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Kinda, I guess we all can agree it’s more typical to deserialize into POJO where theres is no such thing as missing field. Otherwise why would you choose Java if you don’t use types. This great precondition for various stupid hacks to achieve „patching” resources, like blank strings or negative numbers for positive-only fields or even Optional as a field.

Half of it is fragile CEO ego reply

Coz money?

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Please, can you give an example of such code snippets? I’m wondering what people consider reusable in different projects.

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weekend = dayOfWeek > 5

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I got narrative but isn’t Jan 7 is orthodox thing not Russia/soviet thing. I mean, I don’t care how people celebrate their imaginary friends but it just weird

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To me, generated code should not be committed at all. Again, I know nothing about this stack but code generators can have different behavior on different machines due to versions, flags and even OS. To deliver consistent results they should run in consistent env. It’s build time concern which CI/CD should take care of.

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I like (no) how everyone knows this is about everybody’s mental health but you can only push things these days if iT iS aBoUt cHilDrEn or other touchy topic. Apparently adults can’t have mental health issues I guess, otherwise how will they do their jobs for cents

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I don’t think loop vs recursion choice is what significantly impacts performance in most cases. Most of the software I saw, suffer performance because of wrong API design or overall architecture. If app needs to fetch 100 objects from API which can provide only one object at the time no optimization will save that app.

App team - we need bulk API.

API team - cannot because of capacity, budget, backward compatibility, DB, 3rd patry API, not a KPI

Also it’s mostly QAs measuring performance and validating it with product guidelines which set by person who mostly detached from specific product and sometimes reality.

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Rather, there are too many indifferent and/or supporters so no doubts that protests will be suppressed.

On the other hand, Russians show off a lot but when time comes to action they behave like pussies. Protests like „Let’s all be friends. War is bad”. What a joke. Look how brutal are French protests.

Agree. I find “get started” usually is the best way to give an example of “entry point” to API. After that API documentation should get anyone covered for most of the cases. If API is big then it probably has primary and secondary set of features. Secondary then can be covered as tutorials.

How about SQL in PostgreSql? query: select array_length(Array[]::text[], 1) Output: null

Dont get me wrong JS is still awful

I didn’t get do you do integrations besides of your DB.

To me architecture sounds good anyway. I’m not GO dev but it looks like stack is your main problem not architecture itself. Multiple models is great long term approach which makes sure you are not leaking implementation details of your persistence/3rd party services to your client. You have layer of mappers where you can enrich model in optimal way and at the same time you can accommodate whatever client request/payload quirks you may need. Yes it’s sometimes annoying to add one field and pass it across all layers but it’s the price and software development is all about balance and compromises. I worked in projects that didn’t follow this architecture and any kind of change in DB/3rd party were cascading through entire application so end up changing hundreds of files instead of couple of models and few mappers

You may have issues with this architecture if you invoke services directly one from another for complex use cases. This can couple things together. If that’s what’s happening think if can apply Facade. Try using/reusing more trivial and focused services in Facade to make sure that for example Order service does not depend on Client service. Leave it to ClientOrderFacade.

My first reaction what like ”yes, of course!”. Then I realized you are talking about others people’s phone, not about choosing your phone :D

The only good reason I can see is privacy since SMS not encrypted. But those people most likely ask to switching to Insta, WhatsApp or other BS platform, so I doubt it’s about privacy. The only logical reasons left - they are addicted to those platforms / they value platform more than you / they just PoS

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What do you mean obsolete? People who buy new phone every year will buy new one regardless of is it iPhone or Android.

iPhones actually last longer, especially flagship models. My iPhone 5s (2013) was with me for 7 years and still in use by my relatives. It got around 6 years of iOS updates. Even my low-end iPhone SE (2 gen) from 2020 runs perfectly and still gets latest iOS.

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First of all, what you are doing is integration via DB. Unless that was conscious, I would avoid using this approach. System is much easier to manage when DB/schema used at most by one app. You have two ways to achieve it, move towards micro-services or monolith. Yes monolith is still great for some use cases.

If we talking about your current system state every app should do changes in most backward compatible way. It worst cases it will lead to duplications. Let’s say if you want to change table X because there is such need for app A and at the same time app B uses this table. Instead of modifying X you create table Y that satisfies needs of A and make sure that data written into Y as well as into X to maintain B.


But it doesn’t make sense. If I would have people which I like so much in the office would, you know, go to the office. If I don’t wonna go well… then I don’t like those people enough and there can’t be bonds anyway. We will just come, say hi, do job, go home. What a great creativity boost

I prefer LEMmy UseR -> lemur

It’s called replica :)

It’s Jython and it’s like 25 years old

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As a non-native speaker I find woman more offensive than female. Noun male/female puts all as equal. Girls, boys, birds, ponies. Woman, though, seems to be de-attached. Especially when talking about humankind it’s common to refer to humans as just „man”. „No man been there”, „for all mankind”, „dog is a man’s best friend”. As it applies to man only and woman doesn’t count

My colleague was working on migrating around dozens of batch jobs written in Java. All jobs had JPA/Hibernate but people which were writing those jobs didn’t understand abstraction and encapsulation. It end-up as vendor locked as you can imagine. Procedures, reading cursors, Oracle specific functions, metadata, logic spread between Java and PL/Sql, all the fun stuff, you know. So it took around one year of work to migrate to Postgres. And that’s with support of DBA who was helping with rewriting most complicated queries and procs. So yeah, don’t worry about that DBMS specific features.

Don’t get me wrong, though. Efforts spent on making design decisions should be proportional to potential size/complexity growth of the software. If you building todo list , how many different queries you might have in fairly pessimistic scenarios? Maybe couple dozens. Don’t bother with JPQL or HQL. If you expect your app to grow significantly. I’d do as much as possible to avoid my colleague’s fate.

Good I’m staying away from both

Top ten comments do not mention typo. What a hell is going on. It’s Lenuks, not Linux

  • Eto voenkomat? Eto voenkomat?

I don’t know. Maybe read article. It says „Korean military”. According to them stock Android with 3rd party security app is acceptable and has no security concerns. Article itself highlights that 3rd party security apps are inferior and security holes in Android OS are basically neglected by Korean military since they will be addressed in updates at some point.

OS does not matter when approach to security so superficial. Judging by this article Korean military has less robust security practices than some banks.

Everyone here talking about some hypothetical Android based custom OS built for Korean military which does not exist and it is not what Korean military doing. They are allowing stock Android OS with „security app”. Not surprised they are not building custom OS because it is economically idiotic idea. You need army of cyber security experts familiar with Android OS architecture that will review whole OS code and customize for military. Then you need to pen-test it and keep on doing it on each upstream OS update or fork it and maintain internally. Which is another can of worms coz you’ll need to make sure internal fork works fine with up-to-date versions of apps. Otherwise you just have dumb smartphone with higher risk of vulnerabilities in outdated apps. At this point as I said, just force sensitive staff to use dumb phone or internal landline.

And don’t tell me “but Samsung is Korean they can do it for Korean military”. It doesn’t not change the fact that it will cost astronomical amount of money and time. Can Samsung do it? Probably yes. Will Korean military be able to offer enough money to probably the only local company that can do it which also has revenue of approx. 20% of Korea’s GDP. I doubt.

They can have no part in war by overthrowing government that not considering their peoples’ will. Can’t believe how gutless Russians when it comes to regime

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No it’s how Python wants you to format. Many times I want to separate two logical sections in one function and can’t coz Python go crazy

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Any software is “trust me bro” or you personally read through all source code of all software you are using? Question is can you make accountable bunch of folks from github or legal entity?

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I’ll tell it again. You’ll have security concerns on any Internet/Bluetooth capable device. There is no software without vulnerabilities. There is software in which vulnerabilities were not found, yet. Also, the biggest attack vector is human

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Oh no kids can get to know how fucked up is this world. Maybe parents should’ve think about it when they were buying smartphone to 5 years olds

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Lol. Android phones definitely have no security concerns. Any internet/Bluetooth capable device can be potentially compromised. Just use Nokia 3310

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