8 Post – 130 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Your body, their choice.

Just look at what pharma had gotten away with over the last four years. "Undergo this medical procedure or kiss your civil liberties goodbye!"

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The genie is already out of the bottle BUT, one solution would be to raise the barrier to entry again.

Return the internet to the pre-"smart" phone era, in which a minimum bar of effort and knowledge needed to be present in order to connect and participate on the web.

In 2008~2010, the flood gates opened for all the normies to stampede in and everything has been downhill since then.

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yt-dlp remains unaffected for now.

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The part that actually describes how the ban would work is at least one hyperlink away from the article.

If ByteDance doesn't sell TikTok, app stores in the US would have to drop the app, and Internet hosting services would be prohibited from providing services that enable distribution of TikTok in the US. Companies that violate the prohibition would have to pay civil penalties.

(5) INTERNET HOSTING SERVICE.—The term “internet hosting service” means a service through which storage and computing resources are provided to an individual or organization for the accommodation and maintenance of 1 or more websites or online services, and which may include file hosting, domain name server hosting, cloud hosting, and virtual private server hosting.

The Tippy Type is a keyboard cover for MacBooks

I could have predicted that even if the article never mentioned it.

Further thought: they have to contend with what to do with the string of a tampon when wiping. Whether to tuck it inside, or carefully work around not to smear shit on it.

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I remember Hooktube. That was when front ends were still trying to play nice by accessing youtube the "right way".

They killed that one off pretty hastily.

Invidious was the hero successor, but I think we all knew that it would eventually come to this. Invidious' most recent fixes for blocking involve passing identity tokens, making a concession that Google is then better able to track users behind Invidious.

I'm not sure how much farther there is left to go on the technical angle of this fight.

Good guy Amazon: Makes employees return in-person to prevent them from using proprietary remote work software.

Even without ads, the act of showing videos mid-conversation has never been a smooth interaction IME. Best not to fumble with devices while trying to talk with somebody.

Windows 11 is a piece of shit so people (including your IT department) don’t want to upgrade,

Deja vu

Just a few years ago:

Windows 10 is a piece of shit so people (including your IT department) don’t want to upgrade,

With time, the normies will acclimate to it, and Windows 11 will become "acceptable". Just like all the other ones.

Ew, why would I allow my system to create traffic to Google controlled infrastructure?

I was honestly expecting to receive a lemmy flavored beatdown for that comment.

I am of the persuasion that even if we consider the products to be safe and tested, coercion is still the wrong way to go about it.

I did not reject the pharma shots because it was allegedly unsafe or experimental, but because I don't believe the threat it claims to prevent against represents a substantial enough risk to warrant all the destructive measures we've all been forced to endure.

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The term this story should have introduced everyone to is: "Trial balloon"

Logitech were just floating a trial balloon, that is all.

I'm unironically beginning to view Microsoft as one of my favorite companies. They treat their cattle just right. Hopefully they'll start arbitrarily deleting local files.

Is there anything the cattle won't tolerate? LETS FIND OUT

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The loss of generational knowledge is a very real concern (in tech, not just piracy) that nobody talks about. I am genuinely concerned for the future of major Linux distros, for example.

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The "just be a decent human being" crowd strikes again

Ads are always malicious, and I'm not talking about just the technical.

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I'm going to break the rules a little bit and share four.

In order:

  1. Dolores Claiborne (1995)

  2. Misery (1990)

  3. Elf (2003)

  4. The Lego Movie (2015)

Here is my fan theory (possible spoilers):
::: spoiler spoiler A traumatized and desperate woman is driven nearly to insanity dealing with a rough life in north eastern America. After losing her family life, she retreats to a mountain cabin to live out her days alone and at no risk of ever being taken advantage of again. As a coping mechanism, she develops and unhealthy relationship with written fiction.


The writer who escapes moves far away and takes on a new identity working as a publisher of children's books in New York city (no chance of crazies kidnapping you over children's books, right?). He thought he was finished dealing with crazy people until a man claiming to be both his son and a christmas elf are thrust into his life.


Reconnecting with family and assimilating back into society has turned Buddy, who has since dropped that moniker, into a respectable, hard working family man. He wants to give his children the normal childhood he was never allowed to have. Although he still clings to some old habits. After suffering the trauma of having his custom built Lego city crushed by his manager back in Gimbels department store years prior, he is now healing by constructing an elaborately crafted Lego city in the basement of his home. Only this time meticulously cementing each piece into place.

His now wife, knowing his past, is accepting of the hobby. But his own children, with whom he hasn't shared his upbringing, aren't so understanding. :::

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Those old forums haven't gone anywhere. They aren't very populous, but this also has the upside of making your presence on a forum all the more potent.

If you're looking to start your own, forum software has broken up onto two styles: The 'modern' hyper-interactive javascript based stuff (Discourse, Flarum...) and the 'oldschool' stuff (phpBB, nodeBB, asmBB...)

If you can't build it from source, you don't own it.

Paying is just a courtesy.

Was at a red light with a cop behind me. Some guy rolls up behind them, braking just late enough that the front bumper of his car love taps the rear bumper of the squad car.

Both officers immediately jump out and open fire on the poor guy. He was hosed after a couple of rounds. The cops just casually get back in and drive off like it was nothing.

This was in Los Santos btw.

If your cast vote is influenced at all by a candidate's physical attributes (such as gender), you're doing it wrong.

"Why do we need XYZ candidate in?" "Well, because he looks like meeee!"

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Amazon, Apple, Comcast, Disney, Fox, HBO, Hulu, MGM, NBCUniversal, Netflix, Paramount, Sony, and Warner Bros.

Joke's on you MPA, I don't watch any modern trash produced by these "entertainment" companies.

How can anyone live in NYC?

Having read through accounts of Washington and Adams, it would seem that there was a very prevalent dislike of New York city in the colonies. They described NYC residents as lacking in decorum, which I still find fairly fitting today.

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I've supported bitlocker in corporate deployments. I have also spent some time in independent repair shops. I have little confidence in users to supply a bitlocker key, let alone even know what one is. I anticipate a lot of "what? I already gave you my password."

Another entry among the list of "Weird things that can happen when you give the state power to decide life or death of its citizens".

It is so strange to see people flexing $PREVIOUS_WINDOWS when $PREVIOUS_WINDOWS itself brought in egregious anti-features that are now normalized and accepted by average users as "not malware".

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"It's Glowtime" in reference to glowies pwning your software and hardware out-of-the-box. Appropriate. At least they're upfront about it.

And with computer literacy on the decline, I wouldn't be shocked to see in our lifetime a generation of people who conceptually cannot understand a local video file.

Google workspace

Dystopia is real

Only a few more steps until "Google Government"

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What legal ramifications might follow taking such a role and intentionally doing it poorly?

I find it much easier to start with a minimal canvas, and then to add only the things I want or need. Than to try to tear down aggressive features until something sane begins to appear from beneath.

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It is weird to observe younger generations using search engines with how they treat them as some sort of fully natural language processing butlers.

Where you or I might formulate a query as: "films famous within Italy" or simply "famous Italian films"

Gen alpha will generally conduct that same search as: "What are the movies that are most famous in Italy?"

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the days of popping out a hard drive, and grabbing whatever the hell’s on there with a usb connection are over

Independent repair shops are going to suffer big time from this.

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There are portals scattered throughout the land which will only respond to the presence of the sacred fedstones. Once you've gathered all of the fedstones, lay them out before a portal and step through. Only those brave enough leave our realm know what secrets the great Fediverse holds.

Nice try, glowboy

I am completely guilty of this line of thinking. 'We' knew this long ago. 'We' being the minority of the population who took the extra modicum of effort to even think about the issue.

I genuinely thought it was slang for Mullvad. Thanks, I stand corrected.