8 Post – 297 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not trans exclusive, just a lot of trans people here (including me)

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He specifically walked on water during a storm, and assuming he wasn't violently moving up and down, he was moving independently of the water, so i expect he would stand still

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The reflection doesn't match what's in front of the mirror, so they probably just edited in a different picture

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As a sexual, can everyone sexualize me specifically at all times?

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Imo an important point to add is that sexualized characters aren't inherently bad. It's only bad when all or nearly all characters are sexualized. I like media with hot dudes, chicks, and everyhting else, but if all characters from 1 group are sexualized, then it gets weird

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Coyote stuff. You wouldn't understand.

Pretty sure it's not the games that are the problem in most cases. I semi-frequently go through depressive episodes, and it doesn't matter how good the game (or any other hobby) is, I just can't have fun with it

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hey i didn't know prager u did python! they're just defing a variable (RACISM) and setting the value to a string (BAD)

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Me when I see unattended copper wire

Damn apparently you're a poet too


i joined because i wanted to join the reason this is the largest 196 community on lemmy is because like-minded users had the same idea. i don't care if is hosted with, but this 196 should stay where it is as long as there are users here.

If it really is that they don't care, correcting them every time might be your best bet. Make it more annoying for them to misgender you and they'll eventually stop. This also works if they just keep forgetting, but may not work if they are doing it maliciously.

Just to watch him die

How am i supposed to understand with no cum

So have a lot of small groups

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Ok hear me out:

Two very tall stacks of people with penises standing facing each other. Then you can use the penises like a ladder.


Originally, the only rule was to post before you leave, so if someone accidentally clicked the subreddit, they would usually just pick a random meme and title it rule because its liw effort

Protect no people, enforce no laws, know no laws?

That's just the piracy community


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If you hit start and type, it has the same function

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They don't understand you

Ok but the little one is pretty much the size of a medium dog

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In anarcho-capitalism, the person with the most money is indestinguishable from the state, they're just called something else.

And yes, i did drink paint. Mmm tasty ๐Ÿ˜‹๐ŸŽจ

as someone in that country, 0% of it is worthy of living in

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No, they share part of a phrase with pirates. If they were a subset, their circle would be entirely within the pirate circle

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Don't listen to the people in the comments OP, if you like your font, keep using it

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Ganon is trans mtam (male to alpha male)

I vote stop using honorifics entirely

A normal swap space is a partition on a hard drive that is used as overflow for ram. It allows the computer to continue working if all the ram is being used.

As far as using google drive as a swap, i have no idea how that would be implemented, but if it's real, the computer would just upload overflow memory to g drive.

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Steal from bad stores to make them leave, buy from good stores to make them stay

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Not to be a dick or anything, but don't have the motivation to finish the post

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Literally impossible to code every bosrd state, so forever

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as a vegan linux user...



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showering daily is fine, and necessary for a lot of people

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He brings his new family

Some terfs are saying it is a slur to try to get people to stop calling the that