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Joined 1 years ago

Thought to have been an ordinary falling star.

A Binatone 6-in-1 Pong machine from (if I recall) around 1977. My next oldest machine is a red-label Astro Wars from 1980.

Which ones? As far as I'm aware, they're all full-fat PS3 titles

Minor correction: some levels had bonus areas where you could save, but you could only do so once. Still a ballache.

if I get an idea I am not happy until it start making money

That sounds extremely unsustainable

I don't see you contributing much of value either...

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Nginx Proxy Manager, I assume

Oh no

I just wish they were smaller. I'd love to have a Nexus 4-sized phone again.

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Community! It's still streets ahead.

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I can't believe they're remastering Combat Evolved again, but not Halo 3.

Well, as long as they do a better job than the original CE Anniversary, I'll probably play it.

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Abandonware isn't really legally defined

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I agree with your statement. However, what I believe the original comment was saying is that if the developers who have lost their jobs were to get together and make a game as they describe, then they would buy it. The malice was directed at Microsoft and so on.

At least, that's how I read it...

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I hate to be nitpicky; but that's a decompilation, not a demake.

'Demake' usually refers to a game that gets remade for a system older (or less powerful) than the one it was released for. A good current example is the in-progress Super Mario 64 demake for GBA.

'Decompilation' is where one reverse-engineers a game (or any software!) back to its original source code, or close enough that when you build it, it's identical to an original copy. So, the goal of the Lego Island demake is to produce source code that can be built into a fully binary-compatible copy of Lego Island, indistinct from what's on the original CD.

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I'm a little confused, why is this news? They're updating their site design?

The replies don't help much, either, unless they're being ironically hyperbolic...

So when we actually do have AI, what are we supposed to call it? The current use of the term "AI" is too ambiguous to be of any use.

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You can use Windows 10 indefinitely without using a key. You'll lose out on a few settings, mainly to do with personalisation, and you'll have a watermark on your screen - but if it's just for one game, then perhaps that's something you can live with.

...there are also Certain Methods to permanently activate Windows without a key at all if necessary.

Doom, of course!

Also, OpenRCT2, and Unreal Tournament.

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Small history lesson for those interested: the reason we didn't see much of this sort of thing is because Namco actually had it patented, up until late 2015. Originally, you could play Galaxian while you waited for Ridge Racer to load! (At the expense of everyone else being able to have little loading screen games...)

At the risk of seeming to throw shade; why use Brave at all if you're going to switch off all its unique features?

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Invariably, it's also marked as the accepted solution.

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Isn't the point of PDF that it can't (or, perhaps more accurately, shouldn't) be edited after the fact? It's supposed to be immutable.

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A froffin

Like 'Susie', which according to the rest of this thread, puts me in the minority

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The trouble I have with Sunshine is that when I play, I wish I was playing SM64

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That sounds ripe for abuse. Say someone has a problem with me - if they wait long enough, they can now pay over the odds and effectively take over my website. Or get their friends to enter a bidding war and potentially cost me a lot of money.

There's a similar one called 'One Chance', in which you have three days to cure a disease that will otherwise kill everything. Same sorta concept.

RuneScape has an excellent fast travel system. In fact, it has a whole bunch of 'em, and you have to work for them; either by completing quests, or by training your skills. You can also get items to expand your inventory somewhat, but they only work for specific item types.

Transmission does

“Pot calling the pan burnt-arsed”

Now the phrase makes a lot more sense

Only because the Voodoo couldn't do 2D at all - it had a passthrough on the back, so you'd connect your 2D-capable graphics card to it.

The Affinity suite. Truth is, I don't want to replace them because I really like how they work; I just wish there was a native Linux version, because it's almost impossible to get it to run in Wine. Have to use a VM for the time being.

Stream Deck is another one I miss, and the FOSS alternatives just don't cut it in terms of functionality.

Doom II wasn't boring.

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Counterpoint: budget re-releases of games (e.g. 'Platinum' on PlayStation) were often an opportunity to fix bugs, or sometimes even add new features. A few examples:

  • Space Invaders 1500 was a re-release of Space Invaders 2000, with a few new game modes.
  • Spyro: Year of the Dragon's 'Greatest Hits' release added a bunch of music that was missing in the original release.
  • Ridge Racer Type 4 came with a disc containing an updated version of the first Ridge Racer, which ran at 60fps.
  • Super Mario 64's 'Shindou Edition' added rumble pak support, as well as fixing a whole bunch of bugs (famously, the backwards long jump).

Those are just off the top of my head. I'm certain there are more re-releases that represent the true 'final' version of a game.

Couple I've come across recently and haven't seen here yet:

micro - a nano-style terminal text editor with modern features and plugins.

termscp - a terminal FTP (et al) client heavily inspired by WinSCP.

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IT here: you're right about Outlook being junk, but I disagree with your current year argument. What's laughable about having your emails synced locally?

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It is when your business relies on Microsoft services which are inherently incompatible with LO

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Could combine it with UK terminology and call it a foot

It's difficult to find where to even download the thing, particularly if you're looking for older versions

They're saying they want a fixed release, therefore excluding anything Arch.

It's called market research.