  • Software installs: there are a ton of different methods to do software installs on Linux these days. I think Synaptic only does apt (it's in the name!), but a lot of apps are distributed through flatpak, AppImage, or even Snaps.
    • Native packages tend to work better with your desktop environment in terms of theming but any library dependencies will get installed with them, while the others are easier to distribute and include the dependencies with them.
  • Other advice:
    • Play around with different distros and desktop environments until you find something you're really comfortable in.
    • Make a list of your required apps and verify which distro's native capabilities may or may not meet your needs.
    • It took me a few tries before settling on Fedora KDE spin, particularly because KDE had a feature I really wanted: per monitor wallpaper settings without having to install a separate app. I've found that many other KDE apps are really nice too, so I'm sticking with it. KDE also puts me in a familiar desktop environment coming from Windows as well.
    • One irritation I've experienced: gaming-centric hardware is designed for Windows and if you have stuff designed around that, it's going to become very obvious. Yes, there's open source projects that help adapt them for Linux. But they are nowhere near equivalent and generally they lack maintainers to keep them going.
      • I have a Stream Deck that on Windows, I used it for monitoring hardware temps. On Linux, you get app launcher buttons at best.
      • My mouse is a Logitech G604 Lightspeed. Piper + libratbag does a pretty good job at trying to support it, but it's middling at best and unfortunately looking at the repo, they're in pretty desperate need of maintainers.

This is my own personal (and recent) experiences and I'm pretty new to using a Linux DE for a main OS too, so anything I say could be incorrect and I welcome suggestions/corrections.

Memmy has iPad support.

And miss out on all the struggle and suffering of figuring out how to build a compose file over many hours? Who would want to miss out on that?

All kidding aside, I had not heard about dockge. I might give it a try, see what it can do with my existing compose file.

Fair enough, I went lease because everyone’s going NACS soon.

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Tesla’s plug. Nearly every auto manufacturer has announced changing to it in future EV generations.

Yeah we tried a few other systems after our main 5e campaign ended. Ars Magica, Lancer, WH40k Wrath and Glory, Blades in the Dark, Cyberpunk Red. My group is not one for roleplaying much, so we prefer crunchy systems. Lancer was great for that, and so is Pathfinder 2e.

There is a lot of investment in energy storage solutions. Everyone knows how critically important energy storage is for our climate change present and future, and whoever develops the best and most scalable solution first will make billions of dollars.

Nuclear fission doesn’t get that much investment afaik due to overblown radiation fears, while safe cold fusion is the real end goal of energy generation and deserves more investment than it gets now.

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My personal preference is Patriot flash drives, and has been for the past decade. I’ve got 3 older flash drives that I would commonly use, and they were very reliable.

I just recently bought this one, as I was looking for a drive that would take full advantage of USB 3.2 speeds. It definitely does, I get 300+ MB/s writes regularly on it.

Thanks for the info. I wonder if it’s just the older Intel laptops that need the catchup then.

One thing to keep in mind with ALL EVs when shopping: the advertised mileage is under certain conditions. The estimated mileage shown in your dash is under certain conditions.

The number you really need to keep an eye on is the estimated miles per kW. The Ioniq 6 has a 77.4 kWh battery on the SEL model (minimum model I would recommend), so at highway speed it was estimating me between 2.5-3 miles per kW. So for highway speed, my estimate is about 193-232 miles before empty. I actually calculated it while charging up yesterday and the miles per kW meter was fairly accurate, while the estimated remaining miles lagged behind significantly due to my largely short commute miles.

Your highway mileage will always suck. That’s why you must plan ahead accordingly.

The other thing I recommend…if you are looking now, lease, don’t buy. If you want to buy, wait for 2025 models with NACS plugs.

I cannot understate the impact Tesla has had on charging infrastructure. You will find many more NACS public chargers before finding CCS chargers (that work).

Edit: also, for the Ioniq 6: digital green exterior is the best color imho, but the green shows up best after either paint age or the right lighting. Everyone called my car black when I first bought it.

Got a source? I'm genuinely curious about that, since I know cold fusion has been long considered the holy grail of energy generation. I just want to hope that it isn't mere science fiction now :(

More famous than Genghis Khan? That’s an achievement.

Gotta love stirring up old controversies for views because it’s fashionable to hate Twitter right now lol