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Joined 3 months ago

Saudi Human rights commission is like marriage counseling in a brothel.

ze button and launching ze nukes.

But I'm Le tired.

Have a nap, then FIRE ZE MISSILE!

Phew, I was really worried someone was gonna cut poor mike.

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A little off topic but I've been listening to the Alex Jones depositions on the knowledge fight podcast (highly recommend) and that was kinda similar. Not in a cognitive test way, but seeing his fish gallop technique running into a wall is so satisfying.

For example the plaintiffs lawyer asks a question, Jones uses that as a jumping off point for one of his famous nonsense rants and they just let him ramble for 2 minutes and then the lawyer answers in a very calm manner - "Mr. Jones, that was not my question, my question was ..." Repeatedly until they got a straight answer, "Mr Jones I have all day to get the answers I need."

Once or twice the lawyer even interrupted him with "Babababab! Please just answer my question!" Or "What are you even talking about?" Jones was so caught in his show persona that he stood no chance of avoiding to answer unpleasant questions.

His dad was way more in control of the court room, giving yes or no answers, keeping it short, like someone who listens to his lawyers should do.

The scariest dude in the depositions was one of his editors, a nice sounding guy, who hated Alex Jones, knew that what they were doing was harmful bullshit but continued to do it for years without caring about the impact. The mundanity of evil.

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Plot twist: it's just furry porn written by some lunatic with a made up daughter

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You better not smoke it with 20+ open wounds in your mouth...

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Berthold Brecht:

Anyone who stays at home when the war begins and lets others fight for their cause must be careful: because whoever did not share the fight will share the defeat.

Doesn't matter if true or not, I choose to believe this now. Nobody ask for sources!

Who cares what this living example for why you should take your meds has to say?

I feel like all this attention it brought him only amplified his mental disorders. I sincerely hope that he is getting the help he clearly needs and that the media will leave him alone for the sake of his sanity.

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It's hard to tell

Not the only thing that is hard right now.

He had been hired by Sangamon county despite two charges of driving under the influence, the Springfield State Journal-Register reported, and had worked for other law enforcement agencies in Illinois for seven years before arriving in Springfield.

From the linked article

Well, one of her kids is obese, and I would call that abuse.

Personally I wouldn't be so quick to judge on that. 1 out of 3 kids we can see in the photos is overweight, the other two look healthy. There might be something else at play with that one child, which is out of her control, we don't know that.

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Culture war bullshit

And before


an evil fascist that never bombed any innocent people in foreign lands?

Tell me that time that Trump dropped bombs on anyone.


He supported way fewer bombs ings

I didn't lie about shit.

You did, repeatedly in the same thread. Your goalpost repeatedly moved so you can throw out empty insults like :

Work on reading comprehension.

I don't know if you are a troll, a Russian paid professional troll, a shill or an idiot but I do know that you are a liar.

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I am deeply sorry for expressing the inner response I had upon reading these holy texts. I long to better myself and only wish that some day I might cross unto the plane of higher understanding only true masters of eloquency like you can achieve, so that I might not flood the sacred halls of understanding and wisdom with my measly attempts at conveying a feeling that overcame me. One can just dream of reaching such a form of enlightened humanity to not dirty this truly intellectual exchange of minds with such a lowly response. My regrets at such blasphemy in the face of these holiest forms of pursuit for true knowledge is unbearable. My only hope is that I have not hindered the epiphanies surely to blossom out of the riddle of the mysterious white box on the wall. Were it not for enlightened minds like yours, the world would surely crumble and collapse into nothingness and we all are deeply thankful for your selfless and brave acts against the evils of this world.

I will now retreat to silence in order to chastise myself, so that I might come out of this shameful exhibition of my intellectual shortcomings as a better person.

::: spoiler spoiler Could've just said that this was a low effort comment, I would've agreed, your holier than thou bullshit can stay at home. It costs you nothing to be kind. :::

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For example Hypothyroidism, Cushing syndrome, pco-syndrome or lipedema and several metabolic deficiencies. Then there's also a plethora of psychological issues that can influence the metabolism and eating habits negatively. Even the social status has an proven effect on the bodyweight.

All we have is a couple of pictures of the child, it's impossible to tell what is going on.

Hitler was a young man at that time, don't forget that. Time History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes.

Seeing him ramble in a video is bad already, but to write his nonsense out makes it so much worse, it's hilarious.

I heard the other day – And this isn’t anything, I’m just saying. They’ll say ‘he was rambling.’ I don’t ramble. I’m a really smart guy. You know, I’m really smart. I don’t ramble. But the other day – any time I hit too hard, they say he was rambling. Rambling?

You know, I get up, and I make a speech, I go for sometimes two hours, two and half hours because, you know, people are waiting outside for three days, four days. You guys were waiting out there for a long time! Front Row Joes are waiting, I don’t know how you guys do it.

And I feel I have an obligation to speak, and speak in a certain way, and speak a little bit longer. You know, how would you like it, a guy’s waiting with his family for three and a half, four days. They have a tent and the tent is set up. They have hundreds of them, and they wait. And then I walk in, speak for 15 minutes and leave. I don’t know somehow, would that be okay, North Carolina? I don’t think so. Right.

They want me to speak all day. You know, when I leave – I did one, two hours and 15 minutes and I’m leaving and they’re screaming, no, sir. More. We want to hear more. I can’t, I can’t speak more. What the hell else am I going to say? Our country is going to hell. That’s all I can say. We’re a nation in decline.

You know, we were talking about that before. My phrases are copied so much, right? I use I use the term, often times in closing, we are a nation in decline. We are a failed nation. And I think it’s a beautiful phrase. Although I don’t like the topic very much, I don’t like what it represents. But there’s a certain beauty. All of a sudden all of these candidates, including Republicans, are saying we are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation. And I say, you know, what the hell do they have to copy me for? Right?

But they have a lot of words that they copy. Many of our words. We were in the plane before coming in, and our people said we went through a list. I think we’re going to release a list, let’s release it. But so many of our phrases they copy. I should be really, that should be a nice thing, not an insult. But crazy Bernie Sanders has said a lot of things…
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You can come up with a better reaction than the AIs can, give it a shot sometime.

As expressly asked for by you, you ding dong.

Haha you're stupid, do better

*Does better

Haha you actually tried


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an evil fascist that never bombed any innocent people in foreign lands?

You, 2hrs ago.

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You know what, I think I don't actually need a trolly comment police in my life so off to my block filter you gooooo!!! Byyyyeeee <3

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Isn't Fuentes one of the few guys who embraces the label?

Or do I just think that because he is one of those who doesn't dog whistle and is just saying.Nazi stuff openly?

Either way, that dude is super scary because he is not stupid, he knows exactly what games hes playing and he is better at it than for example Alex Jones.

Fortunately he is still too crass for regular people.

Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536), Dutch Renaissance humanist:"To what corner of the world do they not fly, these swarms of new books?"

I think people were concerned about that kind of scenario since the invention of the printing press, if not the written word itself. Not trying to dismiss the destructive potential the Internet can and will have in the future, just pointing out, that this kind of fear is not new.

This would be a good time for German unions to present an initiative.

German workers protection and union laws are pretty solid, I wouldn't worry about that too much.

Several American ventures had a pretty rude awakening after challenging them. Ever wondered why we don't have Walmart or Uber over here? Ubers activities are very limited in Germany because of worker protection laws and Walmart retreated from the German market over it, among other issues with German culture and law.

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The only good shit is coming to terms with the inevitable passage of time and to not stigmatize the process of aging. We'll all get wrinkles eventually, get used to it.

When gaming on the couch I just put a neck roll on my stomach and rest the deck on there.

Gnnnhhhh ...engage! Sound of water splashing

God the Internet sucks nowadays

That's nonsense, GPT would form more coherent sentences.

Adding to all the good ideas in hope I haven't over read it -

There's sleeves for woods and other taller clubs, you can have it embroidered with custom designs, like names or something.

My dad had one that looked like a turtle, maybe there's something nice for her. I like that you can customize it.

My grandpa took issue with the seagulls harassing everything else in his backyard, so he bought a slingshot and shot them with grapes "They don't get hurt by a squishy grape, they get scared and the pigeons are happy about the grapes"

Fuck you! upvotes

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